Official MIT 2010 EA Decision Thread

<p>Ah well, all is not lost. I expect a lot more cc admittances RD!</p>

<p>Dude - that's a lie. If you added up this thread, I bet more than 12% of CCers got in. It's statistically higher.</p>

<p>I agree with Spartan, there is way more than 1/8 people getting in on CC even though I wasn't one of them.</p>

<p>well it's MIT still, you can't expect half the CCers to get in. We definitely have a higher percentage.
hey fellow middle-of-no-where-GAer, itbecause</p>

<p>Well, why not. It's the "official" decision thread," so... =p</p>

<p>Decision: Deferred</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2400
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800IIC, 770 Physics, 770 Latin
[<em>] GPA: 99.6 (?) (It's weighted)
[</em>] Rank: 2/84
[<em>] Other stats: I don't know?
[</em>] Essays: I don't know.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: I don't know.
[</em>] Counselor Rec: I don't know.
[<em>] Hook (if any): I don't know. Heh, I'm being useful, aren't I? :)
[</em>] State or Country: MA
[<em>] School Type: Uh, small town?
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:
[</em>] Extracurriculars: No sports, but a few I'm interested in
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: I don't know, but I bet the MIT admissions comittee does.
[</em>] Other thoughts: Wasn't unexpected, but I rather would have liked a tube with confetti. Oh well. Maybe better luck RA? Congrats to everyone who got a tube...with confetti =)

<p>And by the way, is a cool domain name. And let's start using #da0 (or #ddaa00) for deferral color, okay? Yellow is such a poor contrast choice :)</p>

<p>use orange instead</p>

<p>One of my additional essays is about how I am writing a epistolary novel in the style of Jane Austen (I included an excerpt).
I think that if I hadn't written about my literary side, I wouldn't have gotten in. However trite it may seem, I think well-roundedness is a big help, in addition to math/science fortes.</p>

<p>I'm too lazy to post my stats
But I was also Deferred</p>

<p>goodluck Regular round guys.</p>

<p>Some of us will make it!

<p>[size=+1]Decision: ~Deferred~<a href="Called%20and%20received%20the%20thinvelope%20today">/size</a></p>

[<em>] SAT: 2130 (770M 700W 660CR)
[</em>] SAT IIs: 750 (Physics), 780 (2c), 660 (US History)
[<em>] GPA: 4.325 W; 3.908 UW
[</em>] Rank: Not ranked. Probably top 5%
[<em>] APs taken: Comp Sci AB (4), English Language (all juniors at my school take this) (4), Calc BC (5), Physics B (5)
[</em>] APs this year: Macro/Micro Economics, Physics C - Mechanics, Statistics
[<em>] Essays:
Optional "something you've created" essay about a pendulum clock I built entirely out of wood (even the gears) - I really liked it
Dreams and aspirations essay about robotics research and flying. I thought the clock essay was better.
Short essay (fun) on diving
Short essay (which dept at MIT...) on aerospace engineering
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Didn't see them. Probably excellent ones from both my calc BC teacher and my 10th grade history/AP Econ teacher. I successfully petitioned the school to let him teach macro/micro this year instead of just macro, so he probably wrote about that.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Excellent. We're like this crosses fingers</em>
[<em>] Hook (if any): robotics research (Intel STS applicant); private pilot; 1337 h4xor ;)
[</em>] State or Country: California
[<em>] School Type: Private/Jewish
[</em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[<em>] Gender: Male
Other Factors:*[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: robotics research and flying (above), president of Tech Club, . . . __()-o <--scuba diver (Master, rescue, nitrox)
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: Other people said my (main) essay was great, but I didn't really like it.
[</em>] Other thoughts: I'm not as bummed as I thought I'd be. I knew the odds, and was kind of expecting this. I don't think I'll get in ED, but we'll see in a few months. There'll be other opportunities.

<p>what do u mean by 1337 h4x0r? you hack or something?</p>

what do u mean by 1337 h4x0r? you hack or something?


<p>lol it's just a joke. c'mon guys it's not the end of the world. </p>


<p>Update: oh now I see what you mean... I had it in there twice. My bad.</p>

Accepted (17) kangatarts, Pr0Digy, Stasterisk, Mangopeachie, Jsuresh, SaraCampbellSoup, TheRestisSilence, Zeningchen, Spartan Pho3nix, Doc37, Homebuddy, tetrahedr0n, sadoian, ravenna, danielsuo, philpoleon, itbecauseimwhite</p>

<p>Deferred (31) ctgirl, atomicfusion, cowsgomu, asiaknight, maverach, namkin, brian-mc, merudh123, frankthetank314159, edy<em>42, Gra, Stripedsweater, imiracle911, salank310, kyt, vu</em>preuss<em>06,williams22. lizzardfire, me?, stephenP, cujoe169, walking with a ghost, hamster, rice</em>boy, lumber777, globber, liliachencko, chaneda, zoogies, abeautifulmistake, czarderivative.</p>

<p>35.4% acceptance rate. Pretty high. MIT didn't defer all of CC.</p>

<p>hey, add me to the accepts list!
Decision: Accepted</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2100 (680M 730V 690W) in one & only sitting
[</em>] SAT IIs: 760(Math 1) 680(Math2) 600(Spanish :() 720(Physics) 710(Chemistry)
[<em>] GPA: 93.3ish/100 no weighing
[</em>] Rank: n/a
[<em>] Other stats: 4 on AP Spanish, National Merit commended
[</em>] Essays: overall GOOD :)
[<em>] Teacher Recs: one was crap/generic, the other must've been GREAT
[</em>] Counselor Rec: good, giving real insight into my home situation
[<em>] Hook (if any): almost-first generation, low income, hispanic, live with single mom former junkie/alcoholic.. but she's clean now :)
[</em>] State or Country:New York
[<em>] School Type: Specialized public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Hispanic
[<em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Columbia Science Honors Program, lots of tutoring, artist for school newspaper and yearbook
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: I put my heart into that application. I detailed every one of my interests, and even creating a website showing my artwork just for MIT. Nothing was forgotten.
[</em>] Other thoughts: just happy happy happy

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED!</p>

[<em>] SAT: 2210 on new, best comp 1530
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Math IIC, 780 Physics, OWNED on Chem
[<em>] GPA: 3.96 out of 4.0
[</em>] Rank: 23 out of 900+
[<em>] Other stats: National Merit, AP's were basically split between 4's and 5's but I had explanations for those, AIME all 3 years, various math competitions
[</em>] Essays: I think my big one was pretty unique and good :D
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Both were awesome
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Also awesome
[<em>] Hook (if any): Siemens Westinghouse Team Bronze Medal/Regional Finalist in 11th, Indiv. Semifinalist in 12th, basically did research every summer
[</em>] State or Country: Indiana
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors:[ul]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: Lots, Pres. Math Club, Pres. Chinese Culture Club, VP Key Club, VP Science Olympiad, NHS, too much to list (but yes I did work hard in every one!)
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: Siemens + more rigorous schedule than available
[</em>] Other thoughts: I can finally RELAX! Good luck to everyone! :)[/ul]</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED!</p>

SAT: 800 M, 730 CR, 700 W
SAT IIs: MathIIC 800, USHist 800, Bio 740, Chem 770
GPA: 4.0000 UW
Rank: 1/~150
Other stats: AMC 109, AIME embarrassing. 5 Calc, Bio, USHist. 4 Chem, 3 English a 3
Subjective: Siemens-Westinghouse semis, ISEF, etc.</p>

<p>Essays: nice
Teacher Recs: half nice, half average
Counselor Rec: nice
Hook (if any): Uber-Political, met Matt twice, Interview great, science</p>

<p>State or Country: FL
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: stereotypical MITer...Asian
Gender: male
Other Factors: nope
Extracurriculars: Science, math, academic team captain, political clubs & organizations & activites, journalism, NASA intern, tutor little kids
Why I think I was accepted/deferred: Outreach to admissions
Other thoughts: wow</p>

<p>Decision: Deferred</p>

[<em>] Fee Waiver Used?: nope
[</em>] SAT I (by section): 800M, 690V, 700W
[<em>] SAT IIs: Math IIC(800), Korean(790), Physics (800)
[</em>] ACT: 34 (m/e/r/s: 36/35/30/36) essay: 10
[<em>] APs: Euro(4) Calc BC(5), Chem(5), Stats(5), Music Theory(5), USH(5), Psy(5), Micro Econ(5), Physics B(5),
[</em>] IBs: N/A
[<em>] GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: i guess about 3.8 UW?
[</em>] Rank: W: 7/350
[<em>] Senior Yr Courseload: AP Eng, AP Bio, AP CS AB, EPGY Mult. Var. Calc, Lifeguarding, Accounting, Band
[</em>] Number of Apps from Your School: 2 (one legacy; deferred)
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] ECs listed on app: Music (Clarinet, Milwaukee Symph. Youth Orch, Drum Major); Tennis (JV); R/C Planes; TARC founder; Church Youth Group
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: tutoring, Kumon grader/helper
[</em>] Essays (subject and responses):
[<em>] Teacher Recs: pretty/very good
[</em>] Counselor Rec: amazingly awesome
[<em>] Interview (feel and general location): eh...coulda been a bit better
[</em>] Hook (if any):
[<em>] State or Country: WI, USA
[</em>] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): top 5 public school in WI
[<em>] Ethnicity: Korean
[</em>] Income Bracket: average mid class
[<em>] Gender: M
[</em>] Strengths/Weaknesses: National AP Scholar? Random research. Jumping English class levels from 3rd highest to the highest during HS career.<br>
[li] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/denied: hm. just ok essays, interview, etc.[/li][/ul]
Other Factors:
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I have faith in the RD round!</p>

<p>so so far, 5.3% (20) of the accepted EA applicants are on CC</p>

<p>Decision: Deferred</p>

[<em>] Fee Waiver Used?: no
[</em>] SAT I (by section): Math: 720, CR: 770, Writing: 710
[<em>] SAT IIs: Bio M: 750, Math 2: 800, Lit: 690
[</em>] ACT: 34
[<em>] APs: Eng. Lang and Comp: 4
[</em>] IBs: N/A
[<em>] GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: No weighted; 3.933 unweighted
[</em>] Rank: 15/273
[<em>] Senior Yr Courseload: Biology II, Chemistry, College Composition, Calculus, Cabinet/Leadership (student council), Journalism II, Advanced Acting
[</em>] Number of Apps from Your School: 1
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] ECs listed on app: Journalism, Student Council, Academic Team, Theatre, Math Team
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: occasional graphic design work
[</em>] Essays (subject and responses): Essay A: talked about how clumsy I am and laughing at my falls instead of feeling bad about them. Free Time: lying on my bed thinking (or taking naps). Department: Aero/Astro and how I've always followed spaceflight.
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Calc teacher (great), bio teacher (great), English teacher (unsure)
[</em>] Counselor Rec: No idea.
[<em>] Interview (feel and general location): Didn't feel that great about it at the time, but felt a little better later on. Still think it didn't help me any.
[</em>] Hook (if any): <em>shrug</em> I never understood the whole "hook" thing anyway.
[<em>] State or Country: MO, USA
[</em>] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Public, ~1200 students, very few ever apply outside of MO
[<em>] Ethnicity: Filipino (half)
[</em>] Income Bracket: middle-ish (Mom's the only real source of income, but she makes a decent amount)
[<em>] Gender: male
[</em>] Hooks: see above
[<em>] Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths: many experiences; Weaknesses: maybe not enough focus
[</em>] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/denied: Perhaps I didn't seem to have focused on any particular field. Who really knows?
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Time to reload and send out some supplementals and another couple of apps.</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED!!!</p>

[<em>] SAT: 800 CR, 790 M, 720 W
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800 Biology-M, 800 Chemistry, 790 Math IIC, 800 Chinese
[<em>] GPA: 99.7/100
[</em>] Rank: 1/376
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: main-I took a risk and wrote about my biggest weakness...I really regretted it several weeks later, but I guess it worked!; #2-website designing; #3- research
[<em>] Teacher Recs: absolutely amazing
[</em>] Counselor Rec: amazing
[<em>] Hook (if any):
[</em>] State or Country: Georgia (nobody from my area has gotten into MIT in years!!!)
[<em>] School Type: public-magnet
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors:[list]
[</em>] Extracurriculars: National Honor Society (vice pres); Science Olympiad (captain); Math Team; Marine Science Club; Armstrong Atlantic Youth Orchestra (first violin)
[<em>] Why I think I was accepted/deferred: I really don't know!! Maybe my research? Maybe because I went to ISEF? But other than that, I have no uber amazing awards. And I'm not in that many activities. Perhaps they just saw from my app that I really really really love MIT!!! =D
[</em>] Other thoughts: I actually found out in the school parking lot. I called home on Tues afternoon to ask my mom if the mail had arrived yet. She said, "Yes, it was delivered to the door because the package was too big for the mailbox." I freaked out!!!! I went completely crazy and jumped out of my car and screamed to my friends that I got in to MIT!!! My voice was shaking when I said those three beautiful letters.</p>

<p>AIM: oopsiesgrl</p>

<p>I got deferred...we'll see what happens RD.</p>