Off Campus Housing

<p>I was told that you get housing all 4 years at UCM but I dont know if that still stands, so how is housing off of campus? Will they build dorms on campus or on campus apartments? Also around how many people are there on weekands I was thinking of starting a games club when I get there, we would play big games like fugitive and stick-em (assassin) and other such massive/amazing games.</p>

<p>they are currently building more dorms on campus which should be complete around 2010?
I cant say anything about off campus housing but there seems to be plenty of places available.
As for weekends, it’s dead for the most part. Almost everyone goes back home during the weekend, not much to do out in Merced.</p>

<p>There are many apartments off campus that are 5-10 minute drives to the campus. There are also many house for rent or rooms for rent to UCM students. Average price is about $400-450 a month, utilities included. UCM is in the process of building their 3rd phase of dorms.
IMO I would live off campus to save money; however, living on campus is very convenient since your walking distance from the lecture hall and next to the dining commons. The only bad thing is there is no kitchen in the dorms that I know of so, your stuck with dinning food or food from the city. Also, your given $2k dollars to spend each semester, you don’t get to choose your meal plan, and it is non-transferable to the next school year.</p>