Official Class of 2021 Northeastern University Early Decision/Early Action Discussion

From nyc and I haven’t heard

I got accepted from NJ!!! College of Engineering and $80,000 scholarship!!!
ACT 35
3.95 UW gpa and 4.25 Weighted

Any prediction for Ohio, Michigan, Indiana areas to come out?

@mintchoco Would you be comfortable posting your stats? My daughter applied to the 0-6 pharmd and was deferred :frowning: Just curious what it took to get in EA.

Son accepted in PA and Dean’s scholarship of $14K/yr!
SAT: 1520 (but based on November - so may have only looked at initial of 1430)
GPA: 3.9/4.9
3 APs completed; taking 3 this year

Im from Puerto Rico, does anyone know when should receive a decision?

Probably 6-7 PM EST. Most likely 6 for OH since Pennsylvania was released at 5.

31 act
3.7 gpa

Accepted ny
34 act, 3.7 gpa, good ec, ap and ib
Also got some Deans scholarship. Is that good or do most ppl get that? Would have loved to get honors. Congrats to all.

deferred from NJ. 4.9 weighted gpa, 30 ACT 1980 old sat. tons of EC, #11/525 in my graduating class

Ny deferred
act 30
average 91 weighted/3.7
amazing ecs/letters

Accepted: 3.68 UW, 2100 SAT, high caliber EC’s and awards

Email or posted on the status check page?

Posted on status check up

Deferred CT 2100 Old Test 3.9 W 3 Sport athlete vp of National Honor Society

Accepted NJ with 14k/year Dean’s Scholarship
ACT 34
GPA 4.0 UW

Deferred from NY

4.0 uw , 29 act

@422525 If you are deferred you will be in the RD pool and those decisions come out mid-March.

time estimate for releasing decisions in colorado??

if there isn’t a document for financial aid, does that mean I didn’t get financial aid or scholarship??