<p>First off, don't freak out, they aren't here yet!</p>
<p>I know that the decisions will not be out until the 15th or 16th, but I wanted to make this thread to give people a heads up as to the format of posting decisions. Some people said that after finding out their decision, they would not be able to type their stats up in their emotional state. The solution: prepare them now :p. Post here on the actual day the decisions come out, but try not to clutter it up now.</p>
<p>As for the format, there are two options. The best way is to click this</a> link and simply copy/paste the text there into your reply box on CC. Fill it in as necessary. The second way is to copy the text below and take out all of the spaces:</p>
<p>Here is a fake example of how a completed version will look like:</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted</p>
[<em>]SAT: 1600 (800m | 800v)
[</em>]SAT IIs: 800 Math IIc | 800 Writing | 800 Literature
[<em>]GPA: 4.00 UW
[</em>]Rank: 1 / 6800
[<em>]Other stats: 5's on 29 AP tests!
[/ul] Subjective:
[</em>]Essays: Amazing, I won a pulitzer prize
[<em>]Teacher Recs: Best in years
[</em>]Counselor Rec: Excellent
[<em>]Hook (if any): Recruited athlete
[/ul] Location/Person:
[</em>]State or Country: Anywhere, USA
[<em>]School Type: Public
[</em>]Ethnicity: White
[<em>]Gender: Male
[/ul] Other Factors:
[</em>]Nothing much else
<p>General Comments: I'm so thrilled that I got in!</p>
<p>Hopefully this will be a great resource for us as well as for the class of 2010 and beyond. Good luck to all in the coming days! Oh yeah, we'll make separate threads for discussion too.</p>
<p>1.)Only post results here. Discusion can take place in a different forum</p>
<p>2.) NEXT WEEK (On Tuesday) , we can also add forums with the following headers.
Official EA Discussion - 2009
Official EA Rejection - 2009
Official EA Deferral - 2009
Official EA Acceptance - 2009
Official EA Technical/Mail Issues - 2009</p>
<p>This will keep the board from becoming cluttered with many different threads (check out Princeton to see how bad this is).</p>
<p>4.)Formatting for totals can be done this way:
*Accepted=5 *
*Deferred=5 *
*Rejected=5 *</p>
<p>5.) Formatting for a list can be done this way:
[size=+1]Accepted<a href="List%20Names">/size</a>
[size=+1]deferred<a href="List%20Names">/size</a>
[size=+1]rejected<a href="List%20Names">/size</a></p>
<p>6.) Use newt's formatting if at all possible. It may take a little getting used to, but is much easier to read. However, if it doesn't work for you, use this generic verison and edit your post (the worst possibility is the formatted version without the formatting but with [li] and other symbols everywhere.</p>[/li]
<p>Decision: (ALL CAPS) </p>
<p>Of course. I hope you aren't getting the impression that we really want stats, I am just as happy that way, and everyone already respects you Chidimma.</p>
<p>Actually, I really do want stats :p--they give hope to people and let people know how they stack up. But I respect that some people don't want to post their stats. If that is the case, I would ask that they still submit a post saying their decision and any parts they are comfortable filling out (i.e. general comments).</p>
<p>But then again, no one is forcing anyone to do anything, so do what you want :D</p>
<p>That was real smooth, the first line being "they aren't out yet; don't worry" in macro font...When decisions will actually be out, you won't be able to edit that part out, and you'll confuse hundreds of readers. Please excuse me if I'm wrong, and you made some arrangement with the admins so they delete it when it comes time. Otherwise, doing that in advance may be a good idea. Or (duh) we'll make another post, but then all your formatting tips will be neglected by most...what a dilemma</p>
<p>The second line says 'they won't be out until the 15th or 16th.' It really won't be that confusing, especially when people start posting results. Anyway, this thread is already cluttered and we might as well start a new results thread when the results actually come out.</p>
<p>Great idea!
Also, when we eventually get the acceptance/deferral rates, do it out of the 90 or so people on the roster, not out of how many responded. many people who don't get in probably won't post their decisions.</p>
<p>Good idea as well. We can do both. So everyone who isn't on the roster (or hasn't registered) please get on NOW.</p>
<p>Newt, you decide about the future of this thread. If you want to redo it on Tuesday, you should get the honors. (No one else make the official thread unless Newt doesn't).</p>
<p>Well, it's out of 9, so it could be the same one. That's not the point though. The point is to see how well the academic index correlates with an ivy league school.</p>
<p>Nickleby, have you thought of creating a thread: Yale Class of 2009? Princeton has. Harvard, I think, will. It generates a different genre of discussion. It effectively puts the season of college apps behind you.</p>
<p>Haha, you all are so organized. We (princeton) were planning on being organized, but because the decisions arrive at such different times, we failed royally...</p>