Official Binghamton University Spring 2015 Transfer Thread

<p>Who else is transferring to Binghamton for the Spring 2015 semester? </p>

<p>I am applying to the SOM accounting program from a SUNY community college. I've completed two semesters (27 credits) with a 4.0GPA and I plan to submit my application as early as possible. </p>

<p>Common App opens their Spring/Fall 2015 application on August 1st. Good Luck Everyone!</p>

<p>I’m a freshman in college, and have yet to start the actual semester but I do want to transfer toBinghamton as soon as possible. Whether it’s after the first semester or the first year. What are the GPA requirements, and would it make sense to try to transfer after the first semester? How easy do it to transfer from SUNY to SUNY?</p>

<p>hi, @bEchev25 , it’s much too early to determine whether or not you are a strong applicant. You can always apply (or reapply) as early as August by submitting your high school transcript and current standardized scores. However, you might want to stick it out for a few semesters if you feel that you are not a fully qualified candidate. Keep in mind, if you have less than 24cr outside of high school, you must submit both your final hs transcript as well as your SAT/ACT score(s). What is your intended major?</p>

<p>The spring/fall 2015 Common App has opened. Does anyone know if the “College Report” is required? </p>

<p>What do you think about my chances? i have a 3.87 gap after 32 credits. I am a member of Phi Thetta Kappa, the community college honor society. I also have a job where I’m working 20 hours a week. Much appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance</p>

<p>@marcb1 I’m in the same boat. I have a 4.0 w/ 27 credits, Phi Theta Kappa, Honors Classes, work 24hrs+ /week, and a few other activities. I’m apply to the SOM this month, however, I have no idea if i’ll get in. We are both very strong applicants. What school are you applying to?</p>

<p>Everyone who is applying for Spring 2015, post your current status. Let’s keep this thread updated with the latest news. </p>

<p>i am applying for the School of Management as well. Accounting major</p>

<p>@marcb1 awesome! Ive heard its very competitive, but I think we both have a great shot. </p>

<p>Thanks! I think so too. Keep me updated </p>

<p>@marcb1 likewise, I look forward to it. </p>

<p>My spring 2015 application has been submitted. Anyone else?</p>

<p>I am applying to SOM for spring 2015. I have a 4.0, phi theta kappa, one honors microeconomics course, 36 credits, and work 20 hours a week. My application is sent and ready for review. Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>@ralfhyde @marcb1 goodluck! I hope we all get in </p>

<p>Any other spring applicants? Feel free to post. </p>

<p>Also trying to get into Binghamton. have a 3.8 gpa from Albany. I’m hoping for the best though.</p>

<p>@Squarepants‌ Are you applying to the SOM? Also, why are you transferring out of Albany? Binghamton is my first choice, however, Albany is my safety school. I’m just curious. </p>

<p>They fired a lot of professors in my major. Classes I was really looking forward to taking were dropped because of this. I won’t be applying to SOM. My major is more liberal arts because I’m trying to become an instructor. Albany’s not bad; they just spent their money recklessly and they’ve had to cut back on majors. I also thought that with some of my classes that businesses and graduate schools would not take me seriously if they knew how easy it was to pass them. As for your peers there, I’m really confused as to how some people got into Albany and I’m really good friends with others :slight_smile: I haven’t run into one professor that I didn’t like there yet. The only reason I dropped a class was because I didn’t have enough money for the book and another time because I was taking too many credits. In a nutshell: Students = great, professors = great, administration = pathetic.</p>

<p>Also trying to transfer with a 3.6 to CCPA !
Has anyone been asked for mid-semester grades at all?</p>

<p>@squarepants thats a shame. I’ve heard that UAlbany was going down hill, and it seems like they are quickly loosing their reputation. Good luck with the transfer!</p>