<p>I said substrate… I don’t think they all have the same temp… But idk</p>
<p>anyone starting a google doc?</p>
<p>Seriously, someone start a google doc. There is one for apush and we are almost done discussing every question</p>
<p>@stealthytomato can you send a link for the apush google docs?
edit nvm found it</p>
<p><a href=“https://docs.google.com/document/d/14eQWbDuSXlSVdR8WiV6InzmhUQDR3FNY9hLVKlZynFw/edit”>https://docs.google.com/document/d/14eQWbDuSXlSVdR8WiV6InzmhUQDR3FNY9hLVKlZynFw/edit</a></p>
<p>google doc!!!</p>
<p>did anyone notice that the big diagram of the nucleus and RNA being translated and transcripted was straight out of the CB blue book test?</p>
<p>Anyone make a Google Doc? I would but I have no idea how. The US history one is really nice.</p>
<p>I loved this test. Everything was easy. A couple I guessed, and I got them right, such as the apoptosis question. I ALWAYS did Ecology on practice papers but I switched to molecular since the questions looked a lot easier and the scale is always lower for M. </p>
<p>Me too, I was dead set on ecology and I decided to YOLO it</p>
<p>@stealthytomato exactly! haha</p>
<p><a href=“https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zYRISuLLBUw3u6DaKfDVDwsRKInhul7UOVegHtPuxBc/edit?pli=1”>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zYRISuLLBUw3u6DaKfDVDwsRKInhul7UOVegHtPuxBc/edit?pli=1</a></p>
<p>doc started by someone</p>
<p>What do you guys think the curve will be? (list from -0 to -10 in terms of RAW SCORE)</p>
<p>I felt like besides the last two M questions tripping me up (and it shouldn’t have), everything else was easy</p>
<p>The clam question’s answer, according to <a href=“FA151/FA151: The Role of Water Temperature in Hard Clam Aquaculture”>http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fa151</a>, is "Like all other invertebrates, clams are cold-blooded organisms (poikilothermic); their body temperature fluctuates with that of the environment and their metabolism is directly influenced by water temperature. Increasing water temperature increases metabolic rate, "</p>
<p>I think we can assume that the clams consume more algae if the temperature of the water goes up.</p>
<p>Hey guys, do you know how many usually wrong out of 80 to get above a 700+? Last time I took it I got exactly 700, so I just wanted to know</p>
<p>for the light color question I put violet dont know why…but i searched and it said that violet has the highest energy therefore it would make the plants to increase a large amount of oxygen…hence there would dramatic change in the results</p>
<p>And yeah one more question was G2 the first option or was G1 the first option. I mean was A G2 or G1…please can u guys tell me?? do u have any idea??? </p>
<p>I’m planning to take the SAT II Biology E/M in June but I don’t know whether to take Biology E or Biology M? Which SAT II Biology exam do the majority of people take? Which one is generally harder? Thanks.</p>