October Score Report

<p>Woah. When I first checked it I got this new score report format that showed me everything including the hardness of the questions i got wrong and in what category. </p>

<p>But then I just checked it again and the format of the score report reverted back to its old stage that barely shows anything.</p>

<p>Was this a mess up by CB?</p>

<p>same thing happened to me, and when I saw the new one, they asked to fill out a quick survey.</p>

<p>You know what, thye are probably gonna charge for that nice report and now removed it to start charging for it. </p>

<p>This is the message I got when I wen tback in my history to retrieve it:</p>

<p>Error message # epsdatbeal431194390589327
We're sorry, the SAT online registration and scores services are temporarily unavailable. Please try again later to access our services. Thank you for your patience</p>

<p>I didnt get a survey thing though. But w/e got to see all the info i needed before they took it down ahhahaha</p>

<p>A weird mystery on behalf of CB lol</p>

<p>how was the oct curve?</p>

<p>OMFG. The math curve was horrible! I only missed two and I got a 750. I'm so ticked.</p>

<p>which one? IC or the IIC?</p>

<p>Neither, from Reasoning Test.</p>

<p>Ah, my bad.</p>

<p>Beginning in fall 2007: the SAT online score report now shows you more about how you performed on each section of the SAT Reasoning Testâ„¢. It gives you the types of questions, level of difficulty, and how many in each group of questions you answered correctly, incorrectly, or omitted. Percentile information has also been enhanced to give you better comparisons with other groups of test-takers.</p>

<p>Benefits of the SAT Online Score Report:</p>

<pre><code>* Your SAT scores online anywhere—at home and at school
* A printable copy of your actual essay response
* Useful information about your scores, such as the number of questions that you answered right, wrong, or omitted, the total number of questions, your raw score, and the percentiles for college-bound seniors based on the test you took.

<p>Anyways I believe there was a bug in the new score report so they're fixing it.</p>

<p>For March and May, I got -7 for math and got a 690 while I got -6 in October and got a 680. Pretty angry...</p>

<p>^^Dude, that must suck.</p>


<p>Yeah, it was way brutal, especially compared to CR...</p>

<p>i checked my score report around 3:30 EST and got the nice breakdown of everything including diffuicult and how many wrong and write for each. i just checked it again and it was the other one, but i didn't get a survery. wonder why they changed it?</p>

<p>Probably just a bug like 8parks11 said.</p>

<p>CR was HARD though...</p>

<p>CR curve was generous</p>

<p>im so friggin mad cuz i went on and did the wrong section once, leaving me with less than enough time for math, and ended up getting 1 wrong and 4 omit, with a 700 math score. If i had done it right, I would have at least had a 760</p>