Official List: Accepted Off of the Penn Waitlist, Class of 2013

<p>i ALSO emailed penn in general about a week ago…no response</p>

<p>well, it is almost Friday, the last working day before the anticipated June 1 deadline. I want to know the answer already ! I dont even mind being on the extended waitlist if they want to play this game some more. I can wait as long as they want if they will keep at least UPDATING us, this is getting ridiculous.</p>

<p>Anyone hear anything? Even a rejection.</p>

<p>not yettttttttttttttttttttttt!!!</p>

<p>No, have not heard anything at all. I am really saddened and tired right now.</p>

<p>bump 10 chars</p>

<p>yea, i found out on the 19th. the regional admissions officer called me! i was so excited. i just finished registering my pennkey.</p>

<p>I do not understand how can the rest of us be ignored to this extent. Obviously the final working day before June 1 has passed, so what are they going to do now? Notify us on exactly June 1? Or maybe make it all the way to the middle of June as some of the rumors say? If we miss the deadline I dont think they will feel sorry for us, but as institutions, they themselves can bend their deadlines the way they want.</p>

<p>I liked what Harvard did. They sent out their rejections first week after notifying a small portion of the prospective admits from the waitlist, and then the ones remaining were told to assume to be on the extended waitlist. This way everyone was kept notified. From the tensions in this thread, Penn’s system is coming across as cruel, and ridiculously unorganized. No one knows anything and there is no reliable source of information due to the inconsistency by the office.</p>

<p>Stanford, so you know, my friend was notified by her regional rep that the Wharton waitlist is indeed active till late June, and that all waitlistees should be notified of their status by the end of June. So the June 1st deadline really is coming out to be a load of bull. I just got off the phone with my friend and I’m worried because of how upset she was.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of any admissions after May 20th? (that was the first round)</p>

<p>^hopeupenn, did you get in or are you on the waitlist too? what school did you apply to? The end of june “deadline” (its not even a specific date) seems a little too much. I wonder why is this secrecy necessary. maybe they are planning on taking more students and dont want it to damage their image somehow? usually schools dont like admitting a great number of people from the waitlists.</p>

<p>I got in: I applied to M&T, and my second choice was Wharton. I got into M&T. My friend, who lives across the country, applied to just wharton and was put on the waitlist.
I only hope that you’re right! I mean they did take nearly 200 kids last year so taking only 80 or so is like cutting it in half. There’s always the summer melt too.</p>

<p>How about you, what school did you apply to?</p>

<p>I applied to College of Arts and Sciences and I was waitlisted. I really do hope that they admit more than the 70 or so that they expected. I dont mind waiting some more as long as they tell me that I should, being so quiet makes things even worse.</p>

<p>I heard about the summer melt a lot too but I dont know how much that will help. If there is not a significant number of students changing their mind in summer, I think they can live with it without using the waitlist.</p>

<p>Does anyone know whether this June 1st deadline would apply to International Students as well?</p>

<p>no one knows anything…</p>

<p>I wonder if they took anybody at all from the waitlist to wharton… from what I’ve observed on cc.</p>

<p>so tomorrow we’re all supposed to hear from penn?</p>

<p>…i think i’m ready for my rejection.
cornell class of 2013, here i come.</p>

<p>i may, in fact, lose my mind before i hear from them.</p>

<p>so quiet, even a rejected email would make thing better</p>

<p>nothing so far…</p>

<p>News all applicants
I am an international student and I just heard that they will send decisions by the end of this week or early next week. I sent an email to the international office and they replied just now. at least now I know when to expect to hear from them.
Keep up your hopes and wish me good luck.</p>