<p>@rubberdonut: really? I know it’s the difference of just a few questions but the percentile thing bothers me :/</p>

<p>OMG… i cant find my scoress. Someone walk me through this im so dumbbb…</p>

<p>Bio M-780
Math 2-800

<p>Wow, are they up for everyone or just some?</p>

<p>math2 800
chem 800</p>

<p>Go to and then click “sat home.” Go to “scores” and sign in! (:</p>

<p>Is the my organizer gonna come up?</p>

<p>US Hist: 700
Math II: 700</p>

<p>I’m pretty happy, actually. I didn’t study enough as I should have, and I was expecting in the mid 600s range. I think these scores are good enough to get 750+ in each by October, right? Is it possible to bring a 700 to an 800 for math? I’ve skimmed through Barron’s, but I think I’m going to go through the whole book over the summer.</p>

<p>Okay, so it says i have no available scores. What should i do?</p>

<p>Math II: 780
Physics: 730</p>

<p>Might retake physics, might retake math… who knows. But I’m glad that neither of my scores turned out exceedingly depressing.</p>

<p>HELPP MEeeeeeeeeeeeeee</p>

<p>800 Math II
I’m pretty happy =)</p>

<p>help meeee</p>

<p>780 Math IIC. Question though–do you think that this will “replace” a 710 score on the Math SAT I for colleges? I did well on the other two sections (800,790) hence the reason I don’t really want to retake it (SAT I that is). Let me know your opinions! Thanks and congrats guys!</p>

<p>Why are my scores not online? Anyone know?</p>

<p>800 bio m :D</p>

<p>kait congrats!
I got 780 bio m and 800 math II.</p>

<p>frick man. got a 680 in chem >.></p>

<p>now i have to take bio/math2/chem all together in october. hope my parents don’t blow over.</p>

<p>800 math
790 USH
Couldn’t be happier - can anyone say done testing!? :)</p>

<p>Lol practical why won’t anyone help you?!
I know it’s hard but just wait a few days and see if they show up and if not contact collegeboard. Sometimes they just take a little while to turn up.</p>