October delayed scores - quality ctrl?

<p>I took the October SAT, but my scores got delayed and are still not released.</p>

<p>I have called and emailed CB numerous times since the score release date, which was Oct 24 for most of the people. Until yesterday, they told me that my test is simply not scored yet and my scores will come out in 7 to 10 working days. However, yesterday when I called them they transferred me to a department called Office of Test Integrity (which I assume is a part of ETS). The office's agent told me that my essay portion was included in quality control process, and it will take a few weeks. She also said that whether my scores will be released or not is based on the outcome of the process. When I asked her what quality control is and why my test was chosen for it, she refused to answer, insisting that it's internal info or sth.</p>

<p>I don't even understand what the heck this ETS is doing to my scores, and am very frustrated because I put in SO MUCH EFFORT into this test. Is there anyone who has experienced a similar thing or is currently doing so? Also, do you guys know what quality control is, why some tests are included in it and how long this process usually take? I really hope my scores will come out in the end because I dedicated myself to this test and took it honestly, without cheating. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for help. :)</p>

<p>Did you plagiarized on your essay (may be some pre-memorized points from the internet or something like that)? Did any of your section in the same part( CR or Maths or writing) go particularly well than other two section of the same part? Did you copy some answers from test takers on your proximity? Quality control means that they are conforming if you took the test with ANY forms of cheating. you may (or may not) be in a serious trouble because I know a student whose score was so delayed (and later cancelled) that he couldn’t apply to colleges that year. Consider taking the tests again and register if the score aren’t available by the dec or jan registration deadline. Gud luck and calm down! they now they are dealing with someone’s life and will finish it as fast as they can.</p>

<p>No, I have not done anything that might cause problems (cheating, plagiarism) during the test.
Nor did I have a dramatic increase in score, because the biggest increase I can get at this point is smaller than 150 points anyway.</p>

<p>Yesterday I received a letter regarding my delayed scores:
October 25, 2013
We at ETS are highly committed to quality standards and fairness. After every test administration, we go to great lengths to make sure each test result we report is accurate and valid. It is with this objective in mind that we sometimes take additional quality control steps before scores are released.
For the reasons stated above, your October 5, 2013 SAT scores are delayed because they are under administrative review. This review is routinely performed on each test score in certain circumstances and may take up to four weeks. We hope you realize only accurate and valid test results are meaningful and helpful to their recipients.
At the conclusion of our review, you will be notified only if there are questions concerning your scores. Otherwise your scores will be reported to you and to schools you have designated to receive reports. If you have not heard from us in approximately two weeks from today, you can call me at 609-406-5760 or <a href="mailto:hhenry@ets.org">hhenry@ets.org</a> between 8:30AM and 5:00PM Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Our fax number is 1-609-406-9709.
Hughonette Henry
Hughonette Henry
for the SAT College Board Program

<p>Please note the letter says Oct 25th. I asked why I was sent the letter on Nov 7th when it was supposed to be sent on Oct 25th. Then, she just changed the date into Nov 8th and sent it again today. I don’t know what kind of process the ETS is going through, but I can tell its service is of an unacceptable quality. I also wonder if my scores are being investigated because I’m a Korean (although I live outside Korea)and probably scored very high on this test (I got everything right according to the Oct 2013 SAT thread). </p>

<p>Please, anyone with similar prblms or who had experienced this thing, share your experience with me. Thanks.</p>

<p>I’ve read about tighter test controls. Who knows what they are but if you’re legit then things should be okay. </p>

<p>Possible controls - Computerized scanning of essays for plagiarism. Recycling test questions but with a small twist in the question, resulting in change to the old answer. Constantly giving old answers to new questions will show that the questions were memorized in advance. Computerized comparison to answer sheets tangent to the assigned seat location. Like kind answer sheets could cause a problem.</p>