*Official Deferred Class of 2016 Page*

<p>What were your stats</p>

<p>Gave daughter’s stats on another thread but briefly: Got in after being deferred early action. OOS LSA; 3.8 UW; 4.2W; SAT 1910; ACT 28; Lots of leadership…was class president three years etc. I really hope everyone hears back soon! Ridiculous to make everyone wait so long. Especially the students who applied early action.</p>

<p>Just got accepted after being deferredRD. Can’t post my stats cause I’m in Disney, but I’m really happy!</p>

<p>Ah, life would be so much easier if they just posted all decisions online at the same time! Congrats to everyone who has been accepted so far.</p>

<p>There’s another spot opening soon. D just withdrew after being accepted EA (OOS). Got her “final” FA package yesterday. I would’ve rather received a thumb in the eye.</p>

<p>Hope everyone enjoys their Freshman experience! Go Blue!!! We’ll be rooting from afar. And remember - 6 in 10 that get accepted, don’t actually matriculate. Deferred and wait-listed? there’s plenty-O-hope.</p>

<p>So interesting that RD deferrals are hearing before a ton of high stat EA ones…congrats to all!!</p>

<p>totally agree @rodney, this is crazy that they’re keeping everyone waiting so long! have any EA deferrals gotten a final decision yet?</p>

<p>I don’t think any EA deferrals, other than acceptances have heard…</p>

<p>I know students at the same school with lower stats who were accepted RD while EA kids were deferred…again…</p>

<p>New policy: nobody applies EA…</p>

<p>I’m concerned i’m not getting in since I haven’t heard back. Anyone from the carolinas or virginia heard back after deferral in RD?</p>

<p>If it’s on Wolverine Access, how do you find it. I was under my profile (where it shows that I applied and my background info) but couldn’t find a link to any decision. It’s probably not there, but just want to make sure.</p>

<p>When they post a decision about you, a new link appears on your “application status”. It will show up beside “view credentials” once they have decided</p>

<p>for everyone who heard back yesterday/early this morning… where were you from?</p>

<p>Bro just got accepted ^^.</p>

<p>Congrats! Like just now???</p>

<p>congrats to all! but this whole wait is kind of annoying. ): i got deferred back in early-mid feb. i wish they would just make a decision.</p>

<p>anyone know if they’re still adding more decisions in the very near future or do we have to wait a week or two for the next batch?</p>

<p>3.7 UW 4.0 W, 32 act’s captain of varsity baseball team, treasurer of model un club, 1st chair trumpet in band marching band and jazz band, and I act in the school show… So solid scores and great EC’s</p>

<p>thanks man</p>

<p>I was deferred in December and have not heard anything since…</p>

<p>33 ACT
4.3 W
EC’s that I am passionate about
lots of leadership</p>

<p>some kids from my school were just accepted today. they were deferred rd in early february.</p>

<p>I was deferred RD 2110 SAT 94/100 varsity softball, 250+ hrs of com service and I still haven’t heard back yet ;( :(</p>