Odds please

<p>Please let me know about my chances for ED 1:</p>

<p>White Male
GPA: 3.8-3.85 unweighted
ACT: 33 composite
AP: 5 AB Calc, 5 Spanish, Taking Bio, Chem, Physics B this year
Rigorous schedule- lots of honors/5 AP's</p>

NHS, SNHS, Student Connections Committee, Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, Math League, Chem Olympiad</p>

<p>Average/Strong Recs
Average/Strong Essay- how student teaching changed my perception of learning
Interview went pretty well.</p>

<p>I will be playing baseball- I think the coach sent an evaluation of me in along with my application.</p>

<p>What is your class rank? A 3.85 GPA is hard to evaluate.</p>

<p>Any leadership roles in your ECs?</p>

<p>If your answers are "top 10-15%" and "yes", then I think you have a great shot.</p>

<p>My rank is 7/310- my unweighted GPA is 4.10 (A in college level class- 4.0, A in advanced class-4.25, A in honors/AP- 4.5) I don't lead but I am active in EC's- I'm lead advertiser for Student Connections, and for SNHS I am the top tutor. </p>

<p>My school is public but it is a strong academically in comparison to surrounding public schools</p>

<p>What a weird weighting system :P
Hard to say, but I think you have a good shot.</p>

<p>I agree, you have a good shot. Good luck!</p>

<p>Accepted- Thanks guys!</p>


<p>Congrats! As I've been telling everyone, if you have any questions about Wes (dorms, ECs, Greeks, food, etc) feel free to PM me.</p>