<p>I’m applying ED to the College of Arts & Sciences. Does anyone know if there are mandatory courses that undergrads must take in CAS?</p>
Short answer to your question: Oh Yeah.</p>
<p>Long answer: CAS has a TON of distributional requirements one must fulfill for graduation. In addition to the two first year writing courses undergrads must take, CAS requires around 3-4 classes each in foreign language, humanities and social sciences, physical sciences and math, geographical and historical breadth, major requirements, electives (major and non major related), and PE. Doing summer school to finish a degree isn’t uncommon here. From memory of college visits, I believe only Columbia is worse than this in terms of reqs.</p>
<p>Since ED is binding, you all should definitely read up at least a little of what you are getting yourself into. (Since I didn’t and was in for quite a shock come class enrollment time). PM me if you have any questions.</p>
<p>So I submitted my common app for ED three days ago, and I haven’t received my confirmation email from Cornell yet. Do you think this is bad? </p>
<p>No, my D sent hers in two weeks ago and it took them a few days at least to process. Now,especially since the deadline is looming it may take them a bit longer. Hang in there and check your spam. </p>
<p>Just sent in my apps. Took my 2 hours as I triple checked everything.</p>
<p>Just submitted my app. CALS - AEM (NY resident)
So nervous!! </p>
<p>another Just Submitted my app! Feels good to have it all in :)</p>
<p>hotel anyone?</p>
<p>CALS Environmental Engineering… fingers crossed!</p>
<p>guys…what is your application checklist on the portal? Mine has SAT unchecked but I submitted my ACT. Do I still need to send SAT?</p>
<p>How long did it take y’all to get a confirmation email? </p>
<p>Took about 2 days</p>
<p>@jeff0418 what major are you applying for?</p>
<p>Primary: HumEc - Human biology health & society
Alternative: ALS - Biology and Society</p>
<p>applied last weekend. ED</p>
<p>@SweetIceTea What state are you applying from?</p>
<p>@kungpaoasian the south</p>
<p>@SweetIceTea I assumed so because of the username! I’m a fellow southerner as well. What major are you looking at?</p>
<p>@kungpaoasian yeah, sweet tea is big where I am! I am applying to ILR. You?</p>
<p>@SweetIceTea Sweet Tea is pretty big here as well! I am applying to CHE.</p>