<p>yeah. that was my essay. I hated the topic.</p>
<p>Yeah, but you're international aren't you?</p>
<p>yup. which means that you guys will not have the same topic.</p>
<p>Oh, then who cares?</p>
<p>lol. yeah. the tests are never the same lol.</p>
<p>what are those tallymarks that "colleisgoodok" wrote?</p>
<p>I think it's how many questions s/he will get wrong in the test.</p>
<p>^Maybs a prediction of how many wrong per section.</p>
<p>oh okay....so how was the test overall?</p>
<p>mine? it sucked. my worst so far.</p>
<p>So was mine. I had to skip quite a few writing questions...and CR was really hard.</p>
<p>CR was pretty tough, and I got an 800 on the October one. Wasn't one CR section experimental? Also, the math was a little bit harder. Essay question was pretty good, "Does ignoring others' opinions lead to more success and productivity?"</p>
<p>AHH! just took the test. when can we start talking about the answers cuz im paranoid and its my last SAT I test of my life. yay.</p>
<p>does anyone have any idea which of the 2 writing sections was experimental??</p>
<p>^ I only had one....but on mine there were two math fill in</p>
<p>I had writing as my experimental section. The paragraph improving in section 6was about this governor of Maryland and the paragraph improving in section was about a historical travelogue. If someone can confirm which one they got, we might be able to figure which one is the experimental</p>
<p>How do you which section was experiemntal?</p>
<p>Writing seemed pretty easy and so was critical reading. I bombed math, I just guessed so many.</p>
<p>I am international got the same essay question...i hated CR...loved WRITING...loved MATH...the essay was easy the abe lincoln one..used examples from Oedipus Rex, and personal experiences hoping for a 2000+ inshAllah...</p>
<p>I got the same writing sections..i have a feeling the second one was..but cant really tell both seemed the same..which one did u find easier..the marlyand one was a bit confusing like the sentence correction one about the idea he has for congress did u put down the one with a ":"?</p>
<p>i thought math the was EASY ..... CR sucked big time............ didnt have enough of time.... writing was ok.......... essay was alright......... idk if ill get 2000+ :-( and yeah one of the writing was the experimental which one was it? the first one or second one? i hope the 1st one cuz i didnt have enough time....... dang it</p>