*Official EA Results Thread*

<p>Decision: Accepted! </p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/28/11
Accepted at which school/major: College of Arts and Sciences/Biology/Pre-Med
SAT Total: Did not submit
ACT: 25
GPA-UW/W: 4.0/5.0
Rank: top 3%
AP/IB classes: AP World AP US history AP Chemistry, 30+ Dual Enrollment credits
State or Country: FL
School Type: public
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female</p>

<p>scholarship info comes in the paper packet by mail</p>

<p>Decision: Wait-listed/Deferred</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/28/11
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: X</p>

SAT Total: 1890 M: 610, CR: 630, WR: 650,
ACT: 27
SAT Subject Tests: French 700
GPA-UW/W: 3.4/3.7
AP/IB classes: 4 (French, Spanish, World History, English)
Essays: good I guess?!
Teacher Recs: good!
Counselor Rec: pretty standard
EC highlights: </p>

State or Country:
School Type: public, number 1 or 2 in state
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Other Factors, hook?: volunteer experience, fluent in french</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 01/29/11
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Business School </p>

SAT Total: 1240/1869
ACT: 29
GPA- Unweighted: 3.6
EC highlights: Chorus, Suzuki Piano, A Capella Singing, Football Cheerleading Captain, Competitive Cheerleading Captain, Jolly Rogers Spirit Club. </p>

State or Country: Florida
School Type: Private Prep School
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Decision: ACCCEPTED</p>

SAT: 1240/1850 (M 620 CR 620 W 610)
UW GPA: 3.5
W GPA: 4.2
EC: varsity cheerleading captain, student council, TONS of volunteer/community service
APs: 2 (biology and spanish language)
Rank: top 20% out of about 500</p>

State: Pennsylvania
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: African american and white
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/29/2011</p>

ACT: 34 Composite (33 English, 34 Math, 34 Reading, 34 Science)
SAT Subject Tests: 800 Math II, 730 Chemistry
GPA-UW/W: 3.8 UW - 4.02 W
Rank: Top Quarter
AP/IB classes: 5 AP’s (Chemistry, Enviornmental Science, Calculus BC, Literature, Language)
Essays: Published in TeenInk Magazine, so good.
Teacher Recs: Very Good
Counselor Rec: Average (Our Counselor is dumb as dirt. She has a 16 ACT)
EC highlights: Varsity Hockey, NHS, German Club President, Editor of the Newspaper, Worked as a research assistant doing brain trauma work at Wayne State.</p>

State or Country: Michigan
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>

<p>I’m currently waiting on my packet to arrive, hopefully I get some money. I want to get as far away from UMich as possible.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/28/2011
architectural engineering
ACT: 30 Composite
SAT: 1420/2100 (750 math)
GPA: 3.8 UW
Rank: Top 10%
AP/IB classes: 4 AP’s- Language and Composition, US History, Calculus AB, and Physics, other high school honors classes since 8th grade.
Essays: Very Good
Teacher Recs: Very Good
Counselor Rec: Good
EC highlights: Eagle Scout, Varsity Cross Country and Track (captain, school record holder, state qualifier), honors band, and chorus, select choir, men’s choir, jazz band, Town basketball and soccer, volunteer program, all-wny scholar athlete team, student council, steering committee, NHS, MHS.<br>
State or Country: New York
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male</p>

<p>Still have not received packet, hoping for some sort of scholarship</p>



<p>college a and s</p>

<p>29 ACT
3.8 GPAA
6 APs
ECs - student govt, saferides volunteering, study abroad, field hockey, youth forums, varsity field hockey, nhs…
Essays - good
teacher recs - fine
Connecticut - public school

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/30/11
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: School of Communication</p>

SAT Total: 1980 M: 650, CR: 670, WR: 660,
ACT: 31
GPA-UW/W: 3.9/4.3
AP/IB classes: Calculus, Literature, History, and Psychology
Essays: Very good</p>

State or Country: Arizona
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Any Other Information such as scholarships: Still waiting…</p>

<p>Where does it say which school you were accepted into? I put Business as and interest on my App but it doesnt say anything about the business school in my acceptance letter</p>

<p>If you applied to the School of Business and you were accepted to UM then you were also accepted to the School of Business, as far as I am aware.</p>

<p>How did you guys get the decision???</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/30
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Marine and Atmospheric School</p>

ACT: 30
SAT Subject Tests: 710 M 680 US History
GPA-UW/W: 3.75/4.37
Rank: 4/357
AP/IB classes: At least 8
Subjective: X
Essays: Good
Teacher Recs: Excellent
Counselor Rec: Good
EC highlights: Varsity soccer 3 years and varsity track 1 year. Over 100 hours community service</p>

State or Country: NM
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Other Factors, hook?: Well-rounded?</p>

<p>Decision: Daughter Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/29/11
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Rosenstiel/CAS- Bio</p>

<p>SAT Total: 2320 M: 720, CR: 800, WR: 800,
ACT: n/a
SAT subject tests: Bio 800; Lit 760</p>

<p>GPA-UW/W: 4.0 UW
Class rank: 1/255
AP classes: Bio(5), Literature(5), Euro(5) </p>

<p>EC’s: Band. Tennis, Swimming, Drama, Archaeology, Leo’s</p>

<p>Essays: </p>

State or Country: Pennsylvania
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Any Other Information such as scholarships: Still waiting…</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/28 online 1/31 mail
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Engineering</p>

SAT Total: 2200 M: 800, CR: 680, WR: 720,
SAT Subject Tests: Math2 780, Physics 720
GPA-UW/W: don’t know
Rank: school doesn’t rank
AP/IB classes: English, Spanish, Physics, Calculus
Essays: good, not amazing
Teacher Recs: probably really good
Counselor Rec: probably really good
EC highlights: board member of chinese club, gsa, and radio station. varsity ultimate frisbee. 4 years associated with drama.</p>

State or Country: CT
School Type: private boarding co-ed prep school
Ethnicity: white
Gender: male
Other Factors, hook?: X</p>

<p>Any Other Information such as scholarships: No! which sucks…because SMU and Tulane gave me big merit scholarships…so I’m probably not going to UMiami…</p>

<p>For anyone who wants to know- I just called admissions and they said that they’re doing something new this year and are sending Singer invites seperately from admissions packets (sometime within the next week), so anyone who freaked out (like me) because there wasn’t a Singer invite in their admissions packet, there’s still hope!!! :)</p>

<p>do they send other scholarships separately also? i got my letter but nothing about any money</p>

<p>My scholarship certificate, info, etc. was in my packet with my admissions letter</p>

<p>I was kind of shocked S didn’t get any merit $$.
He had 2220 SAT, 3.5/3.9 gpa, 5 APs, great recs, from NorthEast</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

<p>Date decision received: 1/30
Accepted at which school/major at Miami: Pre-forensics/School of Nursing and Health Studies</p>

SAT Total: 2180 M:700, CR: 750, WR: 730,
SAT Subject Tests: Molecular Biology: 720, US History: 770, Math I: 710
GPA-UW/W: 4.6/5.0
Rank: about top 10%
AP/IB classes: Biology (3), US History (4), Calculus AB, Physics C, Latin Vergil, Government and Politics
Subjective: X
Essays: great
Teacher Recs: good
Counselor Rec: okay
EC highlights: substantial community service, varsity tennis, orchestra, various clubs</p>

State or Country: NY
School Type: Small private, Catholic, All girls
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: female
Other Factors, hook?: none</p>

<p>Any Other Information such as scholarships: University Scholarship :D</p>