Official Class of 2015 Applicant Thread :)

<p>Im applying regular for fall. :)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7
Graduating with Honors
Top 25 percent in calss
1940 SAT
Hopefully I get in!</p>

<p>Home State: NJ
GPA: 3.5 unweighted 3.9 weighted
SAT/ACT: 1790 ACT- 27
Major:Psychology w/ Pre-Med track
Where else are you applying?: Spelman, Northeastern, George Washington, American, NYU, Colgate, Hampton, Drexel, Temple, Rutgers, Syracuse</p>

GPA: 4.99 UW, 5.31 W
SAT: 2330, 1540 (CR+M)
Major: Biology, Pre-med track</p>

<p>Go 'canes!</p>

<p>Home State: NM
GPA: 3.76/4.31
Rank: 4 of 337
ACT: 30
SAT II: Math II: 710, US History: 680
Major: Marine Biology, Environmental Science
Where else are you applying?: UNM, U of Oregon, U of Washington, Western Washington, Whitman, Reed, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Tulane, Duke, Brown</p>

<p>Home State: MO
GPA: 3.9
SAT: 2100
ACT: 34
Rank: Top 2%
Major: Computer Engineering
Minor: German
Where else: SLU, NYU</p>

<p>Home State- FL
Early Action
UW GPA- 3.7
Weighted GPA- 4.5
Rank 17 out of 480 (Top 3%)
SAT-1160, I know it sucks :frowning:
Testing Dec 11 ACT, hoping to get a 31.
8 AP’s by graduation
5 in AP Chemistry
Moderate EC’s
Major Pre Med/Chemistry</p>

<p>What do you guys think my chances are?</p>

<p>Home State- Michigan
Early Action
UW GPA- 3.85
Weighted GPA- 4.0/4.0
Rank 22 out of 670
ACT- 34
SAT II’s- Chem (670), Math (750)
10 AP’s by graduation
5 in AP English (Lang and Comp), 4 in U.S. Gov’t, 4 in U.S. History
Great EC’s, good leadership
Major Pre Med/BioMed Engineering
Where Else: University of Michigan, Northwestern University, Case Western Reservre University, Johns Hopkins University, & UPenn</p>

<p>Home state: IL
Applying EA
ACT: 34
GPA:4.0 unweighted
Major: Biology
Also applying to: SLU, WashU, U of I Urbana-Champaign
*really hoping for a scholarship!!! :)</p>

<p>Home State: CA
GPA: 3.71/3.86
Rank: N/A
ACT: 32
SAT II: Not submitting
Major: Political Science, Philosophy
Where else are you applying?: Tulane (accepted), Arizona, Penn State, University of San Diego, UCSB, Vandy, Duke, Chapman</p>

<p>Home State: FL
ED/EA/RD: RD :frowning: the deadline flew by
GPA: 3.83/5.14
Rank: Top 99% (County Wise)
Senior Courseload: 7 IBs, 1 AP… Will have over 60 transferable credits through AP/IB/Dual Enrollement
ACT: Not Reporting
SAT: 1410/2120 (690 CR, 720 Math, 710 Writing)** Awaiting Nov. Scores
Major: Double Major BioChem/Math on Premed track
Where else are you applying?: Gtown (Early Action), Vandy, Johns Hopkins, UF</p>

<p>Hoping to get decent amount of merit money… Otherwise i won’t be able to afford to attend.</p>

<p>Home Country : France
ED/EA/RD: ED</p>

<p>Hey, i was wondering if any of you early applicants knew if it’s possible to be notified before the " december twentieth notification" date ?</p>

<p>I can’t wait!</p>

<p>Hey Jessybomb16 - can you tell me a bit about the UM community/college feel? Is there good dorm life, school spirit, college bars/hang-outs… or is UM a country club environment where everyone leaves campus every weekend and goes out and about in Miami?</p>

<p>HomeState: CA
GPA: 3.87/4.3
SAT: 2070
Major: Business
Where else are you applying? USC, TCU, SMU, UC Berkeley</p>

<p>Home State: NY
GPA: 3.6
Major: A&S- Undecided</p>

<p>upset that EA hears back in February! :frowning:
any chance of hearing back sooner?</p>

<p>Home State: CA
GPA: 4.0UW/4.33 W
SAT/ACT: 1900/27
Major: Architecture
Where else are you applying?: USC, U of Michigan, Northeastern, U of Texas Austin, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo</p>

<p>Home State: MD
GPA: My school doesn’t do it…
Rank: Ditto…
Senior Course load: Anatomy, Latin american history + lit, European history, statistics, an independent study in vocal music arrangement, and I was in the fall musical lulzzies
ACT: Not Reporting
SAT: 2000
Major: undecided
Where else are you applying?: Tulane, NYU, USC, UMD</p>

<p>Home State: NY
GPA: 5.08 (out of 5.5)
Rank: N/A
Senior Course load: Physics, Syracuse University Economics, Broadcast Journalism, AP Calc, College Prep Writing, Film Studies
ACT: 31
SAT: 1800
Major: Biology
Where else are you applying?: Vanderbilt, Syracuse, Boston College, Northeastern, St. Lawrence, Nazareth</p>

<p>Home State: FL
GPA: 3.7/4.5
SAT/ACT: 2080/(NA)
Major: Political Science/ Int Relations
Where else are you applying?: Wake Forest, UF, FSU, GA Tech, Tulane, Penn State, UGA, GWU, Vanderbilt, Swarthmore College, UMich</p>

<p>Home State: NJ
SAT: 1930 3 section superscore 1250 2 section
Major: Motion Pictures in School of Communications
Where else are you applying?: Rutgers (Accepted already) Michigan (Deferred) Northeastern (Deferred) Ohio State, Penn State, Syracuse, Lehigh, UConn, UDel, NYU , Maryland</p>

<p>Home State: FL
GPA: 3.8/5.7
Major: Journalism
Where else are you applying?: UF, FSU, Duke, UPenn, UNC, NYU</p>