<p>I'm in! </p>
<p>3.85 GPA! History!
Pre-Requisites: All but one
ECs: Model UN, church volunteerwork, etc.
Essays: Not that good, honestly but wrote about my struggles.</p>
<p>I'm so happy! Admitted everywhere I've applied! :D Congratulations to you all!</p>
<p>Pots your stats! Copy and paste!</p>
<p>4.0 Poli Sci
Yes I am IN</p>
<p>congrats! im not in :(</p>
<p>3.96 GPA Art History - going to UCLA though I think</p>
<p>but deferred admission</p>
<p>BUT STILL INNN =)</p>
3.78 Major.
<p>I prepared for Math Economics, berkeley does not offer it, dont know why i applied to berkeley.
Ahh UCLA here i come</p>
<p>Accepted! </p>
<p>Major: Media Studies
GPA: 3.83
EC: Work part-time in the transfer center at my CCC
Essay: Excellent
Pre-reqs: All but one (my school doesn’t offer it)
<p>Major: Sociology
GPA: 3.8
Pre-reqs: all done</p>
<p>I’m glad my spot was given to somebody else who really wanted it and will go there because I didn’t :)</p>
April 30, 2009, 6:14pm
<p>I actually have the same stats as you Loopyinc without TAP. Sorry you didn’t get in :-/</p>
GPA 3.85
pre-reqs 7/9</p>
<p>IN!!! </p>
<p>Stats major
GPA 3.76</p>
<p>UCR student
3.45 Biological Sciences
April 30, 2009, 6:17pm
<p>Major: Art
GPA: 3.5
CC: Cabrillo College
EC: none
Essay: very good
Pre-reqs: about half of them completed</p>
<p>I got rejected a week ago by UCLA. How can this happen?! Suck it, UCLA! I’m going to Berkeley!! #1 !!! I feel so happy!</p>
April 30, 2009, 6:18pm
GPA: 3.8
EC: 3 internships, 2 volunteer experiences at NPO</p>
<p>i got rejected from ucla bus econ haha</p>
<p>Finally, I am in!!!
Major: media studies/mass communication
GPA: 4.0
Pre-reqs: all done
Essay:better than average.
EC: some volunteer work at libirary, TAP
I did my best in the past two years, i think i deserve it!!!</p>
<p>rejected- poli sci</p>
<p>GPA: 3.87
Pre-Requisites: all completed
ECs: tons
Essays: pretty good according to professors</p>
<p>its all good, im gonna be a bruin! EEE!!!
congrats to those who got in!!!</p>
<p>3.65 overall gpa
Pre-Requisites: all will be finished this emester
ECs: PTK, work since 16, TAP
Essays: I felt they were fairly good</p>
<p>no worries i’m still happy about ucla :)</p>
<p>Yay Miles! We should exchange info. I bet we will be seeing a lot of each other.</p>
<p>Rejected from Haas meh</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0
Pre-Reqs: All Complete
ECs: Crap load
Essays: Pretty strong I thought…</p>
GPA: 3.5
Great essays.</p>