Hey guys,
I just had my UIC Honors College interview yesterday and wanted to ask yall a few questions. This will also be the primary form of communication to report any admission results for the Honors College as well as GPPA Medicine, Dental, Pharmacy, etc… Ok… so once the Honors College interview is completed, can you guys explain the next steps in the process? I know that there were two additional interviews in the past, but is it still the same process for this year? Thanks, also if you guys have any questions to ask the community this is the thread to post it in. Good luck to everyone!!!

cmon guys, yall in gppa lets talk about this

Hi! I’m applying to the GPPA dental program and have my honors college interview coming up at the end of the month. Do you have any tips or pointers for the interview?

As for your question, there is one more interview that you need to do for the GPPA program specifically. I have heard from many that if you are called back for a GPPA interview, you are most likely to be accepted into the program. In that interview, they focus mainly on why you chose the career path that you did and why you deserve a guaranteed seat.

Did anyone get an interview for gppa medicine? My D got an interview yesterday, she has an honors interview pending. what questions are usually asked?

@purplecabbage, GPPA medicine interviews are not scheduled yet to the best of my knowledge. They will release in one/two batches and first batch supposed to be this week. Are you referring to honors college interview?

@ttpatel3122, I heard GPPA dental and nursing interviews are combined with honors college interviews. Unlike GPPA medicine, there won’t be any separate second interview. I got this info during my visit to UIC. Hope this helps.

@brucewayne1998 did you visit UIC recently? A friend of mine is in the GPPA dental program but went through two sets of interviews.

I have my UIC GPPA Medicine Interview on 1-24-17. Wish me luck!

@ttpatel3122 I have been told during the visit, they will have one interview (honors interview) for GPPA non-medicine programs. However Honors is not a requirement for GPPA.

@Ammurica: how was GPPA interview?

anyone still waiting to hear back about a gppa med interview?

Has anyone been scheduled for a GPPA dental interview? Also how long after your honors interview were you notified that you got an interview for GPPA?

@golfgal22 I am still waiting to hear back and I had my honors college interview in December… Do you think its a bad sign if you did not receive an invitation for a 2nd interview yet? Either way its a courtesy to at least notify us whether we were selected for a gppa interview or not… Hopefully they come out soon for us.

received acceptance today for honors college

I received my honors college acceptance today also. Does anyone know approx how many days until you are contacted for the GPPA interview after receiving news about the honors college?

Anyone got interview invitations recently?

I was invited for an interview for the GPPA dental program yesterday. Can’t wait! Any tips for the interview?

I was invited for a GPPA Medicine interview and don’t know much about what to expect.

@Ammurica How did yours go?

@amimusic When did you receive notification and when is the interview?

Any one knows when GPPA results would be available. Website says on or before April 1st