Official 2019 Prep School Stats/Ec's Thread

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Accepted: None
Rejected: Deerfield, Andover, Thacher
Wait listed: Exeter, Choate Rosemary, Putney
Likely Attending: Public school

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 94th percentile
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: I’m homeschooled so I don’t have a GPA
• Rank:
• Other stats: I take AP world history, and AP Bio.

• Interviews: All my interviews went great, I connected with all the interviewers and had deep meaningful conversations with them. The guy who interview me from Andover said he was going to do everything he could to get me in to that school, and he was incredibly nice. The one interview I wasn’t so confident about was Exeter, I don’t feel like I connected well with the woman who interview me.
• Essays: My essays were very strong, I wrote all of them with lots of care and passion, I probably spent a month or two on them. (Plus my mom, who is an incredible writer, went over all of them to make sure grammar was correct).
• Math Rec: My math Rec was very good. My math tutor and I are on very good terms, and I have known him for a very long time.
• English Rec: Since I’m homeschooled my mom wrote this letter, because she is technically my English teacher. Needless to say this letter was very good.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My personal recommendations were incredibly good, the woman who wrote this one for me is my theatre teacher and a colleague of my mom. I have known her for a while and we’re on very good terms.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Because I’m homeschooled I was told that this letter could also be a personal recommendation. This letter was written very well, and was definitely an asset to my application.
• Sports (if any): I don’t do any sports, unless you count dance.
• Instruments (if any): No Instruments.
• Other ECs (if any): Dance (I have danced my whole life), Theatre, Radio show (interviewer, editor and writer in radio. I have done shows on the justice court, composting, and the boarder crisis, along with many more), Film, Graphic design, and I also live on a homestead so I have tons of experience with gardening and animal husbandry. Plus I have done lots of community service including speeches against Nickel Mining.
• Hook: My brother and aunt both went (and are going, my brother is in his senior year), to Putney.

• State or Country: Oregon
• Current School Type: Homeschool
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full financial aid

Strengths: I made tons of attachments showcasing my dance, theatre, radio, and graphic design. My interview were very strong, and so were my essays, along with my SSAT score.

Weaknesses: I thought I had a very good application, but upon receiving admission decisions, and reading all over the web, I’m guessing being a Homeschooler turned out to be a weakness. I also believe asking for full financial aid turned out to be a weakness.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I think I was rejected/waitlisted because I’m Homeschooled. I didn’t have the ‘proper’ transcripts and curriculums that schools wanted. My mom and I reached out to all the schools asking about what we could do in substitution of those documents, and with most schools were met with confusion and (in some cases what felt like disdain). In the end we did our best to write up a transcript and curriculum, plus my mom gave them her philosophy of teaching. I think the schools weren’t very fond of this, and I think it may have counted against me in admissions decisions. I also think that asking for full financial aid decreased my chances of being accepted. If you do the math less than 1 in 20 kids who asks for financial aid get’s accepted. Which is less than half the chance kids who don’t ask for financial aid get.

Accepted: Choate, Peddie
Rejected: Exeter, Lawrenceville
Wait listed: Andover, SPS, Middlesex, SAS
Likely Attending: Choate :slight_smile:

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0 UW
• Rank: 1 out of approx. 270
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews: Exeter was worst. Did not have any chemistry at all with the AO. He hinted that a shy person like myself would not be a good fit at the school because of the Harkness culture. Best interviews were Choate and Peddie. The rest were average.
Choate was my only alumni interview. I didn’t get to have it until February and I was under the impression that the school was fully booked until they contacted me, well after the January 15 deadline.
None of my interviews ran very long, because, like I mentioned, I am not a chatty person at all.
• Essays: Writing is one of my weak points and I had a VERY hard time brainstorming ideas. Overall, I think I did a pretty good job. My essays weren’t about super creative topics but I did pour my heart and soul into them. For example, I wrote about how my math and dance teacher have influenced me for my Choate essay.
• Math Rec: Blind. My math teacher values me as a student but we aren’t particularly close. I’m sure she wrote highly of me, though.
• English Rec: Blind. He said that he had “only good things to say.”
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I used my band teacher. We have a great relationship because I aid her at school, so I’m sure this recommendation was glowing.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: My counselor and I had never talked before this year, but she likes me.
• Special Interest Rec: I had my teacher from CTY do this because his class was the closest thing I have ever experienced to boarding school. Class sizes at my school are usually around 35! He likes me a lot.
• Sports (if any): Dance (9 yrs), Volleyball (school level)
• Instruments (if any): Piano (9 yrs), Violin (4 yrs), Mallet Percussion (2 yrs)
I consider myself a very versatile musician, and the videos I submitted show that. I am particularly advanced on violin, especially for my experience level. The orchestra director of Choate was very enthusiastic for me to join his group.
• Other ECs (if any): All-State Band, String Orchestra outside of school, community service performance group, Band Manager (leadership position within band), MathCounts, Math League, AMC 8 and 10, Technology Student Association (chapter secretary), Science Olympiad, CTY (Grand Award). I have won many awards at the state level for math and science competitions. I have also done well on the AMC 8.
• Hook: None

• State or Country: Mid-Atlantic
• Current School Type: Public. My school has never had anyone go to boarding school, so my teachers were clueless about the process.
• Ethnicity: Chinese
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: about half FA

Strengths: STEM, but I realize that this is a strength for many Chinese applicants. Competent musician.

Weaknesses: Inexperience. My teachers didn’t know how selective these schools were, so I’m not sure if they put their all into the recommendations. Most kids from my school go to a local charter school, where the recommendation is literally a couple of checkmarks. What they regard as glowing may be too generic for these schools. As for me, I didn’t know to schedule meetings with coaches and directors before my visits to the schools, and I didn’t keep contact with my AOs because I didn’t want to be a bother.
Asian girl needing financial aid. I heard that this is the most competitive pool.
Nothing special about my athletics.
I started the process a little late, so it was rushed. Didn’t commit to boarding school until November.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I think that my need for financial aid contributed to some of my waitlists. In the end, the schools I got accepted to were the ones the ones that I felt the most chemistry with. I was seriously expecting more acceptances, but I’m fine with how it turned out considering how clueless my family was. Love the school that loves you.

I’m not sure if my 2400 SSAT was a hindrance or a blessing. I went to a Ten Schools event, where the Exeter AO was bragging about rejecting perfect scores. In my opinion, it should be a blessing, because academics should come first at any school.

I didn’t have any safeties, because I have a nice LPS.

Advice to Future Applicants:
Pick one passion of yours and delve as deep as you possibly can into it. Keep contact with your schools so they know that you are interested. Do your research on schools before you visit, it shows. For your interviews, start with your safeties, so you can get some practice.

Accepted: Andover, a local day private school
Rejected: Loomis, Hotchkiss
Waitlisted: Deerfield, Exeter, Choate
Likely Attending: Andover

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT 95% December. 89% January tho, better Essay in January. (most schools promised to super score), sent the SSAT snapshot - 4 items developing, 3 items demonstrating.
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: All A’s but 1 B+ in 7th grade.
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: All honors classes. Honors Algebra 2, AMC8 honors roll, 95%tile NMSQT PSAT

• Interviews:
ANDOVER: Local Alumni – interviewed on 1/31 the last day of interview period. We went to interviewer’s office for 40 min on my son and 30 min on parent (me). Nice, connected well since he went to the same as my son’s middle school, he and I are working in the same building but the different company in downtown. He was also a musician. 9/10.
CHOATE: mediocre. Took 30 min for both of us. 7/10. I think it is because we had an interview with the director of the admission last year when my son was 7th grade. We went there for a music audition for chances with the music director. We thought our chances were 10/10 because the director’s reaction and communication throughout the admission process. And expected a good recommendation.
DEERFIELD: Talked a lot, laugh a lot, jokes too. I think AO and son clicked very well. They communicated until last week. 10/10
HOTCHKISS: Son has not interested in this school from his earlier tour and AO read my son. Very cold face when I met for the parent interview. Tho, they communicate until last week as well. 5/10
EXETER: Son’s a very first interview so he was nervous but it turned out excellent. AO told me that “you have a fine young man”. He kind of hinted that “we needed a student like your son”. 9/10
LOOMIS: went very well. AO was very very nice. Since the interviewed in a hotel lobby, I could see them talking. She smiled all the time and talks a lot to each other. Took 45 min. During the parent interview, AO complimented my son after the meeting. 9/10.
• Essays:
ANDOVER: essays were very unique. He described him well and his interest very specific. I review that they were the best essay among the essays he wrote for the applications.
CHOATE: essays were very unique. He put the most energy to the essays since Choate was his 1st choice.
EXETER: some recycled but pretty good
LOOMIS: last minute work. Found a few typos after the submittal.
HOTCHKISS: ok but he didn’t like the prompt so stories were just ok. I felt that rejection after this point.
DEERFIELD: they were his second-best essays. He liked the prompts.
• Math Rec: the teacher is always supportive and wishes wellbeing. I would say good or pretty good.
• English Rec: Very good. My son has a good relationship with her.
Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Very personal since I’ve known her for years.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Should be strong since I am participating in school event whenever they needed me.
• Sports (if any): Played tennis for 6 years. Never pushed himself as a tournament player.
• Instruments (if any): Violin- 9 years, Piano – 11 years. The piano was his major but after get into Violin, it became minor tho, both instruments are his strongest EC.
• Other ECs (if any): graphic designer at school newspaper, volunteering local communities with his musical talent. Speech and debate won several regional awards. Model United Nation (MUN)
• Hook: music.
• State or Country: CA, US
• Current School Type: one of CA’s high performing public
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Boy
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: 70%+FA

Strengths: outgoing character, strong music oriented EC, high academic. Decent essays.
Weaknesses: FA, FA, FA

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
ANDOVER was a big surprise for us. no school visit interviewed off-campus but his music supplements and approach to department director helped a lot. We sent son’s music performance links to important music faculties. It seemed cold call but it worked out.
Choate and Deerfiled was a shock.
Loomis was understandable.
Hotchkiss was what we expected.

Accepted: Peddie School, Westtown School, The Lawrenceville School
Rejected: St. Andrew’s School (DE)
Wait listed: George School, The Hill School
Likely Attending: Peddie

• SSAT: 68%
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.6 (Unweighted)
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a


• Interviews: St. Andrew’s lasted a good 45 minutes and he left feeling pretty good about the experience and the school.

Westtown’s interview was maybe 20 minutes and they actually spelled his name wrong on the follow-up paperwork, but they took him from the interview for an impromptu meet with the theater director, which we really appreciated.

Peddie’s interview was almost an hour and also resulted in an impromptu visit with the theater instructors.

George’s interview was also around 45 minutes and went very well, by all accounts. Lots of laughter.

He didn’t think his interview at Lawrenceville went well. It was very quick compared to the others (more like Westtown length), and he didn’t think the person liked him.

I didn’t feel like The Hill School interview went well on my end. I felt like I clashed a little with the woman or was asking the wrong questions or something. He felt it went okay.

• Essays: Rough, but heartfelt. I tried not to edit them too much, but I did make sure what he submitted was grammatically-correct and had no spelling errors. I remember Peddie’s supplement was long and gave him the most trouble. His answers were unique and directly from his experiences. No stock answers or cliches.

• Math Rec: Math teacher adores my son and said he gave a glowing recommendation.

• English Rec: ELA teacher also said she gave a glowing recommendation.

• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: We had someone who worked with my son professionally/directed him write the personal recommendation. We didn’t see it, but I’m confident it was a strong letter.

• Principal/Counselor Rec: Counselor was ecstatic that my son was going through this process. It was a little weird. I’m pretty sure she wrote nice things.

• Sports (if any): Black Belt in Tang Soo Do
• Instruments (if any): Piano & Trombone, Vocalist
• Other ECs (if any): Theater, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Newspaper, Gaming Club (he founded it), Chorus, Select Choir, Comedy/Improv Club

• Hook: Award-winning performer.

• State or Country: Mid-Atlantic Region, USA
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: A TON of financial aid (just about full tuition)

Strengths: My son has been involved in award-winning professional theater productions throughout the Northeast (he was also awarded), as well having performed in a national touring company, and he also had several small roles in commercials and two award-winning short films. Acting is sort of his thing, even though he’s only been doing it for the last two years. It came out of nowhere and shocked us, but we’re trying to support him in it. Other than that, he’s won soloist awards in competition Jazz Band (piano) and is First Chair for trombone at the State level.

Weaknesses: No team sports, we need a LOT of financial aid, nervous during interviews/gets tongue-tied, analytical/quiet when he’s overwhelmed, decent grades but no real effort until this year, low SSAT scores (only took them once, in January, with only a few days to prep; we were late to the admissions game).

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/wait-listed? I think his SSAT scores, okay grades, and lack of team sports dropped him down a tier or two in consideration, and I think our financial situation made it more difficult to finance him against other talented students. Ultimately, we were shocked he got into some of the schools he got into and really sad he didn’t get into St. Andrew’s (although we thought it was a pipe dream to begin with).

I think his performing experience and recommendations helped a lot, and I think his essays were unique. He submitted arts supplements (or their equivalent) to each school, and I think that also helped. He’s also in all advanced classes, despite the lukewarm grades and scores.

Accepted: Choate w/ Icahn Scholars, Hotchkiss, St. Mark’s, Lawrence (Waitlisted for FA),
Rejected: Loomis Chaffee
Wait listed: EW, Brooks, Andover, Exeter, Concord, NMH
Likely Attending: Choate!!

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2316 SSAT, 98th percentile
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.98 W 3.93 UW
• Rank: 38/469
• Other stats: 1420 SAT

• Interviews: Choate and Hotchkiss were pretty amazing!! St. Mark’s was perfect for a Skype interview. My Exeter interview also went really well (my interviewer told me she recommended me for admission). The rest were pretty average.
• Essays: I think my ideas were creative but I’m not a great writer
• Math Rec: Average
• English Rec: Pretty good, probably? Idk.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Same as English
• Principal/Counselor Rec: N/A
• Sports (if any): Track
• Instruments (if any): None
• Other ECs (if any): JV/V bowling, DECA (state qualifier), local business competition champion, Taco Bell, English team, Math team, Spell Bowl, Student Council, Spirit squad board member (5 out of 469 sophomores), admin of large academic community, taught myself Python, NJHS president (8th), Scripps Area Champion (8th), Geography Bowl (8th)
• Hook: Maybe my story? Idk, I don’t really think I have a hook

• State or Country: IN
• Current School Type: Large urban public
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Transgender male
• Grade Applying For: Repeat 10
• Age: 16
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full FA!

Strengths: ECs and stats

Weaknesses: Full aid, GPA dip, math recs

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

I can’t really say why I was accepted/rejected/waitlisted. I do think Choate accepted me because I vibed really well with the school. My Hotchkiss essays were my best and my interview went really well—St. Mark’s is about the same! I’m not sure why I accumulated so many waitlists but only 1 straight rejection isn’t too bad!

Some advice:

Do your essays early and stick to it! I did a couple schools really early but for the bulk of my schools I did them the day of submission. DON’T DO THAT!

Also—if you’re a full/substantial aid applicant, PLEASE cast a relatively wide net. Not only is it more difficult to get in, but you have to be sure you will receive aid.

Love the school that loves you!

Accepted: Loomis, St. Mark, Hill, NMH
Rejected: Choate, Hotchkiss
Waitlisted: Kent, Taft, Madeira
(never heard anything from Hun)
Likely Attending: IDK, love all four of my acceptances!

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: mostly As, 1 B+ (3 APs)
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats: n/a

• Interviews:
On campus: Loomis, Kent, Taft and NMH only average at Choate and Hotchkiss (one of the first ones)
Skype: Had a really good conversation for Hill, St. Mark was slightly rushed but pretty good, Madeira was good
• Essays: SAO essays were pretty good (I love my fiction story), Gateway was trash (mostly because I was procrastinating so much)
• Math Rec: Blind, probably pretty good
• English Rec: Blind, above average maybe?
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: CS Rec: average, Art Rec (only for Hotchkiss): pretty good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind, pretty good
• Sports (if any): Track Varsity (throwing), BBall JV, kickboxing (recreational)
• Instruments (if any): /
• Other ECs (if any): novice debater, robotics, videography (went to movie marathon), drones, visual arts, and coding. Had a product of a hackathon to showcase (which was pretty interesting), and volunteered for middle school robotics.
• Hook: /

• State or Country: China, go to school in CT
• Current School Type: Private Day
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: Repeat 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

The product of the hackathon is super interesting (at least from the reactions of all the AOs), and I have a youtube channel of the videos I made, my current school is pretty close to the BSs so they get a sense of my debate/track stats.

Parents statements were only ok and my Gateway essays were not as good as SAO. I’m in the pool of Mainland Chinese which is especially competitive. I tried a variety of things but most are only at beginner levels.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I don’t know – maybe some schools just like my essays and my character, and some just don’t? It’s kind of random but I’m surprised that I actually got accepted to the schools I loved and was passionate about, and rejected/waitlisted at the schools I didn’t have those strong feelings (though I don’t think I showed any difference in interviews/recs). Also Chinese pool is soooo competitive.

Updated post.

Accepted: George with Anderson Merit Scholarship
Rejected: Hill
Wait listed: Andover, Exeter, Lawrenceville, Peddie
Likely Attending: George

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 4.0
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
• Essays:
• Math Rec: Idk
• English Rec: idk
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Idk
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Idk
• Sports (if any): Tennis
• Instruments (if any): None
• Other ECs (if any): NJHS, Boy Scouts, Volunteer work, Winter Sports Club
• Hook:

• State or Country: PA
• Current School Type: Very good public
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full FA



Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

Accepted: none
Rejected: Andover
Wait listed: St. Paul’s
Likely Attending: Local Public HS

• SSAT: 94%
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 6th grade 3.8 7th grade 4.0 first semester 8th 3.7
• Rank: N/A
Other stats: Taking Algebra 2 as an 8th grader

• Interviews: Andover - not too good, interviewer seemed disinterested St. Paul’s - Very good and much longer than expected, connected well, had a good time and related to similar experiences with interviewer.
• Essays: Andover - mediocre in my opinion St. Paul’s - Unique and some of my better essays
• Math Rec: decent
• English Rec: Amazing, my teacher loves me
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: My old english teacher, also amazing (she showed me)
• Principal/Counselor Rec: decent
• Sports (if any): Tennis, not very good. Cheerleading, but not offered at either school so does not matter.
• Instruments (if any): Trumpet for 5 years
• Other ECs (if any): Robotics, community service, math team
• Hook: none

• State or Country: New England
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: Asian (Indian to be exact)
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: nearly full FA (yikes!!!)

Strengths: Outgoing

Weaknesses: Being asian, needing a lot of FA, basically no sports

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
My grades are mediocre at best, and i need a lot of FA

Accepted: Fountain Valley School of CO, St. Andrews of Boca Raton
Rejected: Exeter & Taft
Wait listed: Blair & Cate
Likely Attending: If I’m being honest, probably my local public day school

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 90th %-tile overall and 94th %-tile overall (submitted both)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 94 UW
• Rank: NA
• Other stats: NA

• Interviews: All great except Exeter, didn’t think the AO was sincere. Blair was rushed and last of the day, but went well. Cate was probably the best on skype. Taft was great too.
• Essays: I think they were fantastic this year, especially on the SAO, Exeter essays were the weakest
• Math Rec: I think good
• English Rec: Based off of my report card comments, great
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: I saw this one, it was great
• Principal/Counselor Rec: My counselor knows me very well, I’m sure it was fantastic
• Sports (if any): Nope
• Instruments (if any): Nope
• Other ECs (if any): Awards in Model UN, Acting (and real experience, not just school), BBYO Leadership, Key Club, Investment Club, lot’s of community service, love to write + used to do photography, overall just well versed in the world and good with people
• Hook: None

• State or Country: NY (Long Island, super over-represented)
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: White
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Interviews and essays. I’m a people person :slight_smile: Also I think I just generally give off that vibe of someone who maybe won’t be a star athlete or a violinist, but I have a lot of entrepreneurial spirits and I think that’s valued in some schools

A terrible application that followed me at every school (except ones I was accepted at). Ruffled a few feathers at Exeter (probably never had a chance there as a repeat). Cate I had a feeling about, I was a little surprised about Blair, but again, a horrible application from last year including a 60 on the SSAT. Taft was the biggest upset. It was my favorite and I had a small connection. Also just generally loved all the time I spent there.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Accepted because I had no record and a superb application this year + armed with the experience of last year and FP to smaller schools.

Rejected because of last year and stupid stuff I did.

WL was a surprise to Blair. I think it’s genuine at Cate, but Blair may just be a soft reject.

Accepted: Peddie, Loomis, NMH, WRA, Hill, Mercersburg, Kent
Rejected: Exeter, Choate
Wait listed: Deerfield, Milton, Lawrenceville, SPS, Taft, Andover
Likely Attending: Loomis unless accepted from a waitlist

• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: UW 3.83/W 4.1
• Rank: School does not rank
• Other stats: N/A

• Interviews: 9-10/10 except for SPS and Taft which were REALLY BAD. Best interview was probably Loomis, Deerfield, and Milton.
• Essays: 10/10 Most essays were good, IMO. Worst essay was definitely Deerfield and best was probably Milton or Loomis.
• Math Rec: 7/10 I had a B+ in her class, but she liked me. She just didn’t know me very well so I doubt it was a strong rec.
• English Rec: 9/10 I’m one of the strongest students in the class and I think he really likes me as well.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: 10/10 Really good done by Coach and she has known me for over 7 years.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: 8/10 It was okay…They know me well but I have had very limited interaction with them outside of the office.
• Sports (if any): Swimming and Water Polo
• Instruments (if any): N/A
• Other ECs (if any): Editor-In-Chief of student newspaper, Speech and Debate asst.Captain, Theater Arts since I was really young remember…
• Hook:
Coaches pulled for me and I was very strong academically this year. Otherwise, I’m not really sure.
• State or Country: CA
• Current School Type: Private Day
• Ethnicity: White/Middle Eastern
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: Repeat 10th
• Age: 15
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strong academics this year (4 APs) and also strong water polo player and swimmer. I was also very passionate about my EC’s, particularly student newspaper.
Lack of awards in my ECs and lack of communication with theater director/coaches at some schools. My current school only allowed me to take regular classes in 9th grade, which meant they were only out of 4.0 instead of 5.0 this, of course, hurt my overall gpa.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I know that the water polo and swim coaches really pulled for me at Loomis and Kent, however, I was also very strong academically and I believe that also played a role in my acceptances. Ultimately, I have no clue why I was accepted, rejected, and waitlisted. Honestly, I think it came down to institutional priorities/needs. I also could have done a much better job of contacting coaches/theater directors. I think one of the main reasons I was rejected at Choate and Exeter was that I wrote my essay on theater and yet I was unable to submit multimedia because I had already submitted candidate profile. Ultimately, I’m happy with my results, however, I really hope I get off the waitlist at Deerfield, L’ville, Andover, or SPS (even though that is unlikely).

Format (copy & paste all thing below):
Accepted: Avon Old Farm School, Lawrence Academy
Rejected: Berkshire
Wait listed: Brooks
Likely Attending: undecided
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.8
• Rank:
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Berkshire was 1st. We talked about board games but my parents did not connect with AO. Brooks I thought I did well and really connected with the student tour guides. They really sold me on the place. I had a great interview with LA. We talked about current events and other high level topics of interest to him. At AOF I connected with the AO and we reminisced about D&D. He told my parents that I did a great job.

• Essays: They were good. I was really honest about myself in them.
• Math Rec: Blind. Probably pretty good since my math teacher and I often talk outside of class.
• English Rec: Blind. Probably pretty good. I have had the same teacher 2 years in a row and he used to not like me but now he knows me better and understands my perspective and appreciates that it is unique.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rex: Blind. Science. Probably pretty good. Science is my favorite class and I had the same teacher in 6th grade and she said nice things in my report card
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind. Probably pretty good. He has known me since the 1st grade and really gets to know the kids
• Sports (if any): free running
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any): robotics, summer camp
• Hook: Family connection at LA.

• State or Country: Massachusetts
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: male
• Grade Applying For: 9th
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: small amount of aid

Strengths: I am a pretty smart kid and converse well with adults

Weaknesses: Not a lot of extras and can be a little geeky

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

Accepted: My enthusiasm for AOF came through in my interview. My good grades and SSAT results.

Rejected: They were looking for a more well rounded socially gifted candidate. I sought a culture of kindness, but I may not have come across as being the type to be able to foster that culture to others.

Waitlisted: They didn’t know what to do with me. On the one hand I am really smart but my interests are narrow and they were unsure if I would be able to round out their group and if I would be happy there as a boarder.


Accepted: Kent
Rejected: Choate
Wait listed: Andover, Exeter, Deerfield
Likely Attending:

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 96 percentile
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: 3.925
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews:
Kent: Felt weird and bumpy

Choate: Great interview, was able to create a steady conversation 9/10

Andover and Deerfield are the same as Choate

Exeter was my first, was pretty bumpy, but better than Kent

• Essays: 6/10 for all of them. I barely wrote about my personality, as I know reread them. Wrote them all within one day as I didn’t take them that seriously.
• Math Rec: Blind, must be good as I am years beyond my class and I constantly participate.
• English Rec: Blind, must be good as I contribute to the class.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Blind, must be the best as she was my robotics mentor which I led for 2 years to championships.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind, good as the knows me.
• Sports (if any): Tennis - 4 years
soccer - 2 years
• Instruments (if any):
Violin- 4 years, played in regionals twice
• Other ECs (if any): robotics (FLL), brought team to states 2 years in a row; our team is notably bad
• Hook: None

• State or Country: New England
• Current School Type: Public
• Ethnicity: South Asian
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 13
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Financial Aid

Robotics, team leader

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?

My essays were okay, but Im really surprised by Choate. I thought I had everything going for me for Choate as my essay was the best for choate, but I somehow got rejected? Parents tried to tell me its because of FA, but im still to sure. I was accepted to Kent as I thought it was a much easier school to get into.

Even though I’m going to Kent, Im still reapplying to the same places as last year, and I will spend MUCH more time on my essays and preparations.

Wait listed: Andover
Likely Attending: Local Day School (we’re fortunate in that we have a really good local day school, which is why we only applied to Andover)

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT - 94%, ISEE - all 95% or higher
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No official GPA, but all A+ for quarterly grades
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats: Qualified for JHU SET, CDB semi-finalist

• Interviews: Just OK – Andover was the only school we interviewed at, and neither of us thought we particularly hit it off with the interviewer or the coach we spoke with
• Essays: 7/10 - Writing is not SemperKid’s strongest subject, but he polished his answers pretty well
• Math Rec: probably 8 or 9/10 - has been taking classes in high school for past 2 years
• English Rec: probably 10/10 - english teacher is also is advisor and knows him well
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: personal 7/10, EC 10/10
• Principal/Counselor Rec: probably 7 or 8/10 - doesn’t know SemperKid well, and the school doesn’t refer many kids to BSs
• Sports (if any): club swimming, 7 years (one appearance at all-state champs meet); middle school track, 2 years
• Instruments (if any): piano, 4 years
• Other ECs (if any): math club - qualified for State Mathcounts in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade
• Hook: None really

• State or Country: TX
• Current School Type: Private Day School
• Ethnicity: Hapa (caucasian/asian)
• Gender: M
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: Good well rounded kid; very strong in math, and a good athlete

Weaknesses: Probably the interviews. SemperKid also had a rough short course swim season due to some health issues, so didn’t have impressive times to share with the swim coach.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? The interviews, and no obvious “hook”.

Accepted: Exeter
Rejected: Andover
Wait listed: none
Likely Attending: Exeter
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Nearly all A’s, two B+ in math
• Rank: don’t rank
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Good. She’s very sociable and outgoing. At Exeter, it was not with an AO, but with an alumni interviewer. We were worried this might hurt her. Both interviews covered similar territory. They were positive but not exceptional in terms of how she (and we) connected. They felt like a formality more than anything else.
• Essays: Excellent, but risky. She’s a good writer and they were well-edited. One of them was a “risk” as it was written in non-conventional form. I could see how this could have gone either way. But it was unique and expressive. If I was an admissions officer, I would have enjoyed it. Alas, I am not.
All recs were blind but likely excellent. Her teachers love her and she can always be relied on to participate. We’ve been told again and again that she’s a student they’d “like to clone.” While I don’t think any were declaring her to be brilliant, I do think they spoke to what she’d add at BS.
• Math Rec: Second year with this math teacher (our good luck – he’s great and he loves her). Again, he would not have said she was the world’s next great math mind, but solid and definitely an asset in the classroom.
• English Rec: First year with the teacher, but again – a solid asset in the classroom. Positive, participates, contributes, etc.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: This one might have tipped the scales. Her voice teacher thinks she’s very gifted and could have a professional career as a classical singer.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Written by a counselor who barely knew her. My assumption is that she talked to all of her teachers, etc., and would have written a suitably enthusiastic recommendation. My daughter had also just won a leadership prize for her grade, so she would have been on her radar.
• Sports (if any): dance is her main sport; she also plays volleyball and lax, but not at the impact level
• Instruments (if any): piano and guitar, both recreationally but getting better and able to show it
• Other ECs (if any): she is part of a peer partners program at school working with kids with disabilities. She loves doing this and it shows. She has been the lead in multiple school and community theater productions. She also performs at open mic nights.
• Hook: I don’t know that this is a hook, but she is outstanding in the performing arts. For example, if a school has a brand new performing arts center and needs to fill it with talent to make a donor happy, then she’d probably jump to the top of the list. For a school that does not, she was probably an average applicant.

• State or Country: NH
• Current School Type: local public
• Ethnicity: white
• Gender: female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Partial FA

I think her performing arts background was definitely the deciding factor. She made a website that showcased her talents, which we could tell at least one of the schools was actively looking at. She also presents very well and was very prepared going into the interviews. Her references were also I think as good as they get. We also tried to follow what people say and to “tell a story” with the application. It was comprehensive.
SSAT was relatively low. She took them three times to get where she ended up, and they were ALL sent to both schools because of timing issues. Her starting math score was in the 50s and got to 90 on the third try. Maybe this could also be viewed as an asset since she worked VERY hard to bring it up. She has also danced for many years and while she does every type of dance, she showcased her tap, because she likes it best. But neither school prioritizes tap so it might have been a lost opportunity to show something they cared more about.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
I think she was accepted at Exeter because she is the “type”: a good student, confident, a leader, etc. And then her musical talents made her uniquely attractive – especially because of the new arts building. Regarding getting rejected at Andover, I think it was probably a few things, including her SSATs. But more primarily i think it was the fact that we live in Exeter (not connected to PEA in any way, though) and it probably seemed like a given to them that she was leaning in that direction. (It actually wasn’t; she would have liked to board, although I don’t know if we, her parents, would have gone that route. Maybe they picked up on that?) Like I said earlier, without her music, she was probably a pretty average candidate. So if the school wasn’t looking for that (or didn’t even look at her website, which going by the analytics, Andover might not have), then getting in would have been a bigger leap.

Accepted: George School
Rejected: Berkshire, Choate, Andover, Exeter, Taft, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, Peddie, Lawrenceville
Wait listed: Milton, NMH, Concord, MX
Likely Attending: George unless WL changes

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 2204 (Superscore)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: No GPA, Mostly A’s but few B’s
• Rank: 10/ 94
• Other stats:

• Interviews: All were like a 8 or 9/10
• Essays: Idk; didn’t compare with others
• Math Rec: Very good
• English Rec: Very good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: most likely good
• Sports (if any): varsity soccer
• Instruments (if any): None
• Other ECs (if any): MUN, Debate Club, Programming club
• Hook: African

• State or Country: Nigerian
• Current School Type: private
• Ethnicity: black
• Gender: male
• Grade Applying For: 11th for all except NMH and George (Repeat 10th)
• Age: 16
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Partial FA

Strengths: Great interviews where I thought I really bonded. varsity soccer and being African

Weaknesses: applying for 11th grade which is very competitive. Applying for FA I feel hurt my chances a LOT!!! SSAT score???

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?


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Accepted: Kent, Loomis Chaffee (LC Scholar), Miss Porter’s, Santa Catalina
Rejected: Taft
Wait listed: Thacher
Likely Attending: Kent

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 73% (math 82%, verbal 64%)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: All A’s
• Rank: Doesn’t rank
• Other stats:

• Interviews: She is a confident and relaxed communicator, and all of her interviews went very well.
• Essays: She worked very hard on her essays, but writing is not her passion. I believe they were solid, but not barn-burning awesome.

• Math Rec: Very strong
• English Rec: Strong, and likely discussed her determination and tenacity to succeed.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Very strong
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Strong. Her school is small, and she has been enrolled for 10 years. Every teacher and administrator knows her very well, and her recs would have been honest, thorough and detailed.
• Sports (if any): Very strong
• Instruments (if any):
• Other ECs (if any):
• Hook: Accomplished equestrian

• State or Country: West coast
• Current School Type: Private
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP

Strengths: She is an excellent communicator and can drive an adult conversation with ease. She values balance in her life and her applications highlighted that fact. Excellent long term grades on an accelerated track at an academically challenging school.

Weaknesses: SSAT score. Her acceptances prove that a holistic approach was used to evaluate her candidacy.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted? I believe she was rejected from Taft because her sport (equestrian) is not one that they particularly value. To them, she was simply a great, well balanced applicant of which they have a plethora (many with better SSAT scores.) I got the distinct impression during my interview that they would indeed support her interest in riding, but that the school would not likely wave the “Go HopefulKid” flag when she asked to miss a day of school for a horse show. I think she was waitlisted at Thacher because of her SSAT scores. The equestrian component probably kept her in the running, but it wasn’t enough for an outright admit.

Accepted: Phillips Exeter, Hotchkiss
Wait listed: Groton, Phillips Academy Andover, Lawrenceville
Likely Attending: PEA

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 92% (96% V, 94% R, 66 % Q yikes)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: All in A range, 2 B+'s so far in Upper School
• Rank: n/a
• Other stats:

• Interviews: Interviews were quite good across the board, Hotchkiss was the best though
• Essays: Very good, I began drafting these essays in September
• Math Rec: Decent
• English Rec: Decent to quite good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Outstanding
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Decent to quite good
• Sports (if any): Tennis (formerly nationally ranked)
• Instruments (if any): none LOL
• Other ECs (if any):
-Co president of a NPO that helps struggling entrepreneurs achieve self-sufficiency through online microfinance

-Involvement in two English teaching initiatives

• Hook: None?

• State or Country: Southeast Asia
• Current School Type: Private/International/American
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Male
• Grade Applying For: 10
• Age:
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FP



Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
No idea, still can’t believe I was accepted to PEA and Hotchkiss.

Hi @willmo , I’m from OR too, and I applied to almost all of the schools you applied to. I’m completely shocked that you were waitlisted to all of those schools with the application you had. I also needed full FA, and I wondered if that was why we were both rejected/waitlisted? I was going to re-apply next year, but seeing how high your ssat scores were, and how solid your application was, (yet you were still waitlisted by most schools), I’m not sure if I should.

Accepted: Milton, Loomis
Rejected: Andover, Exeter
Wait listed: Choate, Hotchkiss
Likely Attending: Undecided

• SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 80% overall (SSAT)
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted:N/A
• Rank: N/A
• Other stats:

• Interviews: All went very well.
• Essays: Most were good, but Hotchkiss and Exeter were bad.
• Math Rec: Okay; was blind
• English Rec: Really good
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Good
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind, but good
• Sports (if any): N/A
• Instruments (if any): N/A
• Other ECs (if any): Gavel Club, MUN, Independent Volunteering
• Hook: N/A

• State or Country: United Arab Emirates
• Current School Type: Private, Day
• Ethnicity: South Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: Full Pay

Passions that I emphasized in my essays.
Low SSAT scores.
Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Rejected: Low SSAT scores, essays not up to the mark.
Waitlisted: Good essays, bad scores.
Accepted: Passionate essays, good interviews.

Rejected: Andover, Exeter
Waitlisted: Choate
Likely Attending: Choate if I get off the waitlist lmao

• SSAT: 98%
• GPA Unweighted/Weighted: Don’t have GPA, everything’s A for all three years of MS (We don’t have + or -) except for a couple of B’s in PE
• Rank:
• TOEFL: 108 (some (very bad word here) coughed all the way through listening part of writing essay and that messed up my evidence part)

• Interviews: Choate: very good, the interviewer told my mom “I love her” multiple times, laughed together all the way through. Took about 40+ minutes, way more than other students there. Andover: Very good, the interviewer was super interested and had huge reactions, almost too big reactions for it to be considered all genuine. Exeter: Not very good, the only interview that I felt bad after. The interviewer had a sinister grin on his face the whole time and holed in on my weakness, which is Math. Got the “Ha, I got you there didn’t I” vibe from him.
• Essays: Choate: Pretty good. Expressed my personality and values pretty well, also wrote about Hamilton in the essay part. Andover: Decent, didn’t really have an idea for all the essay prompts, so kinda forced a story out of it when there wasn’t one to be told. Exeter: The Hamilton one (same from Choate) was pretty decent, but the second essay was arrogant in my opinion.
• Math Rec: Blind. But should be pretty good; I’m the best performing student in math class rn even though I’m not actually great at Math, and he’s also my homeroom advisor, so he got to know me quite well. Seems to like me (at least better than other students, since he’s very… odd, shall I say)
• English Rec: Blind. Should be great, my English teacher likes me very well, also talked about other deep topics such as feminism and sexism, so she knows my values. I’m also strong at English.
• Personal/Extracurricular Rec: Looked at it. Pretty good, though it was pretty generic and not very impactful, even though my science teacher likes me and I perform very well in class.
• Principal/Counselor Rec: Blind. Have basically no idea, since our principal never really comes out of her office so she doesn’t know ANY of the students well, let alone me. Tried really hard to seem like a good, model student when she visited our class though.
• Sports (if any): Equestrian for 7+ years and other sports in-between (skating, kumdo, ballet, etc.)
• Instruments (if any): Flute for 2+ years, in school Wind Ensemble, first chair.
• Other ECs (if any): Art for basically all my life; both my parents are art majors and really pushed me in that direction. Also participated in MUNs, led the school Gender Equality campaign, wrote two books(with illustrations). Basically, don’t really have awards or participation in competitions due to my shy personality but a lot of ECs on my own/unofficially.
• Hook: Focusing on art & having a clear path in mind (architecture). Also outside of the states.

• State or Country: South Korea
• Current School Type: International Public School (but kinda private-y)
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Gender: Female
• Grade Applying For: 9
• Age: 14
• Financial Aid/Full Pay: FA

Strengths: Having a clear path in mind (architecture), strong initiative, passionate nature.

Weaknesses: ORM, especially since I’m from South Korea and a lot of international students are from here, FA, and not that many notable awards.

Why do you think you were accepted/rejected/waitlisted?
Choate: I had a great interview and pretty great essays. Also Choate is one of the only American schools I know that doesn’t overlook art for sports, so I’m a pretty good fit.
Andover: Interview was great, but the essays were pretty underwhelming. Also not much preparation, since I just started everything last year’s September.
Exeter: Interview & essays all pretty bad IMO. Also not so strong math SSAT, when Exeter really excels at math.