Official June 10th ACT Discussion

<p>Wait no j/k if it was 18 and 20 than I got 19...I just remember averaging...I'm wiped</p>

<p>Also English</p>

<p>Apply to or apply for???</p>

<p>Stupid Prairie eye and woods eye</p>

<p>yes, 528 and 46 are good.</p>

<p>anyone w/ opinion on the chord question?</p>

<p>median question was 19</p>

<p>What was the answer to the one with the isosceles triangle and the congruent angles..</p>

<p>jenny yeah that's what i got even though i used percentages</p>

<p>"T32 was 496"</p>

<p>I got the same answer, but I guessed ( I didn't have time to solve it, time was running out). Fandangoya how did you get this answer?</p>

<p>the last 2 sections of the science test were slightly confusing.</p>

<p>OH yeah there was another very basic trig problem on the top of the 2nd page or something (first problem) 25ish anyways I got Sin something</p>

<p>I got sin something also</p>

<p>fandangoya- i think the answer was 280 for that problem IF that is actually the problem ur talking about</p>

<p>I haven't taken it before but...</p>

<p>English: decent
Math: not bad
Reading: a little tiny time issue
Science: Um....woa?</p>

<p>everyone get 280 for the question of whats r+s+t+u when they gave you certain values inside triangles?</p>

<p>How about someone got pulled out and sent home right beside me for having the wrong calculator...people should remember to look for the approved list before going in, poor kid.</p>

<p>No, I believe the answer was 528. I'm not sure which one I put down though....</p>

<p>But, how to do it, there is a formula, but I forget. The whole series is 1+2+3+4+5+6, etc. Keep doing that up to 32.</p>

<p>was the perimeter of the parallelogram 4 times the square root of 10</p>

<p>oh yeah how did you do that r+s+t+u? I got some radical answer so i just put 280.</p>

<p>yes if u added the angles from the 2 triangles u get 140+140 so 280</p>

<p>cjones- yes for 4rt 10</p>

<p>I got 280</p>

<p>b/c its 140 + 140 b/c of congruent angles or w/e I am usually not right though math sucks for me.</p>

<p>That is not the one I am talking about.</p>

<p>There was an isoscleles triangle, and then another inside it that bisected the angles, and you had to choose was angles were congruent.</p>

<p>ttyl- there were two triangles, one smaller one inside the other. the smaller triangle had 40 degrees and it was also one of the angles of the bigger triangle so all you had to see was that both triangle have 180 degrees each or 360 and minus 80 degrees (shared vertex) gave you 280</p>