Official ESP Results for Class of 2011

<p>Yes - around 9:00 this AM. Says packages were mailed 2/15 (today).</p>

<p>you'd think they notify the semifinalists who didn't make it too. But I haven't gotten anything. </p>

<p>What about Emory Scholars (2/3 tuition?) Anyone get that info yet?</p>

<p>I am also a finalist. Congrats to everyone and I look forward to seeing you at the scholars weekend.</p>

<p>weasel, did you find out by email, as well? when was it sent?</p>

<p>I found out by email. It was sent at around 9:00 AM this morning.</p>

<p>if you dont break any laws while you're there, does being a finalist mean you automatically get at least 2/3 tuition?</p>

<p>wow. i feel kind of bitter. Not that I expected Finalist, but you'd think they'd at least notify the other semifinalists about their status. Why do they even have semifinalist? it's such a dissapointment for those who don't end up getting finalist. Sorry, I'm whining. COngrats everyone!!</p>

<p>Cheer up robbyg.</p>

<p>I think everyone who is a semi-finalist gets something. I'm no expert, but if you go to the Emory web site and noodle around a bit you come up with the following picture. Of the 350 semi-finalists, something like the following breakdown happens. </p>

<p>25 finalists receive a full ride
50 (the remainder of the finalists) receive full tuition
100 (the other "Emory Scholars" along with those listed above) get 2/3 tuition
175 receive a "Liberal Arts Scholarship ' (worth 10, 12, or 14k/y depending)</p>

<p>If others understand it differently please post. I did not find this all in one spot.</p>

<p>Is ESP a special program or is it ED II? I don't really get what this thread is about..just general acceptance/rejections?</p>

<p>ESP stands for Emory Scholars Program. Students from around the country are nominated by their high school counselors, and around 350 are selected as semifinalists. Of those 350, around 75 are named finalists and are asked to interview on campus for the opportunity to receive a scholarship to the University.</p>

<p>Has everyone already heard? I still haven't received any info.</p>

<p>Curious14, </p>

<p>Your numbers are about on target... your finalist numbers are a bit higher than past years, but then again the Emory Scholars Program is always changing a bit, so whether it's 150 or 175 finalists who are offered merit awards, it's within the range. Note that the the key word here is "offered", in that there are and will be students who are offered scholarships and will turn them down (i.e., because they can't turn away from the chance to attend Harvard or one of the most elite schools).</p>

<p>Regarding the "Liberal Arts Scholarship" offers to the semifinalists who are not named finalists for ESP, this is a distinct change from previous years as well. As recently as last year (i.e., for this year's Emory freshman class), the majority of semifinalists were not offered any merit scholarships. You can find out more about the change in the program in this article:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, all merit scholarships at Emory are offered annually on a 4-year renewable basis, contingent on maintaining a 3.2 GPA.</p>

<p>I haven't heard yet either. The suspense is killing me. I didn't receive the Semi-finalist email before, but at least I was able to check opus for that. Now I just have to wait for snail mail. And no mail today because of the holiday :( Congrats to those who already know they made it and best of luck to those still waiting for the mail.</p>

<p>^You mean you never got an email notifying you of semifinalist status?!?</p>

<p>Never. My Semifinalist decision letter was on opus, and I recieved it through the mail, too. I don't know why I haven't gotten any of the scholars emails. It's weird because I have gotten other Emails from Emory and I check opus and my email is listed right there. I will contact Emory about it. It's weird, and I just can't stand the suspense of waiting for the mail. I hope I find out tomorrow.</p>

<p>cat, you might also want to check your learnlink mailbox. For the finalist email, I received the same letter in both my regular email and my Emory email. If I were you, I would definitely call Emory and see what's going on.</p>

<p>Good luck. :)</p>

<p>Jenny, I took your advice and found some helpful information. Apparently not all of the letters have been sent out to inform semi-finalists of their status. They hope to notify everyone by this week at the very latest. People will receive an e-mail when their letters go out.</p>

<p>the suspense is killing me! Thanx infamousx, I have hope again!</p>

<p>oh! i just sent an e-mail asking about when the rest of the decisions would come out. The Dean of Admissions wrote that te rest would go out this Friday and would take 7-10 business days...ughhh, that doesn't sound promising</p>

<p>I just got an email from Emory. I got the 10k Liberal Arts Scholarship. Kind of disappointed :( Congrats to the finalists.</p>