Official ACT June 11th thread

<p>I dont think that was the question.. wasnt it what list of qualities does he not have or something, and the one was tenacity was not right.. gratitude sounds like it might work, but I dont remember what I put</p>

<p>Kinglin, the last choice for that question was "envy." I don't remember what I put for that one...</p>

t was like which of the following is NOT the narrators opinion toward lawrence.</p>

and something else</p>

<p>I put angry but that might be wrong.


<p>She was angry, happy, (she wasn't) was Jealous! (correct answer)</p>

<p>(or envy as someone else has mentioned)</p>

<p>i put envy for that one</p>

<p>it was envy kinglin...</p>

<p>On the writing part, what about the one about the word that could least be substituted.
The choices were:



<p>Now that I think about it, I did in fact put envy. Or at least I believe so :)</p>

<p>envy is the question where it acts what the person is NOT right?</p>

<p>and gratitude is the answer for what the person IS?</p>


<h2>Wasn't envy another choice though? Are we talking about the old russian grandmother piece still?</h2>

<p>On the writing part, what about the one about the word that could least be substituted.
The choices were:



<p>IvyLeagueORbust... is online now


<p>Enhance would not work in the context... Civil War Veterans were "enhanced"...I don't think so!</p>

<p>enhance maybe?</p>

<p>Yep, I put enhance also.</p>

<p>I put enhance for that one, all the others meant "help"</p>

<p>The fist passage with Grandma, Laurence and the narrator <em>sucked</em>. I hope I do well on the other passages to compensate...</p>

<p>Does anyone have any predictions for the curve (for each section)?</p>

envy is the question where it acts what the person is NOT right?</p>

<p>and gratitude is the answer for what the person IS?


<p>Further clarification:</p>

<p>Envy was the answer to the question about russian grandmother and the narrator. It asked which feeling did the narrator not feel about laurence.</p>

<p>Gratitude was one of the choices of the narrator in the Becky passage.</p>

<p>oh, for the dinosaur passage, what was the purpose of the first paragraph (the answer choices were questions)</p>

<p>enhance was wrong.</p>

<h2>Oh, was "grattitude" the choice that alluded to the quote?</h2>

<p>To determine if dinosaurs were ectothermic or endothermic.</p>

<p>The answer about first paragraph science:</p>

<p>Were dinos warm or cold blooded?</p>

<p>I put "Were dinosaurs endotherms or ectotherms?", Grumpy.</p>

<p>To determine whether dinosaurs are endomorphs or extomorphs</p>

<p>And Shahein that is exactly right</p>