***Official MIT RD Results/Discussion Class of 2021***

Haven’t seen a thread for this with decisions coming out a month from now so here is the official thread for MIT class of 2021 Regular Decision applicants. MIT will announce their decisions online on March 14th Pi Day as usual… Good luck to Everyone!

Remove spaces when you post:

[ size=4][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted **[/color][/size]
[ size=4][ color=orange][ b]Decision: Deferred **[/color][/size]
[ size=4][ color=red][ b]Decision: Rejected **[/color][/size]

[ b]Objective:[/b
SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay):
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay):
ACT (breakdown):
ACT superscore (breakdown):
SAT II (subject, score):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Weighted GPA:
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parentheses):
IB (place score in parentheses):
Senior Year Course Load:
Number of other EA applicants in your school:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.):
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.):

[ b]Subjective:**

Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community Service:
Summer Experience:

[ b]Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):**


Teacher Recommendation #1:
Teacher Recommendation #2:
Counselor Rec:
Additional Info/Rec:
Art Supplement:

[ b]Other**

Date Submitted App:
U.S. State/Territory or Country:
School Type:
Income Bracket Range:
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athelete, development):

[ b]Reflection**

Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:
What would you have done differently?:
Where else did you apply?

[ b]Other Factors: **

[ b]General Comments & Advice:**

Less than an hour to go. Good Luck everyone!

half an hour left. . . I’m just going to fill out a rejected form so I don’t waste time thinking about it.

btw @tawhidkhn63 you never changed the deferred text to waitlisted

@LookAtThisNet Lol you should not say things like that.


@ManaManaWegi lets hope you keep that color lol

**Decision: Rejected **

ACT-35C one sitting (36E, 34M, 35R, 35S, 24W)
SAT II’s: Math II (780), MBio (740), Physics (730)
Unweighted GPA: 3.65
Weighted GPA: 4.14
Rank: School doesn’t rank, but I would guess only top 25% because i didn’t take competitive classes until junior year
AP’s taken: Bio (4), Eng Language (4)
Senior Courses- AP Latin 4, AP Physics C, AP Literature, AP Calc BC, AP Micro/Macro, Science and Religion, History of Los Angeles

Major Awards (USAMO, intel, etc…): no major awards
-Various awards for high scoring on National Latin Exams and Junior Classical League state convention tests

-11-12 Stage Crew of theatre program, I run one of the followspots
-11-12 club lacrosse team, we play against varsity level teams and other clubs

-9-12 President of the Gamer's Club, we discuss gaming in popular culture and professions in gaming industries, became president in 12th grade

Job Experience:
-9-12 Not sure if this would count but ran an ebay shop selling electronics to pay for my high school tuition
-10-12 PayPal reconciliation, reconciling PayPal payments with their invoices

-9-12 Service at dog adoption clinic, walking, feeding, answering questions about dogs
-12 Tutoring and daycare at a k-8 catholic school
-12 I spent a month out of school to volunteer at a school helping the teacher and students. I still had morning classes and some afternoon classes.
-10 Community service trip to new Orleans with school, various works (cleaning garden for sisterhood, cleaning school for new year, cleaning horse stables for horse sanctuary)
-9 high school placement test tutoring, tutoring 7th and 8th graders in math, english, vocab for a placement test

Teacher Recommendations: AP Bio teacher and Latin teacher. Chose AP Bio teacher cus fun class and was most recent teacher for rec writing time. Chose latin teacher because have had her for 4 years and excellent relationship.
Counselor Rec: He said he spent the most time on mine, so I hope it will be good. I have an excellent relationship with him, I talk to him the most about college and issues and I always bring him a sample of the desserts I make for classes.

-mit i talk about cooking, dog adoptions, struggling with social skills, taking risks from video games, and materials engineering. Tried to show my passion for my ECs

prospective major: Materials Science and Engineering
Strengths: Test scores, STEM classes, taking the most advanced courses available to me senior year
Weaknesses: English (straight B from 10-11 grade while i was getting A or A- in every other subject), Theology (B+ avg),
no crazy amazing EC just the stuff that i am personally passionate about, GPA for reach schools
State: CA
School Type: Private religious
Ethnicity: African American
Sex: Male
Income Bracket: 200k
Hooks: none

[ b]Reflection**

Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: low objective stats like gpa and no stem ec’s which i heard were “very important”
What would you have done differently?: nothing really, I don’t find stem extracurriculars interesting and I don’t think I could’ve done anything to improve my grade
Where else did you apply? In at UCLA,UCSD,SLO,CPP,GaTech,CSUF. Waiting on Columbia, CMU,BU, and northeastern but I don’t think I would go to any of those over SLO



  • SAT II: Math II 800, Chemistry 790
  • ACT: 36 (one sitting)
  • GPA: 4.0 UW
  • Rank: 1
  • Other Tests (AMC, AP, IB): AP CS, Calc AB & BC, US History 5. Perfect score on APCS.
  • Misc: Took classes junior/senior year at state university.

Essays: Not stellar, but I felt like they were good
Interview: Amazing. Interviewer said I was the perfect student for MIT.
Teacher Recs: Good.
Counselor Rec: Probably good.
Hook(recruited athlete, legacy, Nobel Prize): None.

High School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male

Extracurriculars: Speech, Debate, Quiz Bowl 4 years. Taught a programming class at the middle school.
Awards: 4x speech national qualifier, state speech finalist, state debate quarterfinalist. National Merit finalist.

Omg ok, I wasn’t rejected BUT there was no space!!! I can’t omg :))

So you were waitlisted? @greeneandh

Nope! just said I couldn’t be admitted because all spaces were filled to the max limit :open_mouth:

Decision: Rejected

SAT I (breakdown): 1590 total; 790 CR+W, 800 Math
ACT (breakdown): 35C; 36E, 35M, 34R, 35S
SAT II: 800s Math II, Chem, USH
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.7037 (4.72 as of 7th semester)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 13/251 (15/254 as of 7th semester)

AP (place score in parenthesis): World History (4), Music Theory (5 overall, 5 nonaural, 4 aural), Chemistry (5), Calc AB (5), Literature (5), Seminar (4), U.S. History (5), Physics 1 (4)

IB (place score in parenthesis): none offered

Senior Year Course Load: French IV, Honors Comp Sci I, JROTC IV, AP Lang, AP Physics 2, AP Calc BC, AP U.S. Government

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Semifinalist, National AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, ACS Chemistry Olympiad 1st Place in Region Tests Level 1&2, Beta Club Membership Selection

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):

Old-Time Fiddle for 8 years-won school talent show, 3rd place in state youth fiddle contest, some
ensembles (submitted arts portfolio)

JROTC since 9th grade (C/LTC & Battalion Commander-highest position in program, numerous
lesser positions) - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry JROTC Award, Superior Cadet Award,
attended JCLC

Junior Civitans since 7th grade (Club Pres, District PRC, Club PRC, Club Secretary) - 2013 District
Female Junior Civitan of the Year

Pulsar Search Collaboratory since July 2016 (School Club Founder/President) - attended 2016
PSC Camp in Green Bank, WV, founded school Club for research, training, education etc

Biography published by WV Division of Culture and History in WV Veterans Memorial Archive
Database spring 2016 (coauthor)

Private fiddle teacher: half hour per week since September teaching son of my dad’s friend

Job/Work Experience: aforementioned private fiddle teacher

Volunteer/Community service: 650+ between JROTC and JCivs (that MIT knows of)

Summer Activities: PSC Camp 2016, Vandalia Gathering Fiddle Contest, JCLC, Steve Kaufman’s Acoustic Kamp, Appalachian String Band Music Festival (Clifftop), travel, Camp Luther (church camp)

Essays (rating 1-10, details): 5-8/10, depending on the prompt. Looking back, some of them are kinda boring and off-putting but they’re completely honest and represent me. I didn’t write the Part 1 cultural essay btw.

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #1: 8/10 English teacher, had me for AP Literature junior year. I was one of 2-3 kids
she had last year that got 5s. Knows me pretty well and probably a good writer. Likes me a lot,
although we might have butted heads a little bit in class. She liked that I contributed to the
discussion and stuff I think but obviously I couldn’t read it so I don’t know how good it is.

Teacher Rec #2: 9/10 AP Chem teacher junior year (my intended major is Chem). Loves me but
doesn’t know me reaaallly well on a personal level. I’ve heard that he uses my work as answer
keys in class and he’s said that he’s had one other student of my caliber, and that student went
to MIT (I got deferred though lololololol). Also loves me for the ACS Olympiad stuff we did last
year. Plus overall he’s a teddy bear to everyone, but again I don’t actually know what he put.

Counselor Rec: 6-7/10? I don’t know my counselor very well, but she seems to really like me. On
the one hand, she’s realllly old and kinda crazy, but on the other hand she’s been doing this
college stuff for so long that she seems to know her stuff. She interviewed me for an hour or so
to help her write the recommendation.

Additional Rec: none

Interview: 6.5/10? It wasn’t spectacular, but it was ok I guess. Just kinda weird because my interviewer was in his 70s-80s probably and asked me to interview at his house, then asked my mom to wait in the other room (she heard the whole interview) and asked her to come in later when we discussed MIT. She kept trying to brag on me, which was embarrassing. I brought a list of my activities because I thought it might help/he would like it, and he basically just read straight down the list, asking me to elaborate. I don’t think I connected with him the way my friends who also had him did. (and there were more weird things but this is getting long…)

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Chemistry
State (if domestic applicant): WV
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: best public high school in state, but that’s not saying much since it’s WV
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: pretty up there? We don’t live in a gated community or anything but it’s high
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none. WV and female in STEM might be bonuses though.

Strengths: GPA, test scores, leadership/community service/ECs?
Weaknesses: no big draws, no big awards, non-stellar essays, ECs, and recs…basically everything
Why you think you were deferred: above strength/weaknesses…also it’s MIT so I mean what can you expect lol
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: so far Accepted WVU Honors, Ohio State, Case Western Reserve U, deferred UChicago

General Comments: This is really long but I just copy/pasted what I wrote when I got deferred. When I was deferred, my counselor told me that I didn’t seem like I belonged at MIT personality-wise, and at this point I kinda agree. This may sound cheesy, but everything happens for a reason and if you don’t get into the “school of your dreams” I’m sure it’s because they recognized you would be happiest elsewhere! Good luck from here on out everyone :slight_smile:

**Decision: Rejected **

SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 780/760/19
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay):
ACT (breakdown):
ACT superscore (breakdown): C:35 ; E:34; M:35; S:35; R:36
SAT II (subject, score): Physics (800), Math 2 (800), World History (790)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.55
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/400, though I’m a junior right now, and they’re supposed to remove class ranking next year.
AP (place score in parentheses): Self-Studied five of them, taken 9. All 5’s.
Freshman: Stats, Calc BC (SS), Computer Science (SS), Human Geography
Sophomore: Physics C: Mech, Physics C: E+M (SS); Psychology (SS); World History, Macroeconomics (SS)

IB (place score in parentheses):N/A
(Junior) Year Course Load: APUSH; AP Lang; AP Chemistry; Mandarin 3; Stanford Online Modern Physics Course (Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics)

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): USA Computing Olympiad Gold; USA Physics Olympiad Semifinalist; First place in state C-Stem Robotics contest;
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): President of school programming club; President of school Chess club; District Chess Champion; Will qualify for National Merit Finalist next year…

I’ve taken some courses at UCI as well. My UC GPA is a 3.9.

Multivariable Calculus; Linear Algebra; Differential Equations; Abstract Algebra; Physics: Optics/Waves/Fluids;


Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Varsity Sailing team; Non-profit; First Robotics Team;
Job/Work Experience: None besides my non-profit
Volunteer/Community Service: Started a non-profit foundation (501c3) with my friend to establish after school coding classes at local elementary schools. We’ve expanded to over 5 schools so far, and have set up clubs at other high schools nearby where they go out and do the same.

Summer Experience: My non-profit. Competitive sailing race team, (40-60 hrs/week). Took classes at UCI in 2014.

Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):

What You Do For Pleasure: 10/10 wrote about sailing
Department at MIT: 6/10, wrote about physics and UROP
Trait Most Proud Of:
World You Come From: 7/10
Significant Challenge: 8/10
Additional Essay/QB Essays:
Other (teacher’s subject, 1-10 rating, details):

Teacher Recommendation #1: Didn’t read; Probably great, had this teacher for 3 years.
Teacher Recommendation #2: Didn’t read; Probably great, I was her best physics student in years
Counselor Rec: Didn’t read
Additional Info/Rec:
Interview: (9/10). Interviewer was exactly like me. Did the exact same stuff in high school and we talked about our similar passions, and fun hacks we’ve pulled off.
Art Supplement:


Date Submitted App:
U.S. State/Territory or Country: CA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White/Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket Range: >1%
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athelete, development): No real recruitment pull, but talked with the sailing coach and he wrote a letter to the admissions office for me.


Strengths: Scores; Non-Profit focused on STEM community service; Advance College Coursework; Olympiad awards
Weaknesses: No out of this world achievements. Applying early as a high school Junior. Asian from California.
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:
What would you have done differently?: Spent more time on essays.
Where else did you apply? Harvard, Stanford, Harvey Mudd

**Other Factors: **

General Comments & Advice: Wrote this before I got my decision to remove biases. MIT is a tough school, and there’s pretty much a lottery at some point.

Addendum: Now I’m really disappointed. I was the most qualified applicant at our school, but others got in. I think my age became a huge factor.

Decision: Accepted
originally deferred from EA

ACT: 35 composite. 36 english, 35 reading, 35 science, 33 math
SAT II: 750 biology E, 740 math 2
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 5.5
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1st out of 500
AP: World history (5), US history (5), english lang&comp (5), psychology (5), Italian (4)…I am currently taking lots of STEM APs but these aren’t available at my school until senior year so my scores so far are very humanities-heavy
IB: school doesn’t offer any
Senior Year Course Load: hardest classes available except for English (taking an honors course but not AP) including doubling up on math classes and an engineering course. 4 APs in total, everything else honors
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Jack Kent Cooke National Scholarship Semifinalist (finalists TBA in april)
Common Awards: Harvard Book Award, several school-wide academic awards, AP scholar, county science research competition, quiz bowl national semifinalist, math team state qualifier
Non-academic awards: a few figure skating medals

Extracurriculars: captain of quiz bowl team (we won second place nationally my junior year), head editor of school newspaper, math team, feminism club (heavily community-service based), figure skating
Job/Work Experience: I had a full-time job one summer and am currently on my second part-time school year job
Volunteer/Community Service: tutoring, volunteered with a state senatorial campaign during election season
Summer Activities: summer abroad (not a vacation–I got a scholarship for a cultural exchange program with homestay and everything), full time job, research internship
Essays: some were very strong but others were definitely my weak points. I’m a very strong writer but thematically i feel like only half were great
Teacher Recommendations: didn’t read either but can infer
Rec 1: humanities–10/10 excellent. Had him for 2 years & was only motivated kid in class. He thought very highly of me
Rec 2: STEM–probably would have been excellent if he hadn’t waited until the weekend before due date to write it. Still could have been very good (Im one of his best students) but idk since I haven’t read it
Counselor Rec: she likes me but doesn’t have experience writing recs for top schools like MIT. Was probably cheesy and just like everything else MIT reads, but written with good intentions
Additional Rec: Fantastic rec from research mentor to go with supplement I submitted
Interview: Went very well, clicked with interviewer and they seemed impressed

Applied for Financial Aid? yes
Intended major: materials science & engineering
State (if domestic applicant): NY
School Type: public school
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Income Bracket: 60,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): research experience

Strengths: grades, rank, independent research project, lots of leadership positions
Weaknesses: some essays could have been better, SAT subject tests are on the low side
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I was initially deferred from early decision and I think what pushed me from a maybe to a yes was adding things to my app. I’ve often heard that they defer kids they want to see do a little something more, and that seems true in my case. I was able to add 3 new achievements (spearheading a community service project, a research award, and making semifinalist for a nationwide scholarship contest) and I think that last push helped put me in the accepted pile.

@greeneandh if you weren’t waitlisted, then you were rejected. did they explicitly offer you a spot on the waitlist? if not, then you were rejected. my rejection message says that there wasnt enough space.

**Decision: Accepted **

SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 2340 (750/790/800/10)
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): n/a (took it once)
SAT II (subject, score): 790 Math II, 790
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.97
Weighted GPA: ~4.6
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 8 of 849
AP (place score in parentheses): Human Geo (5), World History (5), English Lang (5), Chem (4), Bio (5), English Lit (4), US History (5), Calc BC (5)
IB (place score in parentheses): SL Psych (6)
Senior Year Course Load: IB English HL, IB Math HL, IB History of the Americas HL, IB Spanish SL, IB Physics SL, AP Art History
Number of other EA applicants in your school: I have no idea
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): haha none
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): AP scholar, the usual (nothing too important)

Extracurriculars : They’re my weak point. Math Club Treasurer, Astronomy Club, Garden Club, Readers Club, “Math Team” Member, babysitting brothers (one is severely autistic), helping with my mom’s business sometimes…,learning piano (just for fun)
Summer Experience: COSMOS UCSD, staying at home

**Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):
Essays: I thought they were pretty meh but maybe they thought otherwise?
Teacher Recommendation #1: Good
Teacher Recommendation #2: Good
Counselor Rec: Good
Additional Info/Rec: n/a
Interview: Meh
Art Supplement: n/a

U.S. State/Territory or Country: CA
School Type: Big public school with IB
Ethnicity: Black/African American
Gender: Female
Income Bracket Range: 30-75k (I know that’s a big range)
Hooks : See above

Strengths: Scores, gpa
Weaknesses: Everything else
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I have no idea
What would you have done differently?: Nothing since i got in
Where else did you apply? Caltech (accepted ea), uchicago (accepted ea), harvey mudd, swarthmore, pomona, rice, UCs, etc.

General Comments & Advice:
Good luck everyone!

Decision: Rejected

SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 770/760 (1530, New)
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): Same as above
SAT II (subject, score): Math 2 (800), Bio e (770), Chem (770)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.87
Weighted GPA: 4.43
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5
AP (place score in parentheses): Physics 1 (5), Calc AB (5), Lang (5), Psychology (5), World History (3), Biology (4) Senior Year Course Load: AP Literature, AP Calc BC, AP Physics 2, AP Macroeconomics, Art (dual enrollment with my state’s technical institute)
Number of other EA applicants in your school: 2 (3 in total)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): Tons of Academic Decathlon medals (regional and state) along with some school awards
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): AP Scholar with Distinction

Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Taekwondo, boy scouts, club president of technology, cocapitan of Frisbee team, academic decathlon
Job/Work Experience: Free tutoring
Volunteer/Community Service: Volunteer at a hospital and library
Summer Experience: I took summer courses at my high school summer 2015, had an research internship at a local college, lots of independent math stuff, taught myself guitar

Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):
What You Do For Pleasure: (8, Rubik’s Cubes)
Department at MIT: (8, wrote about the math department)
World You Come From: (7)
Significant Challenge: (8, how i didn’t get into honors biology)
Additional Essay/QB Essays: i wish lol

Other (teacher’s subject, 1-10 rating, details):
Teacher Recommendation #1: AP Physics teacher, 10/10, he writes amazing recs, lknown me for a long time¯
Teacher Recommendation #2: AP Psychology, 8/10, an MIT grad himself, very dry but i was a good student in his class
Counselor Rec: 5/10, super generic
Interview: good

Date Submitted App: 10/27
U.S. State/Territory or Country: California
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket Range: 250k+
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athlete, development): asian male (just kidding)

Strengths: test scores and quirkiness
Weaknesses: other people at my school and around the country were better than me
Why you were accepted/deferred/rejected: have a feeling it’s because someone at my school was admitted and i guess they don’t take too many from one school
What would you have done differently?:nothing
Where else did you apply?: caltech (rejected), stanford, rice, ucberkeley, ucla, Ucsd (accepted), harvey mudd, usc

General Comments & Advice: I wish I was rejected early instead of deferred. It sucks especially when your best friend got in, but stuff happens. Only one person got in at our school out of 5.

Sister got admitted today.
**Decision: Accepted **
Course 6 EECS
SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): 1510 (710 V, 800 M)
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): took once
ACT (breakdown): 35
ACT superscore (breakdown): took once
SAT II (subject, score): 800 Chemistry, 800 Math 2
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.7/4.8
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Doesn’t rank but definitely top 5% unofficially
AP (place score in parentheses): Calc BC, Physics 1, Language, Stats, Bio, Chem (5), US History (3)
IB (place score in parentheses):
Senior Year Course Load: MV Calc, Linear Algebra, AP Literature, AP Physics C, AP Macro, AP Psych, some other fun classes
Number of other EA applicants in your school: the interviewer told her at least 20. 2 were admitted through EA.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): High-School Girls’ Swimming All-American Consideration award x2
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): National Merit Semifinalist, National AP Scholar,


Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Lots and lots of swim, swim job, some research that didn’t have high impact.
Job/Work Experience: Swim instructor
Volunteer/Community Service: NHS minimum hours
Summer Experience: Swimming swimming swimming * 345678765

Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):

Essays: Answered the prompt and were clear. Definitely not amazing

Teacher Recommendation #1: Great but not amazing
Teacher Recommendation #2: Great but not amazing
Counselor Rec: Probably generic
Additional Info/Rec: Coach’s support from MIT
Interview: According to her went well
Art Supplement:


Date Submitted App: Very close to the deadline but not sure
U.S. State/Territory or Country: Midwest US
School Type: Large Public (~4000)
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: F
Income Bracket Range: Upper Middle Class
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athlete, development): Big hook on recruited athlete.


Strengths: Swimming was the tipping factor. High academic index.
Weaknesses: not a standout by any other means
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Swimming
What would you have done differently?: I don’t think she would’ve done anything differently.
Where else did you apply?
CMU CS(athletic support), UChicago (some athletic support), UIUC CS(Accepted), Princeton (deferred SCEA, no athletic support)

**Other Factors: **
REALLY late recruit. Originally, the questionnaire told her that she was not fast enough to be recruited. Had a big time drop in November and started talking again in December. Also, everyone says that MIT recruiting has little impact on the committee’s decisions, but I really think this was big enough to sway the committee from rejecting her to accepting her.

General Comments & Advice:
Pick something you love to do, and stick to it. For her that was swimming. There is an element of luck here because that’s a really hard thing to find and stay committed to. Need to see financial aid but MIT was her top choice so she had a great Pi day! :slight_smile:

**Decision: Rejected **


ACT (breakdown): 36 C (36 E 36 R 36 S 34 M, & 36 W)
SAT II (subject, score): 730 Chem and 710 Math II
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/60
AP (place score in parentheses): Chem (5), Lang (5), Gov (5), Euro (5)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Bio, AP Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Spanish - although my course load doesn’t appear incredibly impressive, I will have taken all of the AP classes that my school offers
Number of other EA applicants in your school: 1
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): N/A
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): NM Finalist, AP Scholar, NHS, the usual


Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description): Varsity Tennis throughout high school, girl scouts, school medicine and service clubs, a lot of painting and visual arts, horseback riding
Job/Work Experience: Tutoring job at Kumon through junior year, gymnastics teacher during senior year
Volunteer/Community Service: Around 300 hours through church, arts programs, and equestrian work at a girl scout camp
Summer Experience: Intern at a girl scout camp, Gov school for computational physics

Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):

What you do for pleasure: 8, foreign films
Department: 5, decent essay but I wasn’t extremely passionate about MIT and I’m sure it came through
World you come from: 6, wrote on serious illness in the family, somewhat last-minute
Significant challenge: 8, a good essay on overcoming a stutter that I’ve used on MANY applications
Additional essay: I don’t think I wrote one

Teacher Recommendation #1: 9/10, AP Chem teacher whose class I did very well in and who knows my strengths
Teacher Recommendation #2: 9/10, AP Lit teacher who I’m very close to
Counselor Rec: 2/10, she uses the same form letter for every student, hoped this wouldn’t factor in much
Additional Info/Rec: Didn’t submit
Interview: 8/10, I teach his children and already knew him so it was somewhat biased
Art Supplement: Didn’t submit and should have


Date Submitted App: The last day?
U.S. State/Territory or Country: TN
School Type: Magnet
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Income Bracket Range: 70k
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athelete, development): None


Strengths: My essays flowed well, and my interview was excellent. My ACT score is good, but average for MIT.
Weaknesses: SAT II (took last minute and should’ve studied), counselor rec, a lack of interest in MIT for anything other than the name
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I wasn’t the best choice. It’s easy to point to superficial flaws - a counselor recommendation, my subject test scores, a lack of extremely impressive ECs - but I doubt that fixing any of those could have gained me admission. There were 1,000 or so kids who had more passion than I do, who fit better in that community, and who therefore deserved a spot more than I.
What would you have done differently?: I could’ve fixed a lot of the things on my application, could’ve been a leader more and had stronger extracurriculars, but I currently am of the opinion that what’s meant to be is meant to be, and MIT wasn’t meant to be.
Where else did you apply? Yale, uChicago, Princeton, Northwestern, Barnard, Wellesley, Tulane, JHU, Tufts, Vanderbilt, and state schools

**Other Factors: **
I’m not interested in engineering, and I’m not very tech-y.

General Comments & Advice:
To anyone who’s in this situation in the future, let yourself - your passions, your interests, your creativity - shine through, give MIT (or whatever school) a thorough and accurate picture of you, and then remember that their admissions counselors are extremely experienced and will choose the student that is not only the most qualified, but who fits the best. I’m upset at my rejection, but I’m also sure MIT isn’t the environment that’s best for me. In the same way, only a thousand students can be accepted, and it’s hard to feel too hurt about a rejection when remembering that an acceptance would be kicking out another student equally motivated and in love with MIT.

**Decision:Rejected **

SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay):
SAT I superscore (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay):
ACT (breakdown):33 E32 M35 R29 S34
ACT superscore (breakdown):33 E35 M35 R29 S34
SAT II (subject, score): Math II 800, Physics 710
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4
Weighted GPA: none
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/77
AP (place score in parentheses): Calc AB, Calc C (Both online)
IB (place score in parentheses):
Senior Year Course Load: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Genocide and Holocaust, AP Calc C, Cultures 1 and 2, band, orchestra,
Number of other EA applicants in your school:0
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.):
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): State finalist (math)WYSE academic challenge competition (advanced again this year with 1st overall at sectionals)
T-2nd physics regionals
IHSA solo and ensemble best of the day award tuba solo
semper fidelis award for musical excellence
other smaller things


Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description):Band: all grade levels, Tuba section leader
Orchestra:all 4, Cello section leader
Jazz band: all 4 years, Trombone section leader
Scholastic bowl: Captain 2 years
Politics club founder: 2 years
other more minor things

Job/Work Experience:Parents restaurant 6 hours a week since 2011 (not paid)
Volunteer/Community Service: tutoring after school ~3 hours/wk
Summer Experience: nothing major enough to type

Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):

Culture: I think it did a great job, lightheared, cultured, you could say
Pleasure: Loved it, wrote about Pokemon, really funny, lighthearted, good
Subject: Wrote about what makes Math great, why I like it so much
Helped community: talked about tutoring, how it affects me, others, why I think it’s important, I liked this one a lot, I liked all my essays
World came from: talked about my school, my town, my moving, my parents, all the things that make my home home
Challenge: talked about weight loss, 267 pounds to 196 pounds and ticking down, probably my second favorite essay, more central theme was how I’ve inspired my sister to do the same, showed great characteristics, I liked it a lot overall
Additional: Talked about why music was important to me, the community of excellent individuals, the people, a large theme of my app, make those groups excellent, it’s community that brought me to MIT

Teacher Recommendation #1:Can’t really rate it but I liked it a lot
Teacher Recommendation #2:not as good but still great
Counselor Rec: excellent
Additional Info/Rec:teacher from 6th grade, thought it would provide some different context, didn’t see though
Interview: good, not great, not my best, but still good, maybe great, hard to say, this is all near impossible to judge
Art Supplement: unfortunately none, what a fool am I


Date Submitted App: 12/31
U.S. State/Territory or Country:Illinois
School Type:Public, small, rural, 370 kids, no AP classes offered
Ethnicity: Middle eastern
Gender: Male
Income Bracket Range:30-35k
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athelete, development):First generation college student, rigor initiative in poor school, low opportunities in general and I’ve done well


Strengths:Context of application, initiative, risk taking, willpower, music, good character, prioritizing balance, I fit a lot of the things found here http://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/match
well, some more than others
Weaknesses:I wish I took more AP classes online, worked extra to pay for them (they aren’t subsidized well), music supplement, I really liked my app,
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I couldn’t tell you, its very difficult to explain, in fact impossible, I only post this in hopes that it may help someone in the future, as my context is different than the average MIT applicant’s (I don’t think the scores were a large factor)
What would you have done differently?:Simply pursued more knowledge, do what I did, only more, maybe, like I said, worked for cash and taken AP physics, chem, Calculus at college during high school who knows, submitted a music supplement, joined more music groups, went to external competitions, maybe founded more clubs, inspired more change whatever
Where else did you apply? Accepted: UIUC, University of Rochester
Waiting: Uchicago, Carleton, Grinnell, Princeton, Brown, Case Western, WashU

**Other Factors: **
the first Sat II math I submitted was a 650, but they got better scores shortly after so I don’t think it was a large factor

General Comments & Advice:
If anyone has any questions at all please message me. I would enjoy talking to any other hopefuls/rejects/admits it doesn’t matter.

Thoughts: So it’s upsetting, but it’s not deflating; in fact it may be the opposite. While I really wanted the opportunities MIT had for me, the avenues to learn, the great people (the community of students is what I wanted the most), the collaboration… rejection is a good kick in the butt. Yes, their were 1400 or so people the admissions team thought would be better additions to the class, no sugar coating required. Something I’m common in saying is that it’s often not those who are the smartest, the most opportune, the luckiest, the most privileged that are the most successful, it’s those with the most willpower, the best logical proof to themselves that what they do is good and fun and…

(but we must remember that those things that I said weren’t the only factors in success are big factors, it can’t be ignored)

If I have other thoughts I’ll just make another post. Again please message me if you have questions.