
<p>Okay I've never posted here before but I was dying to know:</p>

<p>My current status on Minerva is "Reviewed - Decision Pending."</p>

<p>SAT scores:
Writing - 760
CR - 720
Math - 660
(total 2140)</p>

<p>AP American History - 4 on the test
4 more AP tests to be taken this year (Biology, Calc AB, English Lit, Spanish Language)
Unweighted (my school doesn't weight) GPA: 3.999
Applied to Arts faculty, and I'm American.</p>

<p>So... what am I looking at... and when should I hear?
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>You’ll definetely hear by the end of March, but your stats look fine to me…although I’m not going to lie, a lot of Americans are applying to McGill this year. Three of my friends applied this year from my school and in the past, I think only one has applied in the last five years. I think it has to do with the economy and all, but I wouldn’t worry too much…good luck though!</p>

<p>It doesnt matter how many americans apply, there are no quotas. As long as your numbers are good enough than you will most likely get in, based on the info that I got at the open house.</p>

<p>yeah, you should be good. i know someone who got 1960 and already has an acceptance.</p>

<p>fjaril is right - there are no quotas, but since Americans usually get decisions before Canadians, I think it’s taking them more time to process things with the increase in number of applicants…just a thought.</p>

<p>Okay awesome! Thanks a lot =)</p>