Official MIT 2010 EA Decision Thread

<p>It's 4 AM EST. Therefore, the first admission letters should be recieved in less than 8 hours. Post your decisions in this thread.</p>

<p>This thread is reserved for DECISIONS ONLY. Do not post anything in this thread other than a response using the following template (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;). Save discussion for another thread, this is simply to view admission decisions. </p>

Decision: Rejected</p>

[<em>] SAT: 600
[</em>] SAT IIs: 200x3
[<em>] GPA: 2.1
[</em>] Rank: 500/600
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: Didn't write any.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: I needed these?
[</em>] Counselor Rec: I don't go to school.
[<em>] Hook (if any): I was in jail for a week?
[</em>] State or Country:
[<em>] School Type:
[</em>] Ethnicity:
[<em>] Gender:
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars:
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred:
[</em>] Other thoughts:[/ul]</p>

<p>*bump :)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT: 800 M, 780 W, 690 CR
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Bio, 800 Chem, 800 MathIIC, 780 US Hist
[<em>] GPA: 3.9 UW
[</em>] Rank: Unranked
[<em>] Other stats: 5 on Bio/Chem/CalcBC AP, 4 on US Hist AP
[</em>] Essays: Fine
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Numerous
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Fine
[<em>] Hook (if any): USAMO in 10th gr, MIT Prof as dad
[</em>] State or Country: MA
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian American
[<em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Several Jazz/Band groups, Math Team
[*] Other thoughts: Rather speechless right now, good luck everyone else[/ul]</p>


<p>come on come on! how come no one's getting it!</p>

<p>ummm ya i agree... weve already seen 2 people who got accepted... and we got only 1..</p>

<p>and none of these are our original CC-ers</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT: CR:640 Math:670 Writ:580
[</em>] SAT IIs: Math1c:670 Ushis:640 Bio:600
[<em>] GPA: W4.57 UW4.02
[</em>] Rank:4/159
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays:Strong main essay.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: VERY STRONG
[</em>] Counselor Rec: good
[<em>] Hook (if any):
[</em>] State or Country: USA
[<em>] School Type: Private Catholic
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: M
[/ul]Other Factors:[list]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: President of Student Council
Vice president of Key club 2 yrs
National, Math, History, Theo Honor Societies
Heavily involved in Drama
200+ community service
Have a job at supermarket for year and a half now.
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: I'd say extra curriculars and school report.
[</em>] Other thoughts: I'm just so glad and good luck to everyone. Dreams can come true.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SATs: are silly. Mine were "in range"
[</em>] SAT IIs: Chem, Physics, Math II
[li] Rank: N/A[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>..I can't do this quantitative thing. It's not me. Or it is me, and not my stats. So, enough fixation on them..</p>

[li] Other thoughts: I'm totally speechless right now.[/li][/ul]</p>

<p>wow @ prodigy</p>

<p>congrats to all! hopefully the TUBES will come to WI soon enough...</p>

<p>*Decision: Accepted!! *</p>

[<em>] SAT: 790m, 800v, 770w (but not all at the same time... :) I rocked the old SATs)
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Math 2, 780 physics, 780 chem.
[<em>] GPA: 4.079 UW
[</em>] Rank: Unranked. But I think I'm 3rd? Out of about 250. I could be 4th.
[<em>] Other stats: 5s on AP Physics B and Calc AB
[</em>] Essays: I personally enjoyed it... It was funny :) My short essays were decent too.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Awesome
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Um. I feel like he doesn't know me, so probably not so hot.
[<em>] Hook (if any): Went to WTP (summer program at MIT)
[</em>] State or Country: New Hampshire
[<em>] School Type: Rural, alternative (kind of artsy, we call teachers by their first names and all that)
[</em>] Ethnicity: White
[li] Gender: Female</p>[/li]
<p>[/ul]Other Factors:[list]
[<em>] Extracurriculars: FIRST Robotics, Concert Band, Math Team Captain, Marching Band, Handbell Choir, Girl Scouts, Community Service.
[</em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: Probably the summer program.
[*] Other thoughts: I'm sooooo excited! :) :) :) MIT has been my dream since I was like... 11.</p>

<p>Congratulations, still waiting for my decision (paradoxically I'm receiving it in Cambridge, MA). I was wondering why most posters (all but one) aren't from the EA roster.</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED!</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2320
[</em>] SAT IIs: Chem 800, Bio M 790, Math IIC 800
[<em>] GPA: 4.0
[</em>] Rank: 1 of 609
[li] AP's: 8 AP tests total by junior year (national ap scholar), with 7 5's and 1 4</p>[/li]
[<em>] Essays: about research ive done, cultural clash between india and america, and how much i love philosophy
[</em>] Teacher Recs: one awesome, one ok
[<em>] Counselor Rec: amazingly good
[</em>] Hook (if any): nationally ranked chess player, SSP last summer
[<em>] State or Country: Colorado
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Indian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[<em>] Extracurriculars: national chess championships, science bowl, model un and debate
[</em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: i honestly have no clue
[li] Other thoughts: i got accepted into caltech yesterday. i am completely blown away by all of this. listen to me; there is hope! as cliche as that probably sounds to you, ive found in the last two days that its true!![/li][/ul]</p>

<p>woahhh i got in!</p>

<p>can't wait to meet all of you at CPW</p>

<p>drop me an IM at saracampbellsoup</p>

<p>(yayyy, somebody from the roster posting a decision.)</p>

<p>JSuresh man, I'm glad for you! Congrats.</p>

<p>*Decision: ACCEPTED! *</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2310 combined
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Bio M, 790 Math 2c, 780 Chem, 800 Chinese, 730 Lit
[<em>] GPA: 4.0
[</em>] Rank: 2/376
[<em>] Other stats: ACT 35
[</em>] Essays: Ben wrote me a note on my letter saying congrats and that he loved my essay!
[<em>] Teacher Recs: There was only one, correct? It was a very good one, my fav. teacher.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Pretty good as well.
[<em>] Hook (if any): uhhh... not really. I also sent in a DVD of me performing my traditional chinese musical instrument called the "guzheng"...
[</em>] State or Country: GA - my interviewer said no one from South GA and Southern SC has gotten into MIT in years and years!!
[<em>] School Type: public, I'm in the magnet section of it
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors:[list]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Academic Team/Academic Decathlon/Science Olympiad/Math Team Captain, Natnl Honor Society Officer 2x, Science Fair at State/Regional, some other smaller things</p>

<p>[li] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: ... I don't know! Seriously, no one is more surprised than me. All my friends tell me "I told you so" or "I knew it" but really, I've been in shock for the past hour. I guess I have a strong academic record, and a combination of good essays/recs. I dont think my honors/awards are that wonderful because there are none at the Internationl or really national level, but my love for MIT showed through the app, it seems.</p>[/li]
<p>[*] Other thoughts: I'm so happy I've been crying. Other MITers who have been accepted, AIM me at mydeareverafter! =)</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

SAT: 730 M, 740 W, 790 CR
SAT IIs: 770 Bio, 650 Chem, 670 MathIIC
GPA: 97.xx%
Rank: 1/104
Other stats: 5 on Bio and 3 on Calc.</p>

<p>Essays: ?
Teacher Recs: ?
Counselor Rec: Fine
Hook (if any): one of Rec letters from XXXX Director at MIT</p>

State or Country: VT
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Other Factors:
Extracurriculars: ski, some regional awards
Other thoughts: ?</p>

<p>Congratulations to those who have been accepted by MIT......</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted!</p>

[<em>] SAT: 800M,800CR,700W
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 IIc, 800 Chem, 780 Bio-M
[<em>] GPA: 3.75 uw, 4.08 W
[</em>] Rank: doesn't rank
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: I liked em.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: One I assume to be quite good, one pretty good.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: She serves 400 kids, doesn't know me very well.
[<em>] State or Country: Orinda, CA (Miramonte)
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: White/Asian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[<em>] Extracurriculars: Running (and construction associated with running)
[</em>] Other thoughts: SO happy right now. Listening to Mogwai's leaked "Mr. Beast" and so happy.[/ul]</p>