Official Acceptance Letters??

<p>Has anyone who has received their letter gotten any info on scholarships yet? We heard last year they came with the admit letter. Ds letter just said financial aid package would be coming soon.</p>

<p>not sure, but i think that means NEED-based aid is coming soon, as opposed to MERIT.</p>

<p>That was my thought. D was just a little surprised when no merit aid was in her letter. She has already received scholarships from state schools and the Presidential scholarship from Tulane ($96,000). We were told that Miami is extremely generous with merit aid and she did qualify minimally for the Trustee, possibly the University scholarship. (Yes, I do understand that does not guarantee merit aid). It was just surprising that she didn't get anything.</p>

<p>yeah I got Deans Scholarship (16K a year)</p>

<p>congrats on all her other aid!!!!! where would she like to go?</p>

<p>I got the letter today and also got a Deans' scholarship! YES!</p>

<p>Congrats to those who did receive scholarships!! Would any of you mind posting stats?</p>

<p>My D also got the Dean's scholarship, even though she met the minumum for the University scholarship. I suspect the increased number of applicants bumped up the requirements for each scholarship level. She has about a 3.75 UW and a 32 ACT -- School does not rank.</p>

<p>I was also eligible for the University scholarship because of my test scores but got the deans'. I don't really care though, the point is I got one! Thank God my school does not rank. I'm not even close to the top 7%; I'm actually in the top 40% because my school is so competitive. Ouch.</p>


<p>ACT: 32
SAT Superscored: 1370</p>

<p>Estimated Weighted GPA (My school uses a weird scale, so I estimated it on a more standard scale)- 4.0</p>

<p>Estimated Unweighted GPA- 3.75</p>

<p>I took only one AP class throughout high school though my school offers 19 of them. (Environment) I didn't do this because I was lazy though; It's just because of my academic situation when I started high school. You see....I started off as a remedial student until 9th grade, so it took some time just to get to an AP level. I also took a course though over the summer at the FAU Honors College.</p>

<p>Haha. Mine are actually similar to BusyVaMom's D now that I look at it. I guess I see a trend!</p>

<p>I have a huge legacy too, but I don't think that counts for scholarships.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance letter today and a university scholarship yay!</p>