Official Early Action / Early Decision Notification Dates for Fall 2023

I haven’t talked to my counselor HAHA! You’re probably right.

Miami University Ohio (per their website)

ED: Dec. 1
EA1: Dec. 15
EA2: Feb 1

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what’s the difference between the two rounds?

It’s random…

Tulane is today 12/1 at 4pm Central

Morehouse EA is Monday, Dec 5.


Clark Atlanta University EA was released 11/31/22


Univ of Portland EA decisions were released today.

Any idea when is Carnegie Mellon ED1 decision coming out?

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Updated for Caltech


I got in!!!


Awesome!!! My son got in as well. Congratulations :grinning:

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Case Western Reserve ED1 results were released today.

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Is it true Notre Dame is the 15th? I saw on a College Kickstart blog post, but I can’t find a statement from ND themselves…

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Does anyone if Bentley ED notification is Friday, November 16th?

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Hello, Can you tell me if this was posted anywhere? Thanks for your help.

Yes, they posted it on the @admit2morehouse Instagram last week. I think they will release decisions at 9:00 am EST tomorrow (based on the countdown on Instagram).


William and Mary just confirmed they will announce on Friday, Dec 9, in the evening. We wish you all good luck!

Last year it was the Saturday before December 15th…

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Last year it was on Thursday, Dec. 16th. Typically it is a Thursday… so the 15th would track correctly for ND.