Official June SAT II Bio Thread

<p>Decided to start a little congregation for testakers of the June SAT II Bio. </p>

<p>Couple questions:</p>

<p>Best book?</p>

<p>Freshmen too early? No AP ok?</p>

<p>Study Plan?</p>

<p>Wow! This is early! Barrons only sorta helped me. Of course the May one was WAY too much genetics :( . I got a 690 as a Freshman which is decent for a freshman but way too low for competitve colleges. Take it AFTER AP Biology.</p>

<p>If you're comfortable with the material, I would say go for it your freshman year, but again, similar to what the above person mentioned, it'd be better to have AP Bio digested (lol digested, biology....get it?) before actually taking the test.</p>

<p>Study Plan- Read. Read. Read.</p>