<p>I just got the letter in the mail today. This is really happening!!!!! I think it just sunk in.</p>
<p>you got it today?!</p>
<p>I. I want mine so badly. /grabbyhands</p>
<p>yea gotz mine today</p>
<p>omg the letter was the most anticlimactic thing ever lol
i expected a huge white packet with the seal and CORNELL written big</p>
<p>but it was a regular standard envelope lol</p>
<p>It wasn’t even that thick</p>
<p>Eventually you guys will get the “Case for Cornell” which is a big packet with exciting stuff.</p>
<p>What is in the “Case for Cornell” stuff and when will we get it?</p>
<p>Do you know the program TASP in Cornell?
I am trying to get in that program and writing essay for that…
Do you know have any advice for getting in Cornell or the program?</p>
<p>what were your stats?</p>
<p>I got it today too. The deposit’s going to sit in my mailbox until Monday, but I sent it right out because I didn’t want to lose the acceptance form.</p>
<p>Yeah. It was just a regular envelope. It was relatively thick because it had a lot of junk in it that I had to fill out, but otherwise it wasn’t too different from an ordinary envelope. The Rutgers letter of acceptance came in a 9" x 12" envelope! Rutgers generally seemed to make a bigger deal out of accepting someone than Cornell does. Oh well. Now I know I can make a Rutgers waitlistee’s dream come true. ;-)</p>
<p>^yeah, I was also wondering what is in the “Case for Cornell” and when we receive this package…</p>
<p>On second thought, you guys will probably not get a Case for Cornell because you are already obligated to attend. The next thing you will get is the Cornell Bound package with bursar info, health history forms, orientation/Cornell Days information, etc.</p>