How are you all going to prepare given that we have about a month and a half left?
This will be my first time taking SATs and I’m aiming for around a 2000+
Also, for those of you taking APs, how are you balancing in terms of studying for the two?
I haven’t gotten over the March SAT yet, and here you are reminding me about the May SAT’s.
I’m just so fed up with the fact that the SAT is literally the weekend before AP testing. Does CollegeBoard have no control over that or do they want us to suffer…???
This will also be my first SAT… I’m more of an ACT person, so I’m just practicing the SAT just in case of national merit. I’ll just be using the blue book and some other SAT math/reading comprehension books laying around.
I’ll mostly be focusing on AP studying of course, but since it’s my spring break right now, I’ll probably take a practice test or two and just hope for the best in May and take it again in October.
Until then, good luck + fingers crossed! 
@SippinCoffee Then you should do the June SAT. I know it is a serious conflict if you are taking all AP classes and you also have SATs that week.
I’m an international student studying 11th grade in the US, i’ll take my first SAT this May. I’m so nervous about the critical reading part, I scored well on Math and writing ( I got 730+ in most of math and writing parts I took in the practice test and the real test), but my problem is critical reading, I’ve practiced a lot but i dont know why the reading score is so low, it’s just about 500-530…
I don’t know what should I do now to improve the reading, I’ve tried a lot of methods and strategies but it seemed not helpful to me
I feel great anxiety, and I hate that it’s literally the week before AP testing! Couldn’t it be the week AFTER exams?!
Well it’s a hard decision since I also need to take SAT subject tests, and I was planning to take those in June… wow this is so stressful :-< :((
@sippincoffee Totally understandable
Gotta take May Subject test and June SAT
Is there an easier curve in May because most good students don’t take it then because of APs?
@ErenYeager I dont think so, even though it would be nice 
I really hope I do well on the May test… I already took the sat twice and I really dont want to retake in June
I took it once and got 2040…Did well on math but messed up CR…I wish I get at least 2150+ this test
SAT is more important than AP’s to me. This may very well be my last time taking the SAT so I really need to do well.
Sigh* I hope I do better this time around than in March. The best I can do now is studying for SAT when there’s time and working on homework for AP classes at the same time. >.< It’s complicated. [-O<
Im gonna study for APs the week after the SAT. The SATs far more important than APs, imo. Some colleges dont even give AP credit anyway and I have no idea how to prepare for AP lang/comp. might as well not study for that one…
@misschoding Well for lang what I’m doing is I;m practicing multiple choice (found a few tests online) and in class, we do practice essays (teacher grades them.) So the only way I’d suggest preparing is to practice Multiple Choice as well as learning your rhetorical strategies to be successful on the essays. If you don’t do practice essays in class, then do them yourself and have your teacher grade them.
Couldn’t agree more!
@FutureDoctor2028 oh yeah during my spring break I had to answer like 50 multiple choice questions and I think my class is going to go over them sometime this week. I had a rhetorical devices test a few months ago so I should review those too. With the essays… Im probably going to focus more on getting the MCs correct because I have my AP Stats test after the Lang/comp exam and dont want to run out of energy hahah Thanks for your tips!
This will be my first time taking the SAT and holy crap am I getting nervous! I really have nothing productive to say besides that.
There’s no need to be nervous about anything Outdoorlover.
If you have at least prepped for the SAT before and know what’s going to be on there, you have a far better advantage than other students taking it that haven’t prepped at all. Confidence is the key to not screwing up on the SAT (I’ve learned that lesson myself from the last SAT)
I’m so nervous!!! Although I got a 228 on the PSAT after intensive summer self-preparation, have not studied or taken any practice tests since last summer. Any last minute tips?