Official Cornell Class of 2019 Early Decision

<p>@manas1997‌ </p>

<p>I have an alum interview on Saturday.
Stats: 3.88 UW GPA, 35 ACT, 800 Math 2, 800 Physics</p>

<p>I am also applying to CoE</p>

<p>@BroomOfThought‌ no, it’s fine. don’t even know if i’ll get accepted into cornell, but crossing my fingers that i do</p>

<p>@jamesjunkers Completely unrelated. My son is a double legacy and had his interview yesterday. 10 minutes long because there was very little he didn’t already know!:slight_smile:</p>

<p>Applying to CAS and haven’t got an interview yet.</p>

<p>@manas1997‌ I don’t think stats matter though. It is just based on availability. They generally want people that are alums from your college meeting up with you.</p>

<p>26 days until Dec 15!!</p>

<p>22 days until Dec 11!! </p>

<p>Link from @superdub‌
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^Great link, looks like Dec.11th is the day!!! Thanks @superdub and @Kungpaoasian. Twenty two days …</p>

<p>I have an interview on Saturday. applied to CAS. I live in California. </p>


<p>I thought interviews were not required/offered for CAS applicants… say what?</p>

<p>@BarrelBlaster It’s a CAAAN interview.</p>

<p>thanks for posting stats guys, jus wanted to make sure. I do live in a unique area, I am the only one from my school applying to a “top” school, and probably a few more in my region which encompasses like 3 cities, so I guess I am geographically unique, but idk, jus want the decision. Good luck to everyone that has applied, hope we ALL get accepted.</p>

<p>I’ve been into a few residence buildings throughout campus (both freshman and west campus)…The dorms really vary depending on the building. Even though people often go for the more modern dorms, the older dorm rooms tend to be a bit more luxurious in their classic/rustic feeling…really depends but they’re all clean and safe!</p>

<p>Hotelies always get accurate information! hahaha :D</p>

<p>This is directly quoted from the email I received about an alumni interview (hopefully it can reassure some people!):
“This meeting would be optional and informational and is not an evaluative interview.”</p>

<p>Of course it’s probably still a good idea to be punctual, prepared, respectful, all the usual stuff, but based on what my ‘interviewer’ said, these meetings probably have little (if any) impact on decisions.</p>

<p>Also, for those who have already had interviews, how long did they last and what kind of things did you discuss?</p>

<p>I have my interview in an hour, so I’ll let you guys know after.</p>

<p>Aghhh still havent gotten one and there are definitely a lot of alumni in my area </p>