<p>beaver was hilarious</p>
<p>everyone is saying its snobishness</p>
<p>I went with snobbishness.</p>
<p>Snobbish = Elitist</p>
<p>damn it, I changed that answer from right to wrong</p>
<p>Maybe someone has had such an experience before: I finished 3.5/5 paragraphs midsentence on my essay. What I basically wrote down was an intro, and two paragraphs using specific people as examples (one for each). I didn't keep track of the time, so I wasn't able to conclude. Does this mean a likely "2" or "3" for a score?</p>
<p>I still think you can do decent if it is well written. I got stopped one sentence in to my conclusion, but didn't care cuz my writing score is fine.</p>
<p>I did great on the essay, especially since I'm prone to writing essays in the first place. I had about a minute left when I was finished, perfect timing. I just kept glancing at the clock and started after about 1 minute of planning (that's all it took for me). Was such an easy topic.</p>
<p>Does anyone remember a math question that was like: 12y + tx = some number. The slope of the line is -10. T is a constant. What is t.</p>
<p>120 .................</p>
<p>Yeah, the only trick to that was that you had to isolate Y, otherwise you'd get soemthing different.</p>
<p>Yes! Got that at the last second.</p>
<p>the symbol question (X o y <-- this thing)
where you had to find the one(s) that were correct (I,II,III)
wat was the answer? i put all 3</p>
<p>also what's the answer for the hotel question (14days)
i think i put the 10th night</p>
<p>bummed that one too. cheers.</p>
<p>I had a writing experimental. It must've been experimental because it was the hardest writing section I've ever seen in my life. 2 minutes left with 5 blanks? JESUS CHRIST!!!!</p>
<p>any idea about the curve?</p>
<p>FxImpeccable: I think the x o y is I,II (I put just I)
The hotel is 3rd night (I luckily changed my answer)</p>
<p>it is also II because</p>
<p>( x-1 o x+1 ) = (x-1)(x+1) + x+1 + x-1 = x^2 +2x -1 ( x o x ) - 1 = x^2 + x + x -1 = x^2 + 2x - 1</p>
<p>so they are equal</p>
<p>it was also 1 because</p>
<p>( x o y ) = xy + x + y ( y o x ) = yx + y + x</p>
<p>but not III because</p>
<p>( x o y+z) = xy + xz + x + y + z ( x o y ) + ( x o z) = xy + x + y + xz + x + z</p>
<p>^there is an extra x in the second one
<p>it was I and II</p>
<p>in addition...the hotel one was the 3rd day</p>
<p>hard != experimental (fyi)</p>
<p>how many examples did you use on the essay? i only used one. is that bad?</p>
<p>Question: what was the answer to the two parallel lines and two intersecting lines that formed a triange? It asked what angles added up to 180 degress.</p>
<p>for the people who got "harrowing" and "disingenuous" as answers for the sentence completions....did u have 4 Critical Reading Sections???
...I got an experimental section for writing, and I did not get "harrowing" or "disingenous" as answers</p>