Official January Sat 2 Math Level 2 Discussion Board

<p>Oh that thing on Feb 13. Of course I am getting it. Can't wait.</p>

<p>I hope I won't be all excited, logging on to, then being disappointed by my score again... I can't afford to get a below average score again. No more retakes after all.</p>

<p>oh i meant the report where they show you which questions you got wrong and stuff? or is that just for the SAT? haha sorry i have no idea, this was my first time taking an sat ;)</p>

<p>It's okay. =) The score report is available for both the SAT Reasoning & SAT Subject Tests.</p>

<p>aznsushi, i think they just give you the raw and scaled score.</p>

<p>Score Report needs to be paid for, the letter from collegeboard only gives raw score and percentile</p>

<p>The letter from CollegeBoard is the score report. I think you're talking about receiving a copy of your answer sheet, which costs $10.</p>

<p>I copied & pasted a section from [url=<a href=""&gt;]CollegeBoard[/url&lt;/a&gt;]. Hope it helps.</p>

<p>The SAT Online Score Report
You can also view your SAT online score report. The SAT online score report is available free to every student who takes the SAT—all you need is a account.</p>

<p>While you'll still receive your SAT score report in the mail, the SAT online score report contains additional features to help you understand your SAT scores.</p>

<p>Benefits of the SAT Online Score Report: </p>

<p>Your SAT scores online anywhere—at home and at school
A printable copy of your actual essay response
Useful information about your scores, such as the number of questions that you answered right, wrong, or omitted, the total number of questions, your raw score, and the percentile for college-bound seniors based on the test you took.</p>

<p>s= r * θ </p>

<p>does this formula have a name?</p>

<p>length of arc.</p>



<p>Hey people, at least what grade is considered to be a above average (or very good score) for the SAT level 2 math (dont say 800, I dont people here have very high standards). I just want a reasonable range. Also what about for physics SAT? Thank you for your response.</p>

<p>shadow of gold.</p>

<p>Haha... blue...x... of martini?</p>

<p>Anyway Sking, what a good score is depends on what you are aiming for. To give you an idea, I believe 700 is about 60th percentile.</p>

<p>As the collegeboard website suggests and most schools confirm, the percentiles on the SAT II are ,since fewer people take them, and the people who do, take different subjects.</p>

<p>Hey does anyone remember the question that was like: Side of an isosolece triangle is 25 and vertex angle is 50. Find the perimeter. Wasnt sure what vertex angle meant but figured it was the angle opposite the 25. Therefore the other two angles were 65. I used the Law of Sines and found the answer to be 80-something. Anyone else get this?</p>

<p>I think I did the same thing and got the same answer.</p>

<p>hey 84.1 was the answer to the triangle problem. So your answer is correct!</p>

<p>Coo' thanks</p>

<p>can someone explain the thing that looks like this (problem 48 or 49):</p>

<p>2 | 6
3 | #</p>

<p>and so on... i did not even UNDERSTAND this. it was like some kinda foreign language!</p>

<p>haha was this the stem-leaf chart thing? lol it's funny how all the smart ppl got stumped on this problem.. it's actually really basic. lol i'm glad i learned about it in elementary school. but basically 2 | 6 just means 26. they make the chart to better organize the numbers i guess.. since </p>

<p>2 | 4 6 8 basically means 24, 26, 28. weird they had this on the math2c test though..</p>