Official Early Decision Ii Countdown Thread

<p>Let's all join to make the days leading up to February 1st easier.</p>

<p>9 more days!</p>

<p>haha did anyone else get the e-mail about "Wonderful Wednesdays"? I like how at the bottom it said:
"This email is for information purposes only and does not indicate acceptance to Emory."</p>

<p>haha...i didn't get that, but that's pretty funny</p>

<p>this month is the slowest ever</p>

<p>but just next week you'll know where you're going (or not).</p>

<p>ya i like that we may have GREAT news next week.</p>

<p>i'm just nervous about this whole ED II stupid few kids thing that i started the thread too..i wish i would have never asked</p>

<p>Ughh yea, I've got a good feeling that I'm not gonna get in... :( Oh well, best I can do is hope and pray. Whatever happens, happens</p>

<p>Hey, I know I'm kinda newer on the radar but I'm also waiting for my EDII decision. I'm really nervous, but I'm trying to stay positive. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I Know, I'm starting to tell myslef I won't get in.. =(</p>

<p>5 more days!!
I'm really scared and nervous</p>

<p>my app. isn't even complete yet, emory still needs my signature page. is that bad? does everyone else have their app. complete?</p>

<p>Ahhh OneandOnly, not trying to scare you man... but I didn't have mine a few weeks back and they called to ask if I could send it again immediately or else they couldn't make a decision on my application ED II....</p>

<p>=[ I asked them and they said they will email me when they have gone through all the mails? I remember I even put EDII on my envelop when I mailed it in. BUt I just recently changed my plan from RD to EDII, like a week you think that was a bad decision to make? I really do wanna go to EMory U, and I thought it was the best way to go.</p>

<p>does anyone know if it is 12 AM friday morning or 7 AM friday morning or another time?</p>

<p>it's posted at midnight</p>