***October 2016 ACT Thread***

^^^^^ few other

@lhw1998 https://redd.it/5bgxzk
For further info on curves

The idea colleges receive scores before we do would only be possible with non-writing ACT tests.

Scores aren’t sent to colleges until the writing section is completed.

@jpgranier is correct, scores are not sent until the score report is ready which is a complete file with composite and writing scores.

@Jpgranier you are correct

my score comes out on my birthday lol

My status changed

Do the high schools receive scores early?

No change for my daughter. How do you know it changed? Where should we look? Also, does anyone know the next release date after Nov 8?

@repoodles i believe they release them every Wednesday and Friday’s by 8AM CST and if you click on the left side of the screen where it says your test dates and history, it’ll bring up all your test dates and on the right side it’ll either say tested or registered.

@redpoodles My September ACT didn’t turn to ‘tested’ until 3 hours before the release.

Also, sad to see they fixed the glitch from a few years ago so we could see them early…lol

Just turned to tested!! so excited !!

Still registered:(

Officially “tested”!

Still no status change :frowning:

All, when you post status change to “tested”, can you tell us your geography (country/state)?

Maybe a pattern there…or not

Tested from PA

Tested from Texas

Registered from india