<p>760 math 2, 730 lit I’m happy as now I have four sat 2s above 700 and am done with college admissions tests!</p>
<p>no I self studied using only the barron’s book</p>
<p>Okay… Ugh I can’t believe I have to spend the summer restudying this</p>
<p>790 on MATH2 !!!</p>
<p>I got 710 on Chem. Does anyone suggest I try to retake it?</p>
<p>800 Math 2
800 Biology-M</p>
<p>I’m so happy right now. :D</p>
<p>800 Chemistry
800 Math 2
800 Latin
in addition to my 800 US History from last June <3</p>
<p>I didn’t do as well as I would have liked.
710 US History
700 World History</p>
<p>US History was just disappointing since I currently take AP US History. World History I have mixed emotions with because I thought World was easier than US, but then again I haven’t taken a world history class in over a year, and I didn’t really study. So… I guess I should be happy with it.</p>
<p>Are those scores good enough to submit if I’m applying to Georgetown and Cornell? Or should I retake them?</p>
<p>800 Math2 (my first and probably last 800 :P)
790 US History
720 Physics</p>
<p>I’m proud of Physics since my friend in the actual AP class got a 670</p>
If those are your only SATII scores (in other words, if you didn’t take any other subject tests throughout high school), you might be better off retaking them.</p>
<p>780 Bio E
790 US History
<p>730 Math I
780 US History </p>
<p>I’m pumped about history and the math was better than I expected</p>
I went in on test day discouraged because of I have been getting 720’s through 750’s on practice tests, but I got an 800!</p>
<p>Noooooooooooooooooooooooo…750 on SAT Chem. Just 1-2 more questions, and a 760 would have me content. Now I’m confused whether I should do a retake after taking AP Chem next year or not. Probably will…ugh</p>
<p>800 Math II
800 Physics
800 Chem</p>
<p>Done with standardized tests for a year :).</p>
<p>780 Chemistry<br>
770 Mathematics Level 2
720 U.S. History</p>
<p>Is this good enough for low-tier Ivy League schools? I know I’m already set with my safeties and fit-schools…</p>
<p>790 Chemistry
800 Math Level 2 </p>
<p>Is this great for MIT, Caltech, or Stanford?</p>
<p>waaahhh 770 physics, 760 bio M :(</p>
<p>800 chem. Hella easy compared to the AP chem test.</p>
<p>Is a 770 U.S. History detrimental to, let’s say Harvard?</p>