Official January Sat 2 Math Level 2 Discussion Board

<p>yeah. stem leaf's are reaaaaly easy. i had to a poster on it in 7th grade and it sunk in, and i nailed it within a few seconds. i'm lucky though, because if it wasn't for that, it would have stumped me too. it was funny cuz they put that near the end of the test</p>

<p>Its sooooo stupid because i knew that that problem meant too but i took the mean instead of the median by accident. (Hits head on wall)</p>

<p>What score should i expect with 2 wrong 5 skipped?</p>

<p>probably around 790?</p>

<p>Yay! I got an 800!</p>


<p>i got an 800...but i only got 750 on physics...TEARS ...</p>

<p>800! I omitted three and got a bunch wrong too! Must've been a nice curve.</p>

<p>what was the curve like for this test? really harsh curve or really lenient? thanks.</p>

<p>I omitted 8 and probably got a few wrong and got a 740 </p>

<p>pretty lenient curve I'd say</p>

<p>You ommitted 8 and got a few wrong and got a 740? That curve is harsh!</p>

<p>i think pretty lenient
skipped 6
got 800</p>

<p>VERY harsh IMO
skipped 4
i thought max 4-5 wrong?...</p>

<p>I got 700.:(</p>

<p>I skipped 3, and got at least 3 wrong-->800. </p>

<p>Curve was almost too lenient IMO.</p>

<p>hmm seems like there isn't much of a consensus on the harshness of the cuve </p>

<p>my opinion isn't really that accurate though bcuz this is the first time I have taken it and am not sure of the usual curve </p>

<p>anybody who has taken it before or talked to ppl who taken it before supply more of a concrete answer??</p>

<p>I thought the curve wasn't too hot. I omitted two and thought I did fairly well and knew everything, but I guess not. Hmm. I'm sitting here, still in denial. Whoa. How did i end up with a 760?! Aiyah. I have NO IDEA how. Its not like I didn't know anything, I guess I just wasn't in that Zone.</p>

<p>Will colleges be seriously disappointed if i re-take?</p>

<p>I'm so disappointed, I expected atleast a 780, 790. 760...? Wow. Wow. I'm just....shocked. This BURNS. :( I have to retake now, dammit.</p>

<p>^ Hey, I feel you. I got a 760 as well. =/ I expected something better than that.</p>

<p>But just a question to you all: It wouldn't look like I was being paranoid if I retook it, right? After all, I'm considering to major in the biological sciences area.</p>

<p>i got a 750 my first time i took SAT Math IIC after i studied through barrons thoroughly, and i'm going to go in as an engineer.</p>

<p>so i took it a year later on a whim, and i got an 800</p>

<p>if you lose sleep over it and just not satisfied with it, go for it</p>

<p>puzzling: well I got 770 the first time and I retook it
I don't think it looks that bad, because 760 and 800 are quite different
just go for it</p>

<p>if ur goin into the maths (engineering) areas, then u can retake to show how much you "love" math...if ur not, don't fret over it</p>