<p>llpitch.....but apparantly means that they are relying on some information or research to get the results. so I thought apparantly made sense</p>
<p>"changed "others" to africans...(I'm not sure why now, but I remember that there was something in the question that made me feel really strong about this answer)"</p>
<p>Same here....if I only I knew the question</p>
<p>For the apparently/on the other hand question.</p>
<p>I think the only problem with apparently is that it sounds awkward in the sentence. but the question asks which BEST shows that the researchers don't know much about her.</p>
<p>so i really think it was apparently. =/</p>
<p>Yeah I guess I didn't really understand the question/choices. Man...there goes my quest for a 36.</p>
<p>ok guys for the "apparently" and the "on the other hand" question...i dont even remember the question but from what i have read i see that the question was asking which choice would make it seem that the historians would know little about the person?? </p>
<p>so i looked up apparently in the dictionary just now..</p>
<li> readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent.</li>
<li> capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain or clear; obvious: The solution to the problem was apparent to all...</li>
<p>so from the looks of it how can apparently convey uncertainty??</p>
<p>that sounds more like "apparent"
you left out the third definition on dictionary.com</p>
<li> according to appearances, initial evidence, incomplete results, etc.; ostensible rather than actual: He was the apparent winner of the election.</li>
<p>so it's like he wasn't sure, so he basically said, "According to this, blah blah"</p>
<p>if you have to say "according to" or "apparently", then you aren't sure yourself but you are getting information from elsewhere</p>
<p>dude just trust me it is apparently</p>
<p>what was the answer to the question that had the following choices</p>
<p>A. No change ('What' i think)
B. As
C. Which
D. (choice that was totally wrong)</p>
<p>It was in the Three Sisters passage.</p>
<p>What the sisters knew, corn had grown.....</p>
<p>I chose B.</p>
<p>As definitely sounds correct there but I don't really remember that question anymore.</p>
<p>Spaz - "as" was definitely the correct answer on that one.</p>
<p>This may be kinda late, but does any1 remember question 14 on the English section. It asked for what would be the best conclusion of the last paragraph based on the last sentence. </p>
<p>I narrowed it down to 2 answer choices. Something to do with the ''next millennium'' or ''all the work she produced was in ink?''</p>
<p>i put next millennium</p>
<p>I'm not sure I remember the question but I do remember that answer choice...and I think I put next millenium as my answer.</p>