Off-Topic Discussion from "Colleges Crossed Off List or Moved Up After Visiting"

Reminds me of “No Radio” signs of the 80s.


Little known bio fact: bears have 98% the same DNA as teenaged boys.


This is true. The other night, I think a large deer gave me a cocky nod, sitting comfortably under a nearby tree as I rolled into the garage. Occasionally you meet some deer who are remarkably chill.


I went to Lehigh. You get used to the hills. They arent bad. And at 50, I still have killer legs.


With respect to Bethlehem’s topography, those familiar with Blue Zones research might infer an association between the regular walking of hills such as Lehigh’s and improved health and extended longevity.


My D liked visiting the Lehigh campus. I struggled with the hills and my husband said, “This is why 50 year olds do not go to college.”


I’d love to - just can find enough downhills to do so.


Thank you BoroDad!

Now if I can only get S24 to complete his Seton Hall app sooner…

There are several pages about the honors college the courses do appear pretty interesting (at least to me) but it appears if you are in honors and the Diplomacy/IR. Program then you have to give up some electives to do honors. So keep that in mind.

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There is a Seton Hall thread for 2024. FYI

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We live about 30 minutes from Bennington College. Definitely do your research. Kids can be VERY unhappy there. There is not a lot to do, and it has a big drug/alcohol scene. Unless you find your people, kids are very isolated.


My daughter is a freshman at SU and thinks the food is good! Just surprising that you’d cross off a school because of the food, but to each his own!


@LAP23 “Unless you find your people, kids are very isolated.”

Do you think this is because the student population is so small (under 1000 students as of 2022?) Heaven forbid that you have a personal issue with someone or a group of students, it could get very lonely very quickly. My DD passed on a school with 2200 kids, saying, “That’s a small population. One bad party and you’re eating alone for a semester.”

We live within an hour of campus as well and are familiar with some of the concerns.

“My daughter is a freshman at SU and thinks the food is good! Just surprising that you’d cross off a school because of the food, but to each his own!”

We visited and thought the food was fine. I can’t remember which little restaurant we went to in the large food place but it was not bad at all. I would eat that as a student.

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Freshman son at Syra cuse and he doesnt love the food but eats enough. For the cost of room and board you would think the food could be a bit better honestly. There are enough options I think to get by. My daughter might cross off a school because of not liking the school colors so there’s more trivial reasons to slim the list!

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While I don’t think she’s taken it off the list because she really did like the academic programs they offer, the food situation has given her pause. She’s particular about food, that’s just her. My other kid would be just fine with the food.

Food was a big consideration for my D22. Actually … she never said anything but it was a big consideration for me when we were looking for a school for her. Because of a medicine she is on, she has little appetite. If she doesn’t have food she likes, she just won’t eat. And that’s not good. So we (mostly me) definitely looked for a place where she liked the food and felt comfortable in the dining area(s). And we (again me) wanted an all you can eat plan because we didn’t want her counting swipes or worried about cost.


Did you find many “all you can eat” schools? That seemed to be pretty standard back when I was a student, but at least at the schools we visited, it all seemed to be pay as you go now — up to the limits of your meal plan.


Well some let you “all you can eat” as far as what you can “fit” into one swipe – but there’ll be limited number of swipes per semester.

So limited as far as the number of meals, but not necessarily the amount per each meal.

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