Official List: Accepted Off of the Penn Waitlist, Class of 2013

<p>I start to hate my life more and more because of this situation. Has anyone heard anything from them at all? I dont really know where to find some actual numbers, they dont even say anything. What are even the chances of summer melt? I dont think anyone can rely on that either.</p>

<p>^ geez calm down…don’t hate your life over a college waitlist decision (or lack of a decision)…just live your life and if you happen to get a happy email/phone call telling u got in, then celebrate…but there’s no need to feel depressed about it</p>

<p>^ Yea, yea, of course “there’s no need to feel depressed,” why would anyone even feel that way? Right now I should be happy and content that after so much trouble I was not bad enough for them to be let go, and not good enough to be taken. I do not even deserved an answer. What do you suggest that I feel?</p>

where r u applying from?
I know about the international deadline in previous page becasue i posted it.
Anyways goodluck
we will see how it ends</p>

<p>oh, oops, lol. I’m applying from tanzania (east africa). and epaminondas, well, they cant keep us waiting forever…</p>

<p>I’d really just like a rejection already… stop making me wait!</p>

<p>^ Yeah, I am extremely tired of this as well. Is it really hard for them to put together some kind of letter or notification and TELL us whats going on? Do we have to necessarily call them one by one to get answers that change with every time we call? I dont understand this, other universities did at least manage to inform us and sent occasional updates. The same kind of silence is coming from Duke. I dont even want to call them any more.</p>

<p>Update: well, I just called them and they said that applicants of the College of Arts and Sciences will probably be receiving something in the next few days (or throughout the next week). The guy there said that they are still working on the list and we will probably find out soon.</p>

<p>Holy crap stanford. Just stop complaining for once and deal with it!</p>

<p>yea stanford you are being ridiculous. you got into a school already. if penn wants you they will take you, if not you have sealed your own fate. maybe if you had applied early or had a more solid app and essays you wouldve gotten in.</p>

<p>^^Deal with what !? That you f*ucker get to go there and I do not? What makes you think that you are more deserving of something than me or anyone else ? You think you worked harder than me or sacrificed more nerves then me to this whole process? I suggest that you stop complaining about my posts. If they are disturbing your ecstatic state after getting what you wanted, I recommend that you do not read them at all.</p>

<p>Stanford09, I hate this right along with you for what it’s worth. I’ve been following this thread because I have friends on the wait list and it’s just such an inhuman process that doesn’t feel characteristic of Penn at all. This one time my scores were delayed but all of my friends were talking about their scores, and even because of that I felt like I wanted to die after about a week… and that was just SAT scores. Hang in there because waiting sucks but you know you’re above this on at least some level.</p>

<p>Not that I “get” to go there. Lot’s of kids don’t get what they want. It’s life.</p>

<p>“What makes you think that you are more deserving of something than me or anyone else ?”
I applied early and was on the better part of the crapshoot.</p>

<p>“You think you worked harder than me or sacrificed more nerves then me to this whole process?”
I highly doubt I worked harder than you.</p>

<p>“I suggest that you stop complaining about my posts. If they are disturbing your ecstatic state after getting what you wanted, I recommend that you do not read them at all.”
I have actually only read one post because a quick glance at the others are all complaints.</p>

<p>Hi, ya’ll I’m not an applicant so i’m not living with this tension right now, but I wonder if it would be smart to lower the temperature on this thread, particularly if you’ve posted your stats on the site. If I were, say, a Penn admissions officer (which I’m not) scrolling through this thread, I’d click on Applicant Stats and see if any of the snippy/anxious/agitated/angry/insecure/nervous posters have posted their stats. I’d then correlate those stats to my remaining wait list applicant files and try to figure out who they are. If the poster seems particularly problematic, I’d keep going even if s/he didn’t post stats and look at all of his/her posts for all those bits of personal information s/he’s dropped along the way. And if I can figure out the posters identity I probably would make sure not to make an offer of admission. Sure, it would be a pain to do this, but there probably aren’t that many applicants left and the task could be easily given to an administrative assistant. Since you probably don’t want to make it worth someone’s while to go to this trouble, it’s probably worth keeping things polite. Just saying.</p>

<p>why, I completely agree with you there. Adcoms can easily identify people.</p>

<p>If Adcoms have enough time to surf the forums to catch the applicants, then I assume they should have enough time to make decisions more timely without torturing people.</p>

<p>stanford, you have no idea how long they work. And they have a lot more time now because they only have a waitlist.</p>

<p>That aside, take your frustration out on something irl like a punching bag because it’s way more satisfying and it’s unlikely that PDadhich is going to stop being… the way he is.</p>

<p>haha this is hilarious
keep the fighting going hahahahahahaha</p>

<p>No stop fighting. Millhouse is like 45 Percenter, they’re both great Penn cc’ers. So please stop. New plan: people who are not waitlisted: get off this thread. We shouldn’t interfere.</p>

<p>new plan: don’t post anything here unless you have an update from penn</p>