**Official APUSH Scores Thread**

Got the 5. Not really surprised in retrospect (killed the Nixon DBQ), but I always seem a harsh judge of myself after exams.</p>

get a ugly 2… I hate my life</p>

One more 5</p>

I got a 4 on APUSH and a 3 on APWH… ugh</p>

…5…My teacher didn’t even cover anything past World War I and even that wasn’t exactly elaborated on very well…</p>

…I nearly cried tears of joy and relief considering I was aiming for a 3…</p>

No idea how I did it but I managed to get a 4. I think (and obviously must have) I killed the multiple choice but my DBQ and FRQ’s were just flat out horrible. In the DBQ, the only outside information I used was a little about Watergate. Other than that, I basically took everything else from the documents given although I think I did give a solid argument. But, the FRQ’s were terrible. Like horrible. I first chose the one about the development of slavery. I only rambled on and on and didn’t even mention triangular trade or indentured servitude. The only information I used was that it drove the southern economy. And, the next one was no better. I chose the civil rights question. It asked about the leaders of the movements but, for some reason, I didn’t mention any specific people. I just generalized what the primary goals of each time period were. And very poorly written, in my opinion. Well, anyways, I was hoping to get lucky and have my multiple choice carry me to a 3. Nope, I find out I got a 4 and literally laughed out loud. Either I had a very generous grader, the curve was ridiculously easy, or I completely dominated the multiple choice. But, I’ll take it haha.</p>

My daughter thought she had done extremely well on the APUSH exam and was almost positive she got a 5.
The results came in 2 days ago…She got a 4, and is extremely disappointed. </p>

Should we get it rescored? </p>

(By the way, I know colleges accept 4’s…this is just for her sake)</p>

Okay by reading this post I feel much more confident about my rescore.</p>




2 :(</p>

I actually put effort in studying and the essay topics were what we went over in class the day before.</p>

I got a 4, not bad. But I truly wanted a 5. Maybe it was a bad idea to cram.</p>

5! I’m pretty surprised. My DBQ was a complete disaster, because I had virtually no outside information and I kind of just rambled on in a way that I hoped was vague enough not to be blatantly wrong but specific enough so that it wouldn’t look like I was BSing. I guess it worked out fine, although I really did have no idea what I was talking about.</p>