Hi there, I’m currently a high school senior applying to UCI Nursing. I was just wondering what my odds are based on some of the following info…
-4.32 GPA
-No SAT because COVID and all
-Class President 4 years (organized Homecoming float during teacher strike, planned junior prom, fundraisers, meetings, etc)
-Surf camp instructor 4 years
-Volunteered with local surfrider foundation and started local movement, even got featured in newspaper!
-Cal State History Day finalist
-Two healthcare career education seminars on Zoom (1st one was local and 4 weeks, 2nd is through UC Davis and will be about 6 weeks)
-Was signed up for a program where I do hospital rotations for the summer but COVID cancelled it
I have some more things but these are my major achievements I’d say.
Does anyone happen to know how many students got accepted Fall 2020 and what their average GPAs were? I read that nursing prioritizes by GPA so I was wondering if I even stand a chance. Thanks.