Official List: Accepted Off of the Penn Waitlist, Class of 2013

<p>sorry kriegs i take back my original accusations – just thought that first email didnt sound quite right, but hey – congrats, and im happy you got in…</p>

<p>and i laughed out loud @ savvy21’s collection of vitc’s posts ahhaha nice… classy</p>

<p>Hey Kriegs post actually has a glimmer of hope if it says, “Please Note: These instructions are for students admitted from the Waiting List on May 19, 2009.” The fact that they bring it to your attention would imply that there are other dates when students will get admitted</p>

<p>I just called them and they said that “a few students were admitted but the waitlist is still active”, meaning that they do it gradually and not everything is clear yet. They said that regardless of the decision, every student will at the end know (by June 1) whether they were accepted or not.</p>

<p>Yes, and I just recieved this email from my admissions counselor
Hi [economosn]-
You must be in contact with prospectives from other parts of the country, because I am still waiting on the word from the Dean in terms of my region.<br>
Apparently, having been out of the office traveling last week, my recommendations are among the last to be reviewed. Just a bit more patience…</p>


<p>-sure fire proof that admissions is done by region and that more are still to come
(btw im from upstate NY, so anyone else from around here is probably in for a longer wwait than most)</p>

<p>LOL the posts compiled by savvy21… shameless, vitC.</p>

<p>Economosn, how did you get in contact with your admissions counselor?</p>

<p>I while back in april i tried to call and nothing worked so i sent a generic email to admissions. Then the next day my actual rep emailed me back and said email was the best way to stay in touch w/ her. So ive been exchanging emails w/ her on and off over the last 2 weeks or so</p>

<p>How did you ask the admissions office? Did you ask them who your counselor was and her info?</p>

<p>No actually, I just sent an email to the generic address (<a href=“”></a>.) saying that I was having trouble reaching my rep by phone and mentioned her name. And then the next day my actual rep emailed me back. But it sounds like they have all submitted their “recommendations” already. Theyre just being reviewed now…</p>

<p>But are these “regional counselors” in the central admissions office there? I guess so since all the updates and letters of continued interest go directly there.</p>

<p>In any case, you said you could not reach her by phone, where did you get her phone number? Do they have some kind of database for that? I could find my other schools’ regional reps but not the Upenn ones.</p>

<p>stanford09, the Regional Director phone numbers are on this page:</p>

<p>[Penn</a> Admissions: Contact Us](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>And you can get their email addresses by entering their first and last names on this page:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And yes, they’re all in the actual Admissions Office on campus (when they’re not traveling).</p>

<p>Yeah the regional counselors all live in Philly and work there everyday. Our info just goes to them first, based on our region, and they sort through it and then they send their recommendations to the dean for group discussion and for the dean’s decision to be made. And the admissions contact info is at [Penn</a> Admissions: Contact Us](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>^^^ too late lol</p>

<p>Thanks 45 Percenter & Economosn.</p>

<p>^ Don’t know if you saw it, but I edited my post #51 above to add a link to the page where you can get their email addresses.</p>

<p>Oh, thank you so much 45 percenter. That is exactly what I was looking for at this moment. It is better to use an e-mail, I dont feel too comfortable doing it over the phone.</p>

<p>At kriegs and vitC, I’m not doubting that you are ■■■■■■. But have you ever looked into the possibility that you have received fake acceptance emails?</p>

<p>I hear hackers can make harvard acceptance exactly the same as the real one, same address, signatures, and everything.</p>

<p>^ they would know for sure that it was real once they get their acceptance packets</p>

<p>I didn’t get the acceptance packet today, so hopefully it will come tomorrow. I actually hoped they would overnight it, but that didn’t happen. As for the e-mail being fake- it’s not. I logged on to Penn’s decision website, not by following the link in the e-mail, but by following the link I had bookmarked from the decision way back in March. I also replied online and am waiting for the envelope in the acceptance packet to send my deposit. I will let you know when I get my packet.</p>

<p>Kriegs, did you send any supplementary material in, such as a letter of continued interest, awards etc.?</p>