**official 2009 berkeley admissions/rejections thread**

<p>Thus far, it seems like no one has been accepted to Berkeley with a gpa less than 3.5.</p>

<p>rejected from Haas
everything but econ was done at the time of submission
should I appeal?
I am organizing an academic award ceremony
and I took econ 2, which was missing, during the winter and got an A
any suggestions?</p>

<p>hey i got in!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5??
Econ major i think?? where does it say youre in the major you applied to
ECs: alot
Essays: crap
im a lower div transfer for ucdavis i dont know how i got in</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone for the support. Also, congratulations to everyone today. It’s been a long journey and all of you guys are great. Best of luck. Feel free to IM me with any questions.</p>

<p>Sam, what kind of ECs did you have?</p>

<p>I think you should appeal for sure, considering you had to take all those extra classes for Haas.</p>

<p>Wow, I remember being so happy a year ago today that I got into Cal. Now…i’m completely stressed out because Cal has thoroughly kicked my ass this year.</p>

<p>i have been a student senator for 2 yrs
AGS fundraising chair for a yr
work 15 hrs a week for the past 3 yrs
some awards
parking comittee</p>

<p>but i am head of this committee that’s organizing a big award ceremony
i feel like i lacked leadershhip but i think this will prove to them that I am a leader</p>

<p>and i took econ 2 during the winter</p>

<p>hm… maybe they looked down on taking econ so late? still, def appeal man - you deserved to get in.</p>

<p>what does the appeal process entail?</p>


<p>Major: American Studies
GPA: 3.36
IGETC: Completed
EC: Working at Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Essay: 12/10</p>

<p>I’m so excited!!!</p>

<p>Me too! I jumped up and down for god knows how long!</p>

<p>Accepted: Haas School of Business
GPA: 4.0
EC’s: too many to list…
2 internships
lot of FBLA awards, as well as achievement.
Seems like a logical choice to go to Haas but a tough choice, I’m a soCAL guy.</p>

<p>looks like jhamp is the first person so far to get in with less than a 3.5 here.</p>

<p>congrats damir i got rejected ***…</p>

<p>accepted! UC to UC transfers are not IMPOSSIBLE!</p>

<p>UCSB —> Berkeley!</p>

<p>I am ridiculously happy right now!</p>

<p>is UCLA truly inferior to UCB when it comes to academics?
is it by a large amount?</p>

Earth and Planetary Science
GPA ~3.6</p>

<p>Me too! Ucd–>cal</p>

<p>I am rejected. Fuxk!
Major: econ
Pre-req and igetc completed.
Good ECs and essay which makes other UCs keep sending email to me about their scholarship.
I asked my counselor my reason of being rejected and she told me that it is a number game.
I will definitely appeal as so many ppl with 3.6~3.7 gpa get admitted.


<p>Major: Philosophy
GPA: 3.81
IGETC: done by Spring '09
Prereqs: done by Spring '09
EC/Work: absolutely none
Essay: meh</p>