<p>Alright guys, let's see them!</p>
<p>I'll start.</p>
<p>Score: 800
Retake: I'm considering it. :)</p>
<p>Alright guys, let's see them!</p>
<p>I'll start.</p>
<p>Score: 800
Retake: I'm considering it. :)</p>
<p>i had like 5 confirmed wrong before i got the score too...</p>
<p>whut books u both use</p>
<p>800 and I left 3 questions blank.</p>
<p>Btw, I'm only half way through a regular grade 12 math course and I literally did only 50 practice questions, so I am extremely happy with scores of 780 and 800 on MathI/II respectively. I've always been good at math but I can't believe it was that easy!!!111shift1</p>
<p>i used barrons but i gave up halfway through their practice test</p>
<p>i had a different book too, but forget the brand</p>
<p>800 here! </p>
<p>so far everyone's gotten an 800 haha</p>
<p>Ugh I feel stupid.</p>
<p>but I got 710!
I broke 700! woo...</p>
<p>I suck at math so...this is sort of good for me.
I did get 790 on SAT I.
I'm better at that kind of simple and "logical" math than all these conceptual...****.
I thought i'd get 680 or 690 or something.
<p>Oh, I skipped 14 questions so I'm guessing i got 0-1..wrong?</p>
<p>Yea!!! I got an 800 too :) Yippe!!! <em>Jumping up and down, slipping and bumping my head on the beadpost - outch!</em></p>
<p>I left one blank and probably missed some probability ones.
I studied for three days with PR and SparkN.
DO NOT USE BARRON's unless you have the scholary passion to learn something that's never gonna be on the test.
Oh, and befriend your little 83. For factoring, it's nice to have 89.
Good luck to those who are retaking!</p>
<p>800, 2 wrong 0 blank NO studying!</p>
<p>800 10char</p>
<p>730...without a calculator</p>
<p>Wow so many smart people on these boards. All asians? lol</p>
<p>no not quite</p>
<p>Wow..you all are a smart bunch..smarter than last months test takers</p>
<p>You can get 6 wrong and still get an 800...</p>
<p>610 here... let's hear it for not studying and having an inept precalc teacher last year! :p</p>
<p>750 =[ how's the percentile for that?</p>
<p>Not sure, my 770 in Oct was 79th percentile.</p>