Official Class of 2015 Applicant Thread :)

<p>Hey everyone!</p>

<p>I noticed we didn't have one of these started up yet...and I just got my letter in the mail today saying UM received my application and I'll be notified by February 1st! Can't wait to find out. </p>

<p>Home State: AZ
GPA: 3.36/3.86
SAT/ACT: 1890/28
Major: Sport Adminstration, Minor in Spanish & Pre-Med
Where else are you applying?: University of Arizona, Chapman, SDSU, LMU, University of Tennessee</p>

<p>& anything else you can think of! :)</p>

<p>Home State: Tx
GPA: 3.85/4.54
SAT/ACT: 2050/32
Class Rank: Top 3.5%
Major: Accounting and international relations with a minor in spanish
Where else are you applying?:Pepperdine, Notre Dame, University of San Diego, University of Texas, and Texas A&M</p>

<p>Application sent off and Looking for a scholarship(:
Go _!</p>

<p>Home State: WA
GPA: 3.96, 4.8
ACT: 33
Class Rank: unknown
Major: Neuroscience also applying to BA/MD program</p>

<p>Where else applying? UBC, Mcgill, Santa Clara, USC, Harvey Mudd, Scripps, Tulane, Yale, and possibly Wash U, Vanderbilt and NYU- Abu Dhabi.</p>

<p>application is being sent off this in 2 weeks (need class rank for counselor recommendation). looking for merit! and in 2 weeks sending off the BA/MD application.</p>

<p>home state: fl
early action
gpa 3.5 unweighted, 4.3 weighted
class rank: 127th out of 580, tied with like 10 people (i’m in the IB program at a giant IB school, we’re all tied with at least a few other people at most of the top 200 spots)
SAT: 1980
major: Public Relations and Geography</p>

<p>also applying to FIU and maybe Flagler… been in band</p>

<p>Home State: CT
GPA: Probably 3.7 something/3.9989 UW
SAT/ACT: 1700/27
Major: English?
Where else are you applying?: University of Tampa, Fordham, Northeastern, Boston University, maybe Temple and University of Connecticut, maybe another school in FL</p>

<p>You won’t hear back until February? I thought EA decisions were made sooner. =/</p>

<p>Home State: FL
GPA: 3.78UW/4.89W
SAT/ACT: 2080
Major: Business I think? lol
Where else are you applying?: UF, UCF, FSU, Vandy, tulane</p>

<p>Home State: GA
GPA: 3.68UW/4.19W
Major: Business/Comp. Sci
Where else are you applying?: Emory/Oxford, Georgia Tech, Alabama, Texas Christian, Fla State, Rice</p>

<p>Home State: FL
GPA: 3.6UW/5.5(6.0scale)
SAT: CR 730/M 610/W640
Major: Economics/International Relations
Where else are you applying?: Oberlin, Vandy, UNC, Middlebury, Columbia, Macalester</p>

<p>hey guys,
I’m actually a freshman at UM this year, andd, just letting 2015 applicants know that if they have any questions, you guys can feel free to PM me with any questions you have and let you know about my first few months as a 'cane!</p>

<p>Home State: Fl
GPA: 3.78/4.89
SAT/ACT: 2080/32
Major: Business of some sort…</p>

<p>Home State: Canada
GPA: I’m not 100% sure (It’s done differently in Canada)
Major: Music
Where else are you applying? NYU, USC, Northwestern, Columbia, Boston University</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! :)</p>

<p>Home State: Maryland
Gpa: 4.3 weighted
Major:Broadcast Journalism / International Business
where else : FIU and FAU</p>

<p>State: Maryland
GPA: 3.87/4.32
Scores: 2190/33
Where Else: Stanford, Vandy, Tulane, LSU, UMD, UNC, USC, WashU, Duke</p>

<p>Home State: MA
GPA: 3.23 UW / 3.9989 W
SAT/ACT: 2110
Major: Physics or Biochem/Neuro if i’m not down with physics
Where else are you applying?: NYU, UT Austin, UCLA, Cal, UC Irvine, McGill, BU, Rutgers, Pitt Honors, Michigan</p>

<p>What I don’t understand (as a parent of a HS senior), is why you all apply to SO many schools. My daughter is applying to 3, with the UM application “in the mail” under EA this past weekend. Unless you’ve gotten some application waivers, it seems like most of the fees are around the $65-70 area, so to apply to 10 schools is a pretty good chunk of change. Seems to me that you could find 3 or 4 schools that are your top choices and apply there? Based on some of the testing stats you’ve provided, it seems like most of you would be accepted to almost all of the schools to which you’re applying.</p>

<p>Anyone want to help me understand? If not, have a great day anyway!!

<p>While I’m not applying to colleges (currently a sophomore at UM) I think most college counselors recommend that you apply to six (two safety, two fits, and two reaches). I applied to four, personally (one safety, two fits, one reach). I think one of the reasons people have is just to have the options available. Also, I think only one of the schools I applied to had $70 application fees and the rest were $30. But I agree, some people go overboard with applying to so many colleges. But I also know that my local school’s college counselor was rather generous with handing out those fee waivers, but I don’t know if that applies to most.</p>

<p>Also, applying to medical schools is 10x worse (I mention it because I’ve been thinking about this alot recently)! Most people apply to 10 or 15 medical schools, and each has an application fee around $150!</p>

<p>Detroit, MI
GPA: 3.98
ACT: 29 & 28 but its a 30 supescored
Major: Finance
Where else are you applying?: Michigan state, university of guam, cincinnati, depaul,</p>

<p>Hoping for some large financial aid or its probably not going to happen</p>

<p>Home State: FL
GPA: 3.83/5.14
SAT/ACT: 2120
Major: Bio, Chem, or Math & Premed Track</p>

<p>UM awards merit based scholarships once you are accepted right? You don’t need to apply?</p>

<p>Home State: NJ
GPA: 3.23
SAT: 1910 (awaiting my october score)
Major: Motion Pictures
Where else are you applying?: Penn state, maryland, michigan, delaware, ohio state, george washington, uconn, northeastern,lehigh,syracuse</p>

<p>Yep! Everyone gets considered for merit based aid (above a certain cut off, I’d imagine). If you want need based aid you have to apply, though.</p>