Official : Ap Bio Thread.

<p>I was preparing for the worst, but I must thank Collegeboard for a great present for my 17th B-Day. The M/C was really easy and the essays were right on the mark.</p>

<p>my school ran out of its ap bio exam booklets... the proctor kicked me out telling me to take the late testing next week, even though i paid and saw my name on their roster sheet.. F'ing gay. this is such a huge mental blow to me.. now i gotta be stressed over the test for another week... what a stupid, irresponsible bunch of S's. </p>

<p>ps : is it true that the late tests are harder?? i feel like being cheated</p>

<p>I see a trend in people saying that the 3 FR was the hardest but that was the only one I thought I nailed lol I completely BSed the last one though oh well</p>

<p>The first 30 or 35 multiple choice were incredible easy. I felt like I was going to finish the m.c. section in 40 minutes. Then the middle got a little harder, and the end got a little easier (but not as easy as the beginning). Considering the (released) practice tests I've taken, I'd say that was harder than I anticipated.</p>

<p>The free response was surprisingly easy, but that's basically what my teacher has been preparing us for. Considering the time limit and everything, I feel like I got a pretty good amount of information in for that section.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'm glad it's all over. That was my last AP (for this year). :D</p>

<p>that sux sinewy how dare they stress you out for another week! I would be so angry</p>

<p>Well, ye...number 3 and 4....4 took BS-ing too...when i mean BS i mean like for 3, what can you say..the question is so vague....there wasnt much to say so u blabber......</p>

<p>Yeh, I agree with Zach. The released tests were easier. And I send my sympathies to sinewy....wat arses! This may **** you off, but the reason is that some in our school had extra booklets packaged!!!! Like 2 pinks and 2 green in one wrap! That may be the reason, that this problem was widespread...</p>

<p>I just said everything becuase we actually learned that not a while ago so thats why I remembered it well I'm only talking about the 3 FR becuase it makes me feel better about not knowing everything else lol</p>


<p>yeah the last questions were like what?! easyyyyyyyyy! But my face turned pale when I say like the first 20 or so questions. The middle questions I thought were the easiest though. </p>

<p>Seashell- I agree, we studied so much, and the CB asks us trivial, detailed questions to assess anxious highschoolers' biological knowledge... they are so evil. :mad:</p>

<p>Yes, i agree....who cares about sapwood....can i get an amen on that? lol</p>



<p>lol ***, i dont even remember there being anything about sapwood... yeah i guess that says something about how well i did haha</p>

<p>4 was bad?? i say 2 was bad</p>

<p>i thought 1 was easy (although i made a really stupid mistake) and 2, *assuming i interpreted it correctly, was on the easier side. 3 i literally made stuff up for, i think i got a 2/10 just for mentioning some vocab words, and 4 was really really easy cause i specifically studied that a few days before lol</p>

<p>2...wait..that was oh wasnt that bad...considering we spent like 2 months on genetics....and 1 week on plants :) </p>

<p>Sapwood was a question on MC with plants, it was an answer choice...when i saw it...i was like....wa???/ and skipped it, and left it blank...only 1 out of 4 that i left blank...just goes to show....trivial questions!</p>

<p>omgggg this is driving me insane. i wish we could talk about it alreadyyy
<em>must control thyself</em></p>

<p>is it true that they don't take off points for writing wrong information?</p>

<p> chatroom form too...this really sucks....its like.....i have to wait 5 minutes for a human only this were like an AP Bio chat....</p>