Official Class of 2017 Results Thread

<p>Dreamweaver10- My son, like your daughter, followed his passion and didn’t try to fit any preconceived mold of what he should be. I have always thought my son was special, but then I am his mom!! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Looks like our kids may be rivals next year as my son is definitely leaning toward his SCEA school. :wink: I am hoping he will decide after Bull Dog Days. Knowing him, he will wait until the last minute. That does tend to be his modus operandi.</p>

<p>This stuff could be in another thread.</p>

<p>As a dad, I say little about her accomplishments to people I know - she got into Penn, Wharton School - because of looks and comments and jealousy and hatin. Seems like CC is one of the few place I can go lately for a supportive environment.</p>

<p>When I say her…I’m referring to my D if that’s not clear.</p>

<p>Hi guys, haven’t posted in a while.</p>

<p>In at:
Duke (Likely)
Vanderbilt (early write)
Macalester (early write)
Wash U

<p>Accepted to UCLA yesterday!!! Still in shock :’)</p>

<p>In at:
UC Irvine
University of Miami</p>

<p>Congratulations buttafly and random! :heart:</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you! Class of 2013 is really doing well! :)</p>

<p>@ Buttafly13
Congrats! I just got into UCLA too! I was super surprised of the admission! lol What school are you leaning towards?</p>

<p>Thought I’d share too, Got into Northwestern and Boston Univesity this week. Also got into Emerson College and waitlisted at the University of Chicago. </p>

<p>This week I’ll know about Brown, Columbia and NYU Tisch. Anyone else got into Northwestern, I’m a bit excited for it.</p>

<p>Congratulations WriterColumbia! Good luck with Ivy Day! May the odds be ever in your favor! </p>

<p>P.S. I always say this because I’m a huge Hunger Games fan. lol :)</p>

<p>I got into Arcadia and northeastern on Thursday :slight_smile: I’m waiting for Barnard, duke and trinity on Wednesday as well as Dartmouth, brown and Princeton on Thursday! I’m scared lol</p>

<p>You guys are all so inspirational! I admire how much you guys have achieved and the way you guys are so genuine with one another on this thread (unlike other cc threads). I hope acceptances continue to flow in.</p>

<p>Congrats everyone!! Thanks guys (:
@Curious UCLA is my top right now. It has always been my dream school :slight_smile: I am still waiting on Berkeley and USC, (along with super reaches Duke and Stanford lolol). What about you?</p>


<p>Omg! I’m waiting on USC and UC Berkeley too! My top is USC and my 2nd is UCLA. UCLA is a great school but I really really want to be a Trojan! lol If USC unfortunately doesn’t work out, I’ll be more than happy to go to UCLA! Good luck to both of us this week! :D</p>

<p>I got into UCDavis, UC Berkeley Regents Scholar, UCLA, and Harvard EA. Those were all my schools, so thats it for me! Good Luck to everyone on Ivy Day!</p>

<p>Congrats Hellogoodbye.</p>

<p>@ hello
Congrats! And I love how you mention Harvard like its an afterthought :D</p>

<p>Waitlisted at Duke, accepted to Williams College.</p>

<p>Is someone going to start a thread for stats? Who does that?</p>

<p>Accepted to College Park, UMBC, Dickinson, Gettysburg, Lafayette, Villanova
Waitlisted at Williams College :(</p>