Odds of Getting into USC for a master in Supply Chain

Hello guys, would you please help me out and give me your opinions

I was wondering if it is easy to into the supply chain master program for USC.
I have a bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, With a 3.0 GPA. I have 1 year of work experience as a manufacturing engineer. Recently just got accepted for a job in supply chain. I have not taking the GMAT yet.

Should I even try due to my low GPA? does this program accept alot of ppl?

A 700 plus GMAT may balance your mediocre GPA.

Generally, the classes for the engineering degree (and other STEM programs) are more difficult than classes for other undergraduate programs (liberal arts, social sciences, business, economic, etc.). Graduate business schools, in general, will accept an engineering applicant who has a little lower GPA than the non engineering (or STEM) applicant. This assumes that everything else (GMAT, work experience, etc.) is equal.

I am also applying to USC Marshall
for the full-time MBA program
My G.P.A. is 3.59
GMAT Equivalent (V+Q)=750 … AWA:6.0(99th). GMAT (AWA+V+Q)=770-780
USC Marshall says the average GPA of accepted students Is 3.3 and average GMAT is 690 (640-730 10-90th percentile range)
I say you have a shot (if you score GMAT >700), so you might as well apply
The acceptance rate is 29% I believe

Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer