Official Early Action / Early Decision Thread for Fall 2023

Some Reed College EA applicants have already received their acceptances (domestic through mail, international through email), thus I also think a Reed thread is a good idea.


My son applied to Reed EA and got his acceptance via regular mail today–a box with a nice letter and a copy of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. Financial aid info expected in February.


Congrats, great school!


Did anyone else get a notification from FedEx that a 2 pound package from Reed Admissions is on the way? I got one however the only status is “Label Created” from December 12th.


Mine too! Did your request for a St. Olaf EA/ED thread go through? Just searched and I’m not seeing anything.


Is there a similar thread for Regular Decision Fall 2023?

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There isn’t currently but we plan on creating one soon.

We just got FA award for Reed (early action applicant)



Is there a link for Rhodes College?

Is there a list of decision release dates for early action?

You might be looking for the first post, way far above.

Can you please add Boulder or share a link if it’s already been added as I can’t find it.

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FYI - my son’s friend got his acceptance to CU Boulder on Friday.


Need some help. We applied ED2 to a school. Now we want to be considered for RD. What’s the best way to do this? Is there a way to do this on university portal? But i could mot see any way.

And will this change have any impact on the result outcome?

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If there’s no option on the portal you’ll need to write to the admissions office. A contact email should be listed on the portal.

Depends on how selective the school is, how yield conscious they are, and what percent of the freshman class is filled by the early rounds.

At most schools: yes it will have an impact because ED 1/2 typically provides a boost vs RD.

Thanks a lot. On writing to admissions officer, do i need to give a reason?

And for the second part of my question, i meant whether this change will be considered as negative for my application besides the lower chance in RD versus ED2.

You don’t necessarily need to provide a reason but finances are usually a common reason for switching away from ED.

Will it be considered a negative? Depends on the school. At schools like Northeastern - yes. They care a lot about commitment and yield.